A New Calling

Today, I am getting a new calling in our ward. I started to wonder if I would be left out of all the initial callings in our ward because it has been several weeks since our new ward got organized. However, when I missed church this past Sunday due to one of my kids being sick, my husband came home and told me that a new Relief Society President had been called. And, that she was talking to him about me. My first thought was, “Uh oh. I am getting called into the Relief Society.” But, in reality, I love … Continue reading

Callings in the LDS Church

I have been thinking a lot about callings lately because of the recent changes in our ward. My husband finally received a calling this past week to be in the Sunday school presidency, and something tells me that a calling for me might be right around the corner. Probably because the Bishop asked my husband on Sunday what my first name is again. So, obviously, I think I am on his mind. Never a good place to be if you are trying to avoid a calling. But, I’m not. In fact, I have found that I feel a little lost … Continue reading

A Brand New Ward

Since our ward got reorganized, it feels like we are in a brand new ward. Sure, I see a lot of the familiar faces of those in our previous ward, but the sheer number of people we have now compared to the tiny branch-like ward we had before makes it seem overwhelming. For one, the chapel is full now. Without an overflow room into the gym, if you are a little late to church, you may have a hard time finding a seat. This never happened in our previous ward. This past Sunday, we got there right as it was … Continue reading

Get Inspired to Serve

Do you ever feel a little burned out in your calling? I have had that happen to me. Especially in callings like a president of an organization or being in the bishopric. Maybe you’re tired of your spouse’s calling? That can happen too. I know that I can get into a mindset where I’m just tired of all the work that is expected of us, and therefore, I don’t want to put in the effort anymore. We have to be careful that we don’t get too bogged down. After all, we are doing the Lord’s work. We are on His … Continue reading

Accepting a Calling

When you get called as a president of an organization in the church, it can be very intimidating. Thoughts can swirl through your brain like, “How can I do it all?” and “What if I’m not good enough?” But, entertaining those thoughts are just one way of letting the adversary win. So, start by trying your best to push out the negative, and let in the positive. The best way to start doing that is through prayer. Heavenly Father has given you this calling for a reason. Maybe you don’t know what that reason is yet, and maybe you won’t … Continue reading

Activity Days-Health and Nutrition Activity

This past week we had a fun activity that the girls really loved. One of the things we talked about is taking care of our bodies. We focused on how the Faith in God manual says that they will not put anything harmful into their bodies. I decided that I would help the girls learn more about reading food labels. This is something that I did not learn how to do until I was an adult. So, I figured it would be a great tool for them to use throughout their lives. Many adults still do not look at food … Continue reading

Saying No to a Calling

In the church, I have to admit that I have been jaded in the past about callings. There have been times in my life where the Bishop barely knows us and has given us callings that I felt were too time intensive, and too much of a sacrifice for our family. But, with that being said, I do have a testimony that everything comes from the Lord for a reason, and I would never turn down a calling. When my husband was in graduate school, there was a time where I wanted to say no. But, my faith in the … Continue reading

Activity Days-Articles of Faith Games

I am the Activity Days leader in my ward. I love it. It is seriously the perfect calling for me right now. In my ward, we have 3 girls that regularly attend, and then we have a non-member girl that comes quite often too. Luckily for me, we are a small group and we have our activities out of my home. This helps me so much with having two young kids. It also makes it feel like a more intimate environment where I have their undivided attention. Well, for the most part anyway. From time to time, I will try … Continue reading

Helping Your Family Adjust to Your New Calling

When you receive a new calling there is a period of time in which you adjust to the new calling and the demands that it puts on you. However there are some callings that are more demanding than others. Additionally these callings may take up so much of your time that your entire family has to adjust to the calling. Here are some tips to help you and your family adjust to the calling. First set up some boundaries about time that will always be just family time. It is important that you make sure that your family time does … Continue reading

The Blessings of Being Set Apart

As members of the Church, we are all given opportunities to serve. Sometimes these opportunities come as assignments, but more often, they come as callings. We serve in our callings for as long as needed or until we are given a new stewardship. Some serve for as many as five years, but it’s rare to hold a position longer than that. When we get a new calling, we are set apart to serve in that calling. This means that the bishop gives us a blessing that we might be guided and inspired as we fulfill our duties in regard to … Continue reading