October 2010 General Conference-What Have You Done With My Name?

I often don’t think about what will happen when I’m gone. I don’t think about the “legacy” I might be leaving. But, every once in a while, it flutters through my mind, and I think, “What will people say about me when I’m gone?” or “Did I do enough in this life to make an impact on someone, somewhere?” I look at those of my relatives that have already passed on, and I only have good thoughts. I do not think of the mistakes they made, or my bad experiences I may have had with them, but I think of … Continue reading

October 2010 General Conference-Cleansing the Inner Vessel

Living in UT, specifically in Salt Lake City, where the church headquarters are located, we hear a lot of controversy between the church, and those that are opposed to the church. This past General Conference led to some protesting, and some heated debate here in Salt Lake City. I’m not sure who was actually debating (and I say that with only a little humor seeing as this is a serious issue), but there were a lot of people upset here in Utah about President Packer’s talk, Cleansing the Inner Vessel. The talk in a nutshell was about avoiding temptations with … Continue reading

October 2010 General Conference-Courageous Parenting

I have to admit that the idea of being a parent to teenagers terrifies me. Now, let me say, there are definitely things about it that are enticing too. But, for the most part, I’m terrified! Hopefully the years between now and then will provide me with added wisdom and knowledge to help my kids become well-rounded, decent people. I loved the talk in General Conference titled “Courageous Parenting” by Elder Larry R. Lawrence of the Seventy. While I am still a few years away from dealing with some of these issues, it gives me hope to know that we … Continue reading

October 2010 General Conference-My Favorite Talk

General Conference is a wonderful time of year. Living in UT, we get to sit at home in our pajamas and watch conference on TV. Since I have very young children at home, this can be challenging to do. I get bits and pieces of the talks, and always vow that I will re-read them, and really ponder them during a quiet moment. Usually, I don’t get that quiet moment, or do not really think about it again. But, this time, I want to re-visit these talks and blog about some that I felt were particularly poignant to me personally … Continue reading

Our Prophet Quotes Mother Theresa

Recently, I went to the 2010 General Relief Society Meeting that precedes General Conference every year. It was as wonderful as always. Full of words of wisdom from our leaders, full of beautiful, heavenly music, and full of wise words from our Prophet. President Monson gave a wonderful talk you can find here. I could not help but feeling a little bit called to repentance while also feeling encouraged and loved. Isn’t that what is so wonderful about having a living Prophet? My favorite part of his talk was when he quoted Mother Theresa in saying, “If you judge people, … Continue reading

The Importance of Parents

I was touched today as I listened to the afternoon session of General Conference as Elder L. Tom Perry talked about the importance of parents in teaching children the valuable lessons in life. I loved how he gave examples of his own mother and the wonderful things she did to enrich her family members and teach them both temporal and spiritual lessons. Her “overpreparation” never went to waste, as she dedicated her time to teaching her children as well as her Relief Society sisters. I also have a mother, who has gone above and beyond in all her church callings, … Continue reading

Easter Sunday

As we enter Easter weekend, I’m reminded of the true meaning of the holiday. Growing up, the Easter bunny came on Saturday, and Easter Sunday was all about church. Of course, there was always an Easter dress to wear, but we recognized that Easter was a religious holiday not to be confused with baskets filled with plastic grass, colored eggs, and tiny treats and treasures that fit into colorful plastic eggs. As I have gotten older, I have done several things to prepare for Easter. Hopefully, these suggestions will help you build your testimony of the true meaning of Easter: … Continue reading

Preparing for General Conference

Can you believe it’s that time of year already? The bulbs are blooming on Temple Square, the rain is inevitable, and LDS families all over the globe are getting excited to hear inspired messages from the general authorities and prophets. Twice a year, we get the opportunity to be taught by our beloved leaders, and not a spring goes by that I don’t eagerly wait for the first weekend in April. This year is no exception. In the days that lead up to General Conference, here are a few things you can do to prepare yourself and your family to … Continue reading

General Conference Recap

General Conference was this past weekend. It was wonderful to be able to hear the words of President Monson and the other apostles for so many sessions this weekend. The talks were wonderful and very uplifting. Many spoke poignantly about the troublesome times that we are facing around the world. The ultimate message was one of hope and faith. President Monson spoke about having faith during difficult times. He shared three stories of people who faced enormous trials, but were able to persevere because of the strength of their faith. The line that stood out to me from that talk … Continue reading

April 2009 General Conference Dates

The annual Young Women’s broadcast will be held on March 28, 2009. The meeting will start at 6:00 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time. The meeting will be broadcast via satellite feed to local meetinghouses. If you live outside of the United States your local leaders may show the broadcast at a later date. General Conference will be held April 4 and April 5, 2009. The sessions will begin at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time for both Saturday and Sunday. Additionally a Priesthood meeting will be held Saturday evening at 6:00 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time. The Priesthood meeting will … Continue reading