We Believe in Grace, Too.

Grace is a beautiful word. It has many meanings. However, the type of grace I am talking about is the grace of God. Many religions believe that they are saved by grace. Some believe by simply accepting Christ into your heart, you are saved. Do Mormons believe in grace? The simple answer is, yes. But, maybe not in the same way that others believe in grace. However, I feel like grace is something that us Mormons forget about. So much so that sometimes, I think we forget that we also are saved by God’s grace. A book that changed the … Continue reading

What If We All Showed Love for God and Neighbor?

Another question that was posed in our relief society lesson on Sunday that really stuck with me was, “What would the world be like if everyone showed love for God and Neighbor?” One mom raised her hand and said something along the lines of, “I would not live in fear anymore. I wouldn’t be scared to drop my kids off at school everyday. There would be no fear.” As I sat there thinking about that, I couldn’t help but think, “What would MY life be like without fear?” It was an interesting thought. As a parent, we can’t help but … Continue reading

The First Great Commandment

In the October 2012 general conference, Elder Holland gave a great talk titled, “The First Great Commandment.” That was the talk we discussed in Relief Society this past week. It was a great reminder that we can all be doing more to love God. What really impacted me was the following interpretation by Elder Holland regarding Peter’s exchange with the Lord, who asked him three times, “Lovest Thou Me?” When Peter responded in the affirmative the third time, Elder Holland says, “To which Jesus responded (and here again I acknowledge my nonscriptural elaboration), perhaps saying something like: “Then Peter, why … Continue reading

Serving Others Despite A Busy Life

I have been thinking a lot lately about serving others. At this stage in my life, it feels impossible to reach outside the needs of my own little family that demands so much, to others that might be in need. However, I believe that the Lord expects so much more of each of us. In the book, Daughters in My Kingdom, there is a quote by George Albert Smith that states, “Our eternal happiness will be in proportion to the way that we devote ourselves to helping others.” When you really think about that statement, it is hard not to … Continue reading

Coping with Loss

It is difficult for anyone when they lose someone they love. It can be even more difficult to watch those that you love struggle with their loss when they do not have the knowledge of the Gospel to help them through their loss. At times, I don’t give much thought to the fact that merely knowing what happens after we die is a huge comfort to me. Since I was raised in the church, it has always been a part of my understanding of God, His Plan, and What happens after this life. But, for many, they do not have … Continue reading

Preparing a Talk: Where to Start?

I was asked to speak this Sunday in sacrament meeting. I knew it was probably coming soon because my husband recently had to speak without me. But, there is always a little bit of that, “Why did I answer the phone?” kind of feeling when you get asked to speak. I really don’t mind speaking that much, because in recent years, I’ve written down  my talk practically word for word, and I find that helps me to ease the nerves. However, the worst part for me is just figuring out what I want to say, and organizing my thoughts. So, … Continue reading

Scriptures that Strengthen Me as a Mother

Being a mother is one of the biggest responsibilities in this life. It is not an easy one. It is stressful, and complicated, and tests your patience like nothing I’ve ever experienced. It is wonderful too, but sometimes, I think we as moms need to be reassured, strengthened, and shown love. Unfortunately, we don’t always get that from the little people we take care of. But, there is one person that is there for us, and that is our Heavenly Father. Today I was thinking about some of the scriptures that bring me strength as a mother. And, I immediately … Continue reading

Unexpected Gifts

When I got married 10 years ago, I received a wedding present that was unexpected. It was a beautiful nativity. Since I got married in July, Christmas was definitely not on my mind, and I had never even thought of the fact that I would want a nativity to display in our home. It became my favorite wedding gift that first Christmas that we were married because I realized it was something that I did want, although it was unexpected. It was also something that I could never have afforded at the time, so I appreciated it all the more. … Continue reading

Is Your Life Too Noisy?

We had stake conference this past weekend, and as usual, my husband and I were dreading going with our three small children. It is always difficult to keep them quiet and happy for two straight hours. But, they did great, and I actually heard some of the talks! Our stake president spoke last, and I really liked what he had to say. He shared a story about his teenage niece. He said that at a family Christmas gathering, his kids, and lots of their cousins were hanging out together in the front room of his house. He wasn’t sure what … Continue reading

Reaching the One

Since I am a part of the new Relief Society presidency in our newly combined ward, we have been going on visits to get to know some of the other members that we don’t know already. Since we had portions of 3 wards combined into one, it is a daunting task to get to know everyone. However, I have found that when you visit someone in their home, you truly get a better sense of who they are, and how you can help them. I think this is why the idea of Visiting Teaching is so important. I’m realizing this … Continue reading