The Difference Between Claims Made and Occurrence Liability Policies

For the Small Business Liability is the cause of damage to someones property and/or bodily injury to another person caused as a result of negligence of a person. Liability Insurance covers a policyholder when they are legally obligated to pay another due to bodily injury and/or property damage caused to another person. Liability insurance may provide coverage for individuals or businesses. There are two major forms of liability insurance policies that can be purchased. The difference between these forms is how the claims are paid when an insured is found liable: Occurrence Claims Policies Occurrence policies provide the insured with … Continue reading

The Top 10 Small Business Insurance Do’s and Don’ts

The Do’s this is a quick list for the things every small business owner wants to consider when it becomes important to insure for the risks we need to have covered. #1 Think about the insurance issues during the start-up process of your new business and have applications and insurance policies issued when needed. If there are partners be sure to ask for a buy-sell agreement and use life insurance to fund the agreement in the event one of the partners were to die. #2 Find an Insurance agent who can service all of your small business and personal lines … Continue reading

Small Business Insurance: Basics

Most business need a certain amount of Insurance in order to protect their company from liability or other risks. A new small business might need just a few key insurance policies in order to safely start and conduct business. But, as a company grows or employs more workers other insurance products and policies are going to be important. Some of the Key Business Insurance Products Growing Business Might Need: Business Overhead Expense Insurance: This is like business disability. The policy is designed to pay the costs of a business when the business owner is disabled. Business Life Insurance: Is Life … Continue reading

Insurance for the Self-Employed

If you’re self-employed, you’ve found some great deals: the hours are as long as you want to work, the dress code is pretty nice, and you have all the coffee you can stand. But you’ve noticed that there are a number of fringe benefits your boss can’t supply for you: sick days, holidays, overtime, expense money, and the all important health insurance. Not much can be done about most of your fringe benefits, alas. There is no money tree, and there is no time tree. But when it comes to health insurance, you can’t afford to forget about it. If … Continue reading