New Jersey has Three Programs for Pregnant Women

Each state has its own Medicaid program. Every Medicaid program includes some coverage for women who are pregnant. The exact coverage can vary from one state to another. New Jersey has three Medicaid programs that cover women who are pregnant. Medicaid is a public, or government run, form of health insurance. It is designed to provide health insurance coverage for individuals and families who are low income and who cannot afford to buy a health plan from a private insurance company. Medicaid is funded, in part, by the federal government. It is also funded by the government of an individual … Continue reading

New Jersey has a Families and Children Program

Every state has a Medicaid program. A portion of that program is set aside to cover the health care needs of children. Often the program for kids is called CHIP. Sometimes, states rename it into something friendlier. In New Jersey, the CHIP program is called Families and Children. Medicaid is a public, or government run, form of health insurance. It is designed to provide health insurance coverage for individuals and families who are low income and who cannot afford to purchase a health plan from a private insurance company. Medicaid is funded, in part, by the federal government. It is … Continue reading

Things to Know About Medicaid in New Jersey

There is a Medicaid program in every state. Specific coverage and eligibility will vary from one state to the next. Here are some important things to know about the Medicaid program in New Jersey. Medicaid is a public, or government run, form of health insurance coverage. It is designed to cover individuals and families who are low income and who cannot afford to buy a health plan from a private insurance company. Medicaid gets some of its funding from the federal government. It also is funded by the government of an individual state. In New Jersey, Medicaid is administered by … Continue reading

Court Rules on Medicaid Funding in Indiana

This year, there have been a lot of lawsuits about whether or not it is legal for a state to exclude Medicaid funding from Planned Parenthood specifically because the organization provides abortions. Here is a brief review of what states have done this and the results of the lawsuits that were filed afterwards. Medicaid is a public, or government run, form of health insurance. It covers people who are low income, and who cannot afford to purchase a health plan from a private health insurance company. Medicaid includes coverage for women’s health care. This typically includes maternity coverage, family planning, … Continue reading

Two Court Cases About Medicaid With Different Outcomes

What happens when elected officials choose to “play politics” with Medicaid? No one wins. This is especially evident in situations that involve health care coverage for women who are low income. Recently, two different courts made opposite decisions that will directly affect the ability of women to access health care. Medicaid is a public, or government run, health insurance program. The federal government provides some of the funding for Medicaid. The government of an individual state also provides some funding for Medicaid. This program is designed to provide health insurance coverage for individuals and families who cannot afford to buy … Continue reading

Delaware has a Healthy Children Program

There is a Medicaid program in every state. The portion that covers children from low income families is often called CHIP. Some states will give it a friendlier name. In Delaware, CHIP is called Healthy Children. Medicaid is a public, or government run, form of health insurance. It is designed to provide health insurance coverage for individuals and families who are low income and who cannot afford to purchase a health insurance plan from a private company. Medicaid is funded, in part, by the federal government. It is also funded by the government of an individual state. The Delaware Medicaid … Continue reading

Information About Medicaid in Delaware

There is a Medicaid program in each and every state. Some states go out of their way to hide the basic information about Medicaid. Delaware, on the other hand, has one of the most informative, easy to read, websites that explains everything about their Medicaid program. Medicaid is a public, or government run form of health insurance. It is designed to provide health insurance coverage for individuals and families who are low income and who cannot afford to purchase a health plan from a private insurance company. Medicaid is funded, in part, by the federal government. It is also funded … Continue reading

MCHIP Covers Children and Pregnant Women

Every Medicaid program has a portion that is designed to specifically cover children. There is also a portion that covers women who are pregnant. In Maryland, MCHIP covers the health insurance needs of both of these groups. Medicaid is a public, or government run, form of health insurance. It is designed to cover individuals and families who are low income and who cannot afford to purchase a health plan from a private insurance company. Medicaid is partially funded by the federal government. It is also funded by the government of an individual state. In Maryland, the Medicaid program includes a … Continue reading

Maryland Has a Four Part Medicaid Program

The Medicaid program in Maryland is administered by the Maryland Department of Human Resources. Their website is very easy to navigate. Most of the information is on the same page and easy to scroll through. There is a main program, a CHIP, a Pharmacy Assistance Program, and a Buy-in Program. Medicaid is a public, or government run, form of health insurance coverage. It is designed to provide health insurance coverage for individuals and families who are low income and who cannot afford to buy health insurance coverage from a private health insurance company. Medicaid is funded, in part, by the … Continue reading

Texas About to Change Rules for WHP

Starting in November of 2012, there will be new rules for the Texas Women’s Health Care Program (WHP). It is part of the Medicaid program. The new rules will further limit the amount of health care that low income women can receive coverage for. This is tragic news for low income women in Texas. Medicaid is usually funded by both the federal government and the government of an individual state. The state of Texas, however, lost their federal funding for the Women’s Health Care program (WHP), after it decided to specifically exclude Planned Parenthood from receiving funding through that program. … Continue reading