Does it Make Sense to Charge Smokers More?

Health insurance companies tend to charge a higher premium for people who smoke. Employers may impose a higher premium on workers who are smokers than they do for workers who are non-smokers. Does this make sense? This is a question many are asking right now. It is a rather controversial concept. Should people who smoke, or people who are obese, pay more for their health insurance premium than people who are healthier? Is it fair to impose a higher rate on a group of people who are less healthy than the others? Does the penalty really influence people to change … Continue reading

Space Heater Safety Tips from State Farm

Space heaters can make an overly chilly room into a warm and comfortable place for your family enjoy. It is very important to be careful about how you use your space heater. It is possible for a space heater to start a fire. State Farm has some space heater safety tips that you can use to keep your family safe. People purchase a space heater for two reasons. They want to make a room in their home a bit warmer, and they want to cut down on their heating bill. It is possible to warm up a room with the … Continue reading

South Carolina Votes Against State-Based Exchange

Quite some time ago, the Governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley, decided that her state would not create its own health insurance exchange. Now, the South Carolina House of Representatives have officially voted against a state-based exchange. People who live in the state will still have access to a federal exchange. In September of 2011, the South Carolina Department of Insurance received a federal Planning Grant of $1 million. The purpose of the money from a Planning Grant was to help a state begin working on a state-based health insurance exchange. The governor established the South Carolina Health Planning Committee … Continue reading

ACLU Ends Legal Challenge to Kansas Insurance Law

This is the end of a court case that had been going on for a very long time. The ACLU sued the state of Kansas over a law that would require health insurance companies to exclude coverage for abortion from policies. The case was scheduled to be heard in March. The settlement prevents the ACLU from raising the same claims in future cases. This particular insurance court case has been going on since 2011. The original judge assigned to the case passed away before the case could be heard. The case was passed to another judge, and then to a … Continue reading

Arizona Hospitals In Favor of Expanding Medicaid

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer announced that her state would expand its Medicaid program. The details of the plan are still being worked out. Even so, hospital executives are approving of the expansion of the Medicaid program. It would help them with the cost of uncompensated care. In a surprising move, Governor Jan Brewer, of Arizona, has decided that her state will expand its Medicaid program. According to the LA Times, Governor Brewer said that if Arizona didn’t accept the federal funding to expand its Medicaid program that other states would claim that funding. She also said: With this move, we … Continue reading

Ways to Save on Your Homeowners Insurance

Want to lower your homeowners insurance premiums? Of course, you do! No matter what you are currently paying, your life would be a little bit easier if your premium was lower. Compass Insurance Agency has some advice about things you can do that could result in a lower homeowners insurance premium. When it comes to insurance premiums, it is all about risk. Insurers want to find customers who are low risk. The reason comes down to cost. If your homeowners insurance company considers you to be a high risk, they will probably charge you a higher premium to compensate on … Continue reading

Washington Considers Reproductive Parity Act Bill

There are two bills that have been introduced to the legislature in the state of Washington. Together, the two are called the Reproductive Parity Act. The purpose of the bills is to help women maintain their current health insurance coverage when the state health insurance exchange opens in October of 2013. First, a little history. An earlier version of the bills that are collectively being called the Reproductive Parity Act passed the Washington House of Representatives in early 2012. The bill was called HB2330. The Washington Senate decided to vote against the possibility of hearing about, and then officially voting … Continue reading

OFIR Warns Michigan Drivers About Fake Auto Insurance

The Office of Financial and Insurance Regulation (OFIR) is warning Michigan drivers about the potential that they may have purchased a fraudulent auto insurance policy. An investigation revealed another situation where someone was intentionally selling fake car insurance to unsuspecting drivers. If you live in Michigan, you might want to go check your auto insurance policy to make sure its is real. Every state requires that drivers purchase auto insurance. People tend to look around for a policy that isn’t expensive, yet covers what it is supposed to cover. It is a good idea to do some “homework” and make … Continue reading

Massachusetts Considers Requiring Gun Liability Insurance

How can we prevent gun violence? One of the ideas that has been suggested by many people is to require gun owners to purchase liability insurance on their guns. Most of what I have read on this has been theoretical, until now. Massachusetts might actually require gun liability insurance. Shocked and saddened by the tragedy that happened in Newtown, Connecticut, people started writing, and blogging, and tweeting, their ideas about how to prevent gun violence. One of the ideas involved requiring gun owners to purchase liability insurance on all of their guns. I wrote a blog that compiled several people’s … Continue reading

What’s New at

If you haven’t visited recently, you will want to go back and take another look. There have been many changes made. Previously, the website was a resource to learn more about upcoming changes in insurance. It still is, but the focus has shifted to helping people get ready for the health insurance Marketplace. was specifically mentioned in a recent post by Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services. The post first appeared on, and also can be read at the White House Blog. The post is titled Countdown to Affordable Health Insurance. It has information about … Continue reading