YouTube Can Be Your Spiritual Uplift

I was on YouTube looking for something, and a video caught my attention. it was titled, LDS Missionaries Coming Home Mix. I watched it and was touched. Being a return missionary myself, I know the kinds of emotions that you can feel stepping off that plane and back into real life again. It’s hard, but at the same time, you are so excited to see the people you love and miss most in the whole world! It made those feelings come back again, and gave me a little spiritual boost to watch it. I started browsing other videos. As you … Continue reading

Mormon Musicians

I am not one to be very hip with the music scene whether it be in or out of the church. However, it seems like lately, I’ve been hearing about a few LDS artists that I love, and am thinking that I need to be more in tune with the music scene. After all, many of these artists play often in UT, or are from UT, and it would be fun to go to some local concerts and hear them. The first one that I want to share is probably not “new” to a lot of people, but she’s new … Continue reading

Seeking Higher Ground

Have you seen the Mormon Messages that appear on the web site and on YouTube? I have recently become a fan of these short messages that are so uplifting, spiritually helpful, and well done. And they’re only a couple of minutes each, so it’s easy to fit one into your day. Don’t you love the Internet for the cool things it makes possible? Today I watched one entitled Seek the Higher Ground. In it, Elder Cook talks about how our lives can be enriched and we can do all the Lord needs us to do when we seek higher … Continue reading

Celebrating Our Pioneer Heritage

July is a month where I always think about my pioneer ancestors. The pioneers sacrificed to come across the plains and to establish the church in Utah. All of the early members of the church made significant sacrifices to help to establish the church. It had to be difficult to leave your family, your home and everything you knew to go to a new place and start over. With travel conditions being so difficult, most people realized that they may never see their families again. In Utah there is a state holiday that celebrates these sacrifices, but for everyone living … Continue reading

Mormon Channel Radio Station

There is a new Mormon Channel radio station that you can listen to. You can find the station on the Internet at You can also find it wherever there is a Bonneville Communications group in your area. You can stream the station on your computer. There is also the option to download specific programs as podcasts. Currently the programming consists of a mixture of programs created for the station as well as rebroadcasts of conference talks, firesides and devotionals from BYU. There is a program called Scripture Stories that features children talking about the scriptures and sharing their favorite … Continue reading

Planning a Fun LDS Summer Vacation for Your Family

The summer is a great time to plan a family vacation. It is even better if you can incorporate your gospel teaching into this time that you spend together as a family. You can plan a long road trip and hit most of the church historical sites or you can plan a shorter vacation and only see one or two of the sites. In the New York area you can attend the Hill Cumorah Pageant and visit the Sacred Grove and other museums that the church has set up in the area. This is all near around and Palmyra, New … Continue reading

My Turn on Earth (1986-2008)

The original cast version of the legendary LDS stage play “My Turn on Earth” has just been released on DVD. We had the soundtrack for this play while I was growing up, and I knew the songs by heart, but it wasn’t until I was about ten that we found the video in some secluded corner of a rental store. We watched it, I loved it, and I haven’t seen it since until the other day, when my mom came back from a trip to Deseret Book with the DVD in her hand. The film was made in 1986 in … Continue reading

Children’s Section at Temple Square

On a recent trip to Temple Square I was pleased to visit the children’s section in the Museum of Church History and Art. The section is put together well and features activities especially for the children to do. This is a great place to visit if you are already headed to Temple Square. Personally I would start with the more spiritual places and end with the trip to the children’s section. The children’s display is on the second floor of the museum towards the back. You may need to ask for directions to find it. The entire museum is worth … Continue reading

Author Interview – J. Adams

Today we are joined by J. Adams, the author of a book I reviewed last week. We’re so glad you could be here with us today! Your new novel, “The Journey,” is a parable of our journey down to earth and the choices we must make in order to return to our Heavenly Father. What gave you the idea for this book? Actually, the story was inspired by one of our daughters who is dealing with a trial and making some choices with some pretty poor consequences. Since she and so many other youth are into fantasy these days, I … Continue reading

Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration

This last weekend, my three sisters and I took the opportunity to go up to Salt Lake City to see “Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration” in the Legacy Theater inside the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. It was a little hard to find a parking spot – there was a Jazz game that night, and we hadn’t taken that into consideration – but we eventually found a place to park and walked over to the theater. I had not yet seen the film, and neither had another of my sisters. The other two assured us we were in for … Continue reading