Time Out for Women

Have you ever had the strong desire to just get an extra spiritual boost outside of your usual personal study and church meetings? Have you been longing for a girls’ weekend getaway? Well, Time Out for Women might just be your answer. A few years ago, a couple of my friends asked me if I was interested in going. This was when I lived in GA, and the closest one was going to be 4 hours away. We all thought it would be a fun chance to leave the kids behind, stay in a hotel, and make the most of … Continue reading

When a Temple is Dedicated

I recently moved to Salt Lake City, UT from the Atlanta, GA area. Before I moved, the church had started to renovate the LDS temple. It was closed for a long period of time, but is finally finished. Right now, they are allowing the public to tour the temple before it is rededicated. I’m sorry that I cannot be there to see that happen. It is such a great missionary opportunity! May 1st the temple will be rededicated and no longer open to the public. So many times, people think that the things that Mormons do in the temple are … Continue reading

In Your Neighborhood

Do you ever walk around in your neighborhood on a nice warm evening, and think about the lives being lived inside? We never really knows what goes on behind closed doors. I was thinking about my neighborhood, and my ward that I live in. It’s a small ward as I’ve mentioned before, and it is surprising how small it is considering that I live in Salt Lake, not too far from temple square. But, many families have moved to the suburbs, and I guess they don’t like the city life as much. But, as I’ve been in this ward, I … Continue reading

Muslims Worship in LDS Church

As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we should be the most tolerant people in the world. We know what it means to be like Christ. He loved everyone, no matter what their background. They were sinners, adulterers, haters, murderers, and He loved them. He loved those and forgave those that crucified Him. So, we have that perfect example. Why don’t we reach out more? Why don’t we take the time as LDS members of the church to get to know those people that are different than us. Serve them? One congregation in Missouri is setting … Continue reading

A Secret Nursery

I have a son that goes to the nursery, and he loves it. He gets to play, and run around, and have fun during the first two hours of church. But, somehow, during Sacrament meeting, which is last in my ward, he still manages to be a handful. He is tired, hungry, ready for a nap, and ends up just wanting to squirm in our laps for the entire last hour of church. It can be exhausting. There was one Sunday not too long ago where I just turned to my husband after 45 minutes of kids crying, getting up … Continue reading

Blending Christmas Traditions

Seeing as it is Christmas Eve, I am automatically thinking of traditions. Many of us have traditions in our own families, and when we merge families together, sometimes celebrating all of the traditions can be a task. This year, I am so very lucky to have some members of my family staying with me this Christmas. My parents are here, bringing the traditions that I had growing up, and my sister and her husband and two kids are here, bringing their own traditions. Let’s not forget my husband, and his family traditions. So, this year, we are essentially celebrating three … Continue reading

Christianity Leaves No Room for Hate

God is love. He is not hate. So, it is amazing to me, how some individuals can justify their actions of hate in the name of Christianity. I recently read an article on CNN.com that you can find here where an extremist, radical “church” (and I use those quotations on purpose) are going to protest the funeral of Elizabeth Edwards for “issues related to her personal life”. Whatever that means. The article goes on to say how this church has protested at funerals before. They have protested at funerals of fallen soldiers claiming that these soldiers were punished by God. … Continue reading

Do You Keep Up With Church News?

I have to admit that I don’t really keep up with the church news that well. I have no excuse, really. I live in UT, so many happenings in the church appear on the local news. I also receive the Deseret News newspaper, which is owned by the church. Every Saturday, they include a copy of the church news. Do I read it? Not really. I may skim through it, or look at the pictures, but I am sad to say, I really don’t know a lot of the day to day news that the church puts out. A great … Continue reading

The Friend Online

For those of you that have primary aged children, I wonder if you have heard of the Friend, online? I discovered it about a year ago, and it is a fabulous thing to direct your children to if they want to have computer time. So many kids see us on the computer all the time, and of course, they want to do everything we do. My four year old loves to be a big girl, and has already figured out how to work the mouse. It’s scary. But, if you can direct your children, to safe, wholesome places on the … Continue reading

A Muslim Mommy and a Mormon Mommy

When I moved back to Utah last year, I was eager to make new friends. That is because when I left Georgia where I was living for two years, I left behind a great group of girlfriends that I still miss everyday. Yes, I can keep in touch with them via facebook and the blogs, and phone, but it is just not the same. My ward was an older, more established ward with not a lot of young Moms. It was hard connecting with those few young Moms there were in the ward because we were only living there temporarily. … Continue reading