How Heavy is Your Load?

Yesterday, our high councilman came to speak to us in Sacrament meeting. I have to be honest and say that through most of his talk I was in the hallway trying to bounce a baby boy to sleep. He finally did, so I snuck back in for the last 10 minutes of his talk. He shared a story that I thought was powerful, and made me think. He said that Elder Bednar came to visit at a recent regional conference in our area and shared a story that he wanted to share with us. Now, he was paraphrasing Elder Bednar, … Continue reading

Happy Kids

Yesterday I was in a funk of a day. I had not gotten enough sleep the night before, which always leads to me dragging all day long. I find that I struggle more with my responsibilities as a mother when I feel this way. I want to be lazy, I am not as patient, I feel bad for not keeping my kids engaged in something worthwhile. Unfortunately, I like to believe that every mother has a day or two like this now and then. We are not perfect as mothers. Some days, our kids watch a lot of TV. That … Continue reading

Surrogacy in the LDS Church

I have close family members and friends that have struggled with infertility. Since I don’t struggle with these same issues, sometimes I feel like I have no right to comment about any of it. But, I know that this is an issue that affects many LDS families (and non-LDS families) around the world. I can only imagine that in a church like ours, whose focus is so much on the family, it can be especially hard to struggle with infertility. It is a righteous desire to want to have children. It is hard to understand why the Lord is not … Continue reading

Father’s Day Reflections

I am so grateful for Father’s Day to celebrate both my own father and my husband. I have been so blessed to see good men in my life that set an example of how to be a good Dad, but also how to support a family no matter how hard it is. Father’s day didn’t turn out quite like we planned. I wanted to get up and make my hubby breakfast with the kids. But, instead, I was sick with a cold. I managed to occupy the kids with a craft for their Dad, though and give him a little … Continue reading

Who Has Inspired You?

I read a great little article in the Ensign last Sunday. It was a short one titled, A Friend in the Bishop. For some reason this article really touched my heart. It made me realize that we all have special people that have touched our lives for the better. And, when I think about the organization of the church, and all the leaders who put in countless hours fulfilling their callings and going the extra mile to touch the life of another, then I am grateful for the Lord’s plan. I know He organized this church this way for a … Continue reading

Making Difficult Decisions Through Prayer

Recently, I was faced with a difficult decision to make. Without going into too much detail, it was very personal, and involved one of my children. I needed the help of the Lord to make this decision. There were lots of emotions involved, and I kept questioning my feelings. It seemed hard to distinguish whether or not I was receiving revelation or just simple thoughts in my mind. I struggled with this issue for a few months. It wasn’t until I had a fleeting thought, and pondered on it that I realized that the Spirit was trying to whisper something … Continue reading

Be Ye Therefore Perfect

As a member of the church, I’ve always known that the phrase perfection, or some form of it appears multiple times in the scriptures. We need to “be ye therefore perfect”, or “be perfected in Christ”. I am not going to deny that hearing that perfection is the ultimate goal can feel very depressing. An article by, Janet S. Scharman, in BYU Magazine was shared on a friend’s blog. The title of the article of course peaked my interest, “Seeking Perfection Without Being a Perfectionist”. I thought, I definitely need to read that! So, I did. And, it was a … Continue reading

My Favorite Conference Talk

It seems like whenever I listen to conference twice a year, and think about what I want to share on this blog, that I am always drawn to choose talks that are my “favorite” based on what I must need to learn or hear at the time. It is a blessing to me to have this avenue to re-read the conference talks and share my thoughts on them with whoever is reading. Maybe your favorite was not my favorite. It doesn’t really matter, because they are all inspired. But, I want to share a talk with you that was important … Continue reading

My Easter Sunday

I was looking forward to Spring Break and being with my parents who were traveling across the country to be with me and my family over the Easter Weekend. I imagined a great Sunday where my sweet little girl was going to give a talk in Primary all dressed in her Easter clothes and my boys would be dressed in adorable outfits as well as we all soaked up the spirit of Easter. Things don’t always go as planned. I am learning this everyday as a Mother. I had been sick already when my parents got to my house, and … Continue reading

A Baby Blessing

In the LDS church, we believe that we should be baptized when we are old enough to know right from wrong. As little babies, we don’t sin simply because we don’t know right from wrong. We also don’t believe that by being born we are born with sin. So, in our church, we do not baptize infants. But, having a new infant is still a very special time. That little life brought into a new home is so magical. You can’t help but feel how close they are to their Heavenly Father, and you can’t help but worry about the … Continue reading