Medicaid in Four States and Insurance Exchanges

It is time for another Insurance Blog Week in Review. It gives you an easy way to catch up on the blogs that you missed when they first appeared on the blog. This week, I finished off the series about the Medicaid programs in different states and moved on to a short series about health insurance exchanges. It’s Easy to Find Information About Medicaid in New Hampshire The Medicaid website for New Hampshire has information about eligibility requirements that is really easy to find. It also has a list of what Medicaid will cover right on the first page. Medicaid … Continue reading

Medicaid in Six States, Fake Car Insurance, the ACA, and More!

Between the election, the announcement of Black Friday sales, and recovery from Hurricane Sandy, its been a crazy week! You may have missed a couple of the blogs that posted on the Insurance Blog in the past seven days. Here’s an Insurance Blog Week in Review to help you catch up. Medicaid Coverage in New York for Pregnant Women This blog focuses on the many Medicaid programs in New York that will cover the health care needs of low income women who are pregnant. New York also has a lot of health information accessible on their Medicaid website. Hurricane Sandy … Continue reading

Medicaid in Five States

The Insurance Blog Week in Review gives you a quick and easy way to get a summary of all the blogs that appeared here in the past seven days. This time, there is information about the Medicaid programs in Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia. South Carolina Medicaid Programs for Women This blog focuses on the portions of the Medicaid programs that cover the health care needs of women in South Carolina. The main Medicaid program provides that coverage. So does the Optional Coverage for Women and Infants (OCWI) program. There is also a Family Planning Waiver … Continue reading

Comparing Candidates, Olive Garden, and Medicaid

It is time for another Week in Review for the Insurance blog. This week has a bunch of information about the Medicaid programs in two states. It also has a blog about a company that is cheating workers out of health insurance coverage, and a comparison of where the two candidates stand when it comes to women’s health care. How the Candidates Compare – Women’s Health Care Before you vote, take a minute to learn what each candidate’s ideas are regarding women’s health care. The women in your life will be directly affected by decisions made about coverage for women’s … Continue reading

Comparing Candidates, and Medicaid in Two States

In this Week in Review of the Insurance blog, you will find a brief description of all of the different blogs that went up in the past week. This time around, there is information about the Medicaid programs in two states and part of my series that compares what each of the candidates for the 2012 Presidential Election plan to do with various types of health insurance coverage. Alabama Has a Plan First Program The Medicaid program in Alabama includes a Family Planning program called Plan First. It covers family planning services, only, for women who are between the ages … Continue reading

Medicaid in Three States, and Some Roof Repairs

This time, the Insurance Blog Week in Review appears on the very last day of September. Topics that have appeared in the blogs here in the past seven days include many details about Medicaid in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Alabama. I also threw in a blog that gives an update about a homeowners insurance claim. Information About Medicaid in Kentucky This blog gives some basic information about the Medicaid program in Kentucky. This state covers a wide range of people who fit the income limitations. It is one of very few states that will cover a someone who is under the … Continue reading

Medicaid in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Indiana

The end of the week is a good time for the Insurance Blog Week in Review. This is a quick and easy way to catch up on the blogs that you might have missed when they first appeared. These blogs went up between September 16, 2012, and September 22, 2012. Wisconsin’s BadgerCare Plus Covers Children and Families The Medicaid program in Wisconsin is called ForwardHealth. This, and the BadgerCare Plus program, will cover children who come from low-income families. BadgerCare Plus Covers Prenatal Services In Wisconsin, BadgerCare Plus for Pregnant Women covers the health care needs of women who are … Continue reading

Medicaid in Two States, and Some Insurance Tips

What did you miss on the Insurance Blog this week? The Week in Review is a great way to “ketchup” on the blogs that you didn’t happen to see when they first went up. Here is a brief description of each one, and a link that will take you to the whole story. These blogs went up between September 10, 2012, and September 15, 2012. Kentucky Bill Would Allow Fake Insurance Plans to Continue Medi-Share is not a real health insurance plan. It is a Christian “health sharing ministry” that doesn’t follow the regulations that insurance companies are supposed to … Continue reading

Medicaid in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi

Now is the time for another Week In Review for the Insurance Blog. This gives you an easy way to “ketchup” on whatever blogs you may have missed when they first went up. Here is a quick review of the blogs that appeared between September 2, 2012, and September 8, 2012. Arkansas Has a Women’s Health (Family Planning) Program The Medicaid program in Arkansas covers women who are pregnant. Their website doesn’t give many details about that portion of their Medicaid program. However, you can find plenty of information about their Family Planning program, (which includes coverage for sterilization). Doctors … Continue reading

Medicaid in Three States, and Paul Ryan’s Harmful Plan

It is time for a Week in Review for the Insurance Blog. This is a great way to “ketchup” on whatever blogs you might have missed. This time, I have information about the Medicaid program in three states, details on Paul Ryan’s harmful plan, and more. These blogs went up between August 26, 2012, and September 1, 2012. Information About Medicaid in Iowa This week, I continued my series about the Medicaid programs in different states. Here is some information about Medicaid in Iowa. Missouri Has a Medicaid Program With Many Divisions The Medicaid program in Missouri is called MO … Continue reading