Setting Spiritual Goals for 2013

I’m not usually one to set New Year’s resolutions. I don’t ever do it. It’s not that I don’t have goals or aspirations, but I just don’t feel the need to do that at the beginning of each new year. However, this year, I have been thinking a lot about spiritual resolutions and goals. We all make them don’t we? We all say, “I’m going to pray more.” Or, “I am going to read my scriptures everyday”, etc. If you are anything like me, you feel like there is always something you can do better when it comes to your … Continue reading

A New Calling

Today, I am getting a new calling in our ward. I started to wonder if I would be left out of all the initial callings in our ward because it has been several weeks since our new ward got organized. However, when I missed church this past Sunday due to one of my kids being sick, my husband came home and told me that a new Relief Society President had been called. And, that she was talking to him about me. My first thought was, “Uh oh. I am getting called into the Relief Society.” But, in reality, I love … Continue reading

Thankful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Today is Thanksgiving and while my family that is close is not celebrating until tomorrow I can’t help but sit down for a few minutes today and think about all the things I’m thankful for as it relates to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. First, and foremost, I am thankful that I have a loving Heavenly Father that sent his son, Jesus Christ to die for my sins. I don’t often reflect on that miracle, but I do try and be thankful for it everyday. But, when you think about it, it really is miraculous. To have Christ as my … Continue reading

The Lord is In the Details of our Lives

This past weekend, I had an experience that may seem small and insignificant to some, but it meant a lot to me. One of my children had the stomach flu. It is my least favorite thing as a parent. And, to put it simply, I have quite a bit of anxiety over it. I do not handle that type of sickness well at all, and it is very difficult for me every single time. Well, my child seemed to be getting better, and as usual, I felt myself relax and realize that all would be OK. A few days later, … Continue reading

Callings in the LDS Church

I have been thinking a lot about callings lately because of the recent changes in our ward. My husband finally received a calling this past week to be in the Sunday school presidency, and something tells me that a calling for me might be right around the corner. Probably because the Bishop asked my husband on Sunday what my first name is again. So, obviously, I think I am on his mind. Never a good place to be if you are trying to avoid a calling. But, I’m not. In fact, I have found that I feel a little lost … Continue reading

Seeking and Following the Spirit-Part 4

Look at the bottom of this post for links to the previous three parts in this series. Once we learn to invite the spirit into our lives, and rely on it for survival, we have to be able to recognize it, and follow its promptings. If asked what the Spirit felt like, it would most likely be a different answer for every person. I love the talk by Elder Packer called the Candle of the Lord. This was a talk he gave to new mission presidents. Since we may not be able to perfectly describe what the Spirit is to … Continue reading

Seeking and Following the Spirit-Part III

For part one in this series, go here. For part two, go here. Once we seek the spirit, is it enough to move about our lives and only feel it when necessary? What if instead of thinking of the Holy Ghost as a companionship that we want, and would be beneficial, we thought of it in more critical terms. What if we had to rely on the spirit for survival? Missionaries definitely feel that. But, do we? We should feel like we cannot survive this mortal experience unless we have the Holy Ghost in our lives daily. When I was … Continue reading

Seeking and Following the Spirit-Part II

If you missed part I in this series, go here first. If we truly want to seek the spirit, first, we have to want the Holy Ghost in our lives. I’m sure all of us can think of a time in our lives where we were more spiritually minded. Maybe some of you are experiencing that time right now. But, maybe some of you can think of more spiritual times in your life than right now. One thing we need to do is to WANT the Holy Ghost in our lives daily. This is the first step in seeking it. … Continue reading

Seeking and Following the Spirit-Part I

When I think of times in my life where I have felt the Holy Ghost strongly, and knew that I was being guided, I cannot help but think of my mission. Before my mission, I had felt the Holy Ghost many times. Of course I had to have that confirmation from the Lord to even go on a mission. So, in some aspects, I knew what the Holy Ghost felt like. But, it wasn’t until I was a missionary that I really learned how to not only truly seek the Holy Ghost, but to recognize the promptings of it, and … Continue reading

Mormons and Politics

I have to admit that on this election day, I could hardly think of anything to write about that did not directly relate to politics. While the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints maintains political neutrality, politics are still a very hot topic among LDS members. And, I have to say that I have been ashamed by some of the comments I have seen by LDS members of the church opposing other parties. Politics and Religion are two things that do not go hand in hand very easily. However, I have felt that during this election year, I have … Continue reading