CalCare is a Resource, Not Insurance

If you live in a certain part of California, and need information about the options that may be available if you, or a loved one, requires long term health care, CalCareNet may help. It is not health insurance, despite the fact that it sounds as though it might be. Instead, it is a government run website that can be used as a resource that you use to learn about potential sources of long term health care. CalCareNet is currently available to people who live in either Orange or Riverside counties in California. This is a pilot program, and may open … Continue reading

What is CenCal?

CenCal Health is a government run health program that is designed to improve the health and well-being of the people who live on the Central Coast of California. It provides access to medical services to those that qualify. It is not exactly health insurance, but it can help with medical costs. In order to qualify you must live in either San Luis Obispo county in California, or Santa Barbara county in California. CenCal is made up of several different programs, each with it’s own specific qualifications. If you qualify for Medi-Cal, you will be issued a Benefits Identification Card (BIC) … Continue reading

What is Medi-Cal?

Medi-Cal has been in existence since 1966. It is part of the Medicaid program of the State of California, and it’s funding comes from both the State and Federal Government. This is a kind of government run health insurance program that is designed for low income individuals, disabled individuals, and people with specific kinds of diseases. To qualify for Medi-Cal, you must already be enrolled in one of the following programs: SSI/SSP: SSI is Social Security, SSP is State Supplementary Payment. Both are run through the Social Security Administration CalWorks (AFDC): This is a government program designed to give temporary … Continue reading

Ask Anna: Pennsylvania Auto Accident and Injury Claim

Question: Left as a comment on the Ask Anna Blog. Dear Anna, Perhaps you my know, or can direct me to where I can find out, but…..,we live in Pennsylvania with no-fault auto/motorcycle insurance laws and were involved in a motorcycle/automobile accident where the other driver was at fault. Because we assumed that we could sue for pain and suffering and damages under the full tort option we paid for, we felt secure. As it turns out in Pennsylvania, per our attorney, we are being told that we “cannot” sue because: 1) It would cost us way more than we … Continue reading