The Perfect Ward

I have lived in several different wards in my 33 years of life. Every ward has its hidden gems and every ward is far from perfect. But, loving your ward is hard to come by. I mean truly loving it. I tell people all the time that the people in the church are not perfect, but the church is. It’s true. But, sometimes, it’s hard to swallow when the people that you go to church with every week are not who you expect them to be. Sometimes, this can lead to heartbreak, loss of friends, and in the worse case … Continue reading

Become a Prepper

I saw an interesting news story this morning about people who have been labeled as “preppers”. These people are simply doing what we have been told by our church leaders for years: Be Prepared. Although, some of these “preppers” are taking it to the extreme, it is still the same concept. Being prepared in case of a disaster, or the end of the world as we know it. We have been told time and time again to be prepared with the following: A 3 Month supply of food Drinking Water Financial Resources Those are just the minimal requirements that church … Continue reading

Belief and Behavior

I saw a quote going around facebook this week that I agree with 100%. It says, “Your beliefs don’t make you a better person. Your behavior does.” So true. Yet, it made me stop and think about my own faith and beliefs and about Mormons as a whole. With much attention on our faith right now, it would be nice if people could say that mormons were always the best people, but that simply isn’t true sometimes. In some places, if you’re not mormon, you’re not accepted. Sometimes, we get so wrapped up in our own church activities and friends, … Continue reading

A Day of Service-2011

So, I have to admit that I was a little negative when I wrote this article. I was watching my husband work so hard on a ward service project, when he already has so much demanding his time in other areas of his life like work, family, and his calling. But, now that the day of service is over, I thought I would write about a great event, that helped lots of people! The goal of the service project was to first, get the neighborhood involved, not just the ward, and second, to get as many donations of food for … Continue reading

Get To Know A Prophet

Wouldn’t it be great if we could all sit down with a prophet or an apostle and get to know them one on one? I would love that opportunity! Although, it would probably be a little scary at first, I can bet that they are all loving, personable men that would instantly make us feel at ease. While we may not all have that chance, I did run across a new portion of the church website that they are in the process of creating where you can read a short bio about each member of the first presidency and apostles. … Continue reading

Tilling the Earth

This past Sunday at church, we found out that our stake and two other stakes on either side of us are being reorganized. In many parts of the country and the world, this is not an abnormal occurrence. In fact, my husband and I have lived in a couple of areas where this has happened just in our short 9 years of being married. The church is growing rapidly, and with that growth, comes change. But, in our ward, everyone is on pins and needles waiting for this change to happen in just under a couple of weeks. Our ward … Continue reading

A Sunday Activity

As with many typical Sunday afternoons, my husband and I were looking for something to do to get the kids’ energy out. We hopped in the car and went down to temple square. It is a great place to visit for a Sunday activity with small children. Our kids love running around and looking at the pretty flowers and fountains, it’s free, and it is Sunday approved. Do you ever wonder what to do with small kids on Sunday afternoons? Sometimes we don’t have family to visit with, and we have sat around keeping the sabbath day holy all we … Continue reading

Serving Even When You are Tired

My husband is currently in charge of helping our ward organize a “day of service”. I hate to write a negative blog post about something that hopefully will turn out positive, so I apologize ahead of time if it comes out that way. We as Latter-Day Saints should know better than anyone how important it is to serve others. We know that it is expected of us, and yet, often, we do nothing to reach out to those around us. I am as guilty as the next person. This “day of service” has been a struggle for my husband to … Continue reading

Ignorance Continues

I have to admit that I am like just about everyone else out there. When I feel like something, or someone I love is attacked, I want to defend. It is no different when wanting to defend my own religion. When I was in high school, I distinctly remember sitting around with a handful of friends and the subject of religion came up. I grew up in Texas, so when it came to religion, I was always the minority. In a school of 2500 students, there were only a handful of us, maybe 5 or 6, that were LDS. So, … Continue reading

Making Friends When You are LDS

Have you ever stopped to think about friends that you’ve made through the church? I’ve thought about this recently. My ward is very small and is made up of a very interesting group of people. As a result, I think I have found myself making friends with women that maybe in the everyday world I wouldn’t have been drawn to. I think that is a good thing. You ward is like your family. You are together a lot, and you have these callings that you share with people that forces you to get to know them. I have found that … Continue reading