Teaching the Youth the Importance of Education

We are taught that while we can’t take any of our earthly possessions with us when we die, we can take our intelligence and our understanding with us as we progress past the veil. This knowledge has always inspired me to get a good education and to seek learning throughout my life. We recently watched the education segment of the church’s “Brand New Year” DVD with our youth, and I loved many of the aspects of the video. We watched and then talked about education, and I was really impressed with the way the video taught the youth about the … Continue reading

Young Men: Dress Appropriately

Often we hear talks about the importance of dressing modestly. In fact a recent Sacrament meeting was devoted entirely to the importance of modest dress. Often when we hear these talks we think of the young women. However the principle behind modesty, which is showing respect to ourselves and others can also be extended to the young men. First it is important to realize that the clothing that people wear makes a statement about the person. This is one of the reasons for the dress codes at BYU and other church schools. The image that you project to those around … Continue reading

Young Men: “Examples of Righteousness”

In his talk “Examples of Righteousness” President Thomas S Monson is speaking to the priesthood holders of the church. He opens his talk by speaking of the troubled times in which we live. He says that those who have the priesthood can make a difference, It is important to remain worthy so that the Lord can helps. President Monson says that it is important to be examples to those around us. He points out that we need to stay focused and not to give in to temptation. He challenges the brethren to remain clean. He also invites them to repent … Continue reading

Young Men: “Faith and the Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood”

In his talk “Faith and the Oath and the Covenant of the Priesthood” President Henry B Eyring is speaking to the priesthood members of the church. Resident Eyring opens his talk by speaking about the importance of the priesthood and the covenants that come with holding the Priesthood. He points out that main blessing from the priesthood is eternal life, and the chance to be with our family for eternity. President Eyring warns against choosing not to accept the priesthood or from choosing not to live worthily of it, once you have received the priesthood. He points out the receiving … Continue reading

Young Men: “A Matter of a Few Degrees”

In his talk “A Matter of a Few Degrees” President Dieter F. Uchtdorf speaks f the importance of living after the manner of happiness. He begins his talk by sharing the experience of being called to serve in the First Presidency. He then goes on to begin his talk by sharing a story of a flight where someone changed the flight coordinates by two degrees. The flight plan took them 28 miles off course, and they ended up flying into the side of a volcano. He goes on to explain “that the difference between happiness and misery in individuals, in … Continue reading

Young Men: “The Twelve Year Old Deacon”

In his talk “The Twelve Year Old Deacon” by Elder John M Madsen speaks about the potential that each deacon has. He opens his talk by sharing the experience that President Hinckley had when he attended his first stake priesthood meeting. He sat by himself at the back, since his father was on the stand. He gained a testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith at that meeting when they song “Praise to the Man.” Elder Madsen then speaks about a statue that depicts five deacons sitting on a bench at church and asks what is possible from each of these … Continue reading

Young Men: “Do You Know Who You Are?”

In his talk “Do You Know Who You Are?” Elder Dean R Burgess, first counselor in the Young Men General Presidency speaks specifically to the priesthood holders in the church. He opens his talk by sharing his excitement of when her first became a deacon. He then speaks of the close friendships that were formed within his quorum. Finally he shares an experience in which a leader asks him if he knows who he is. Elder Burgess then shares the story of Ammon who was able to serve the people of King Lamoni because he knew who he was spiritually. … Continue reading

Young Men: “And Who Is My Neighbor?”

In his talk “And Who Is My Neighbor?” Bishop H David Burton is speaking at the Priesthood session of conference. He gives a report of the humanitarian aid effort of the church over the past year. It is amazing to listen to all that the church has been able to do to help others in need. Bishop Burton stated that they responded to 170 major events. This averages out to about one every two days. The church helped out in countries around the world. They helped with natural disasters, fires, earthquakes, famine and storms. The church also donated food to … Continue reading

Young Men: “Give Heed Unto the Prophet’s Words”

In his talk “Give Heed Unto the Prophet’s Words” Elder Quentin L. Cook speaks to the priesthood session of conference. He opens his talk by sharing an account of how the firefighters fought the fires in Southern California last year. These brave men and women stood strong in the face of fast advancing flames, saving both lives and property. He points out that each of us will face times of crisis and danger, but that we need to respond appropriately. He points out that heeding the words of the prophets is one of the most important things we can do. … Continue reading

Young Men: “Blessed Are All the Pure in Heart”

In his talk “Blessed Are All the Pure in Heart” Elder L. Whitney Clayton opens his talk by describing fishing traps that he saw being used in the Caribbean. The traps were made of wire and there was a slot that the fish could easily swim in. However the wire had sharp edges on the inside that made it impossible for the fish to swim out of without getting hurt. Elder Clayton describes the trap that King David fell into when he looked upon Bathsheba. He relates that David fell prey to the advisory’s trap by looking, and dwelling on … Continue reading