Though Hard to You….

I have always loved the song, Come, Come Ye Saints. It always makes me think of the pioneers and their brave fight, and faith to travel so far for what they believed in. But, in the Ensign this month, there was an article that really stuck out to me that has made me think. It is titled, “Though Hard to You…” It is about a mother who was not aware that she was pregnant with a child with Down Syndrome until she actually had the baby. Being pregnant myself, I can’t help but worry about the health of my own … Continue reading

Are You Committed?

A member of my ward said something to me not too long ago that made me kind of chuckle to myself. She said that my husband and I were “platinum members” of the ward. I had never heard that phrase. I laughed and asked her what it meant. I’m not sure if it was a term that she coined, or had heard somewhere else, but regardless, she explained that it meant that we were active, always participated, and were the type of members to never say no. It made me think of President Uchtdorf’s recent First Presidency Address, Brother, I’m … Continue reading

He is a Parent Too

Stay at home Moms sometimes get a lot of flak. But, as latter-day saint women, we know the importance of staying home, and fulfilling that righteous calling. But, sometimes, let’s be honest here, it doesn’t always feel so righteous. It feels like a struggle between survival and work. Lots of work. I saw an article in the Washington Post recently where a woman wrote in to a columnist, and wondered about her friends that were stay at home Moms. She wanted to know what they did all day, and why her friend couldn’t simply return a phone call once in … Continue reading

It Will All Work Out

I have been thinking a lot about this topic lately. Maybe it is because in some ways, I see this blog, as a form of therapy for myself. And, when we learn things, it is best to share them with other that also might benefit. I ran across an article from the September 1990 Ensign that really spoke to me. As members of the church, we still face mental health problems. I am not speaking of the more serious mental health issues that require professional counseling, or medication, but the mental health issues that we might just be able to … Continue reading

Can We See the Christ?

This month’s message from the First Presidency is one that is good for us all to be reminded of. Especially at Christmas. It is a talk titled, Can We See the Christ? by Elder Uchtdorf. It speaks of remembering Christ at this very busy, hectic time of year. One thing that he mentioned in this talk that spoke to me, was how when the Christ child was born, how many people were so close to him, but did not know it? Can you imagine? Living close to where the Savior was born, and missing the whole thing? It is the … Continue reading

The Service Struggle

As a missionary, I remember how wonderful of a feeling it was to constantly be in the service of my fellow man. I was out there preaching the Gospel, and sharing the most important gift with people that they could possibly receive. The Gospel of Jesus Christ. So many times, people look back on their missions as the most spiritual times in their lives, and I am sure it is because of the constant service that missionaries are providing around the world. Making time for service in my life is very difficult. I am a stay at home Mom to … Continue reading

Temple Square

I feel so blessed to live in Utah. Not growing up here, I try hard not to take for granted the wonderful history that surrounds me and the beautiful Salt Lake City Temple that I get to see, and attend regularly. As a family, we are starting to have a little tradition to take our kids who are now 4 and almost 2 downtown to walk around temple square. We live within about a five minute drive, and it is easy for us to go down there, walk around for about 30 minutes, and let our kids get tired before … Continue reading

Living Your Life Deliberately

I heard a talk in sacrament meeting this past Sunday that got me thinking. Actually, it was one particular aspect of this talk that really caught my attention. The speaker had been talking about how he was looking through some old journals of his from several years ago, and was not happy to see that he was still struggling today with the same problems that he was trying to overcome several years ago. This happens to so many of us. We become complacent in our spirituality. He said one thing thought that really made me think. He said “You’ve got … Continue reading

De-Cluttering your House, Body, and Soul

I am not a minimalist, although I have been accused of being one. My husband and I both don’t like a lot of “stuff”. It could be because we have moved 7 times in our 8 years of marriage. And, frankly, when you have a lot of stuff, you have to move all that stuff, and I hate moving! But, recently, we had an Enrichment meeting at church on how to get organized. It got me thinking about what I could organize better at home. I immediately thought, I have to get rid of some toys because Christmas is coming … Continue reading

Is the Mormon Stay at Home Mom Happy?

Recently, my Mom sent me a link to an article that was originally published in Good Housekeeping 50 years ago. It was considered revolutionary during that time. But, I think it is interesting enough to think about 50 years later as well. It voices the feelings that women struggle with as stay at home moms. It talks about the struggle behind wanting to do more than “just” be a Mom, wife, and housekeeper. Do we struggle with this as LDS women too? I think the answer is YES! We know in the church that it is a beautiful and wonderful … Continue reading