Young Men: Offices of the Aaronic Priesthood

When your boys turn twelve, the will join the Aaronic Priesthood. It is important to realize that as they receive the Aaronic priesthood, they receive a greater responsibility and accountability. Young men will advance through the offices of the Aaronic Priesthood as they grow older and remain worthy of holding the Priesthood. There are three offices of the Aaronic Priesthood. The first office of the Aaronic Priesthood is that of deacon. A deacon helps to collect fast offerings. A deacon also helps to pass the Sacrament to the congregation on Sundays. Deacons need to treat these responsibilities seriously. They should … Continue reading

Young Men: Teaching the Standards

One of the most important things you can to do to help your young man is to teach him the standards in the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet. The church will teach these standards at the Standards night activity every year, as well as during lessons on Sunday. However, these standards are most effective if taught in the home as well. Here are four easy ways to teach the standards to your young man. 1) The best way to teach the standards is to live them yourself. Your children are watching you, and will likely do the same things … Continue reading

Young Men: College and a Mission

It is important to prepare your son for both college and a mission. The job market has grown so competitive that it really is important to attain some form of higher education. Depending on the date of your son’s birthday, he may attend a semester or two of college before leaving on his mission. If he has an early birthday (before December) he may elect to work until it is time to leave. Your son will be able to determine what is right for him. If your son does elect to attend college you may need to talk to him … Continue reading

Young Men: Guarding Against Negative Media Influences

It is important for the young men in our church to stay pure in thought and deed. One of the greatest challenges that our young men face at this time is the danger of pornography. It is important to help protect your young men from stumbling upon this accidentally, which can lead to a negative habit. You can read more about this counsel in the “For the Strength of Youth” pamphlet. One of the ways you can help your sons is to filter your Internet. You can do this by subscribing to a filtering service. You can often set up … Continue reading

Young Men: Leadership Opportunities

The young men in the church have a wonderful chance to become leaders. The scouting program is designed to help each young man become a leader. As the young man advances through the ranks, it is required that he spends part of that time as a leader in order to achieve Eagle. Additionally young men are called upon to act as quorum presidents and take on a leadership role in the quorums as well. It is important that you allow and encourage the young men to do this. Here are five tips to help: 1) It is important that you … Continue reading

Young Men: Teaching Respect for Women

One of the most important things that we can teach our young men is to respect and honor women. Today the media is full of images that often degrade women. It is surprising the attitude that many men have towards women. Many men look at women as objects or fail to find their true value. The church teaches us the how important a woman’s role really is. Teaching young men to respect women really begins in the home. The father in the home teaches by example. If he honors and cherishes his wife, then his sons are likely to do … Continue reading

Young Men: Missionary Preparation

One important thing that we can to do for our young men is to help them prepare to serve a mission. The decision to serve is up to each young man, but the skills they need to successfully serve a mission are beneficial to any person. This month’s “New Era” focuses on missionary preparedness. There is also an excellent article in “The Ensign” on missionary preparedness. President Hinckley has asked that all missionaries be prepared before they begin to serve. Here are a few ways that each young man needs to prepare and how you can help them to do … Continue reading

Early Morning Seminary–Keeping Up Attendance

This is the time of year when many teenagers begin to feel worn out when it comes to early morning seminary. It is the stretch of school without many breaks. Spring fever is getting ready to hit as well, which makes it hard to concentrate and sleep. So you may be facing some early morning battles with your teenagers. Here are five suggestions to help your teenager make it to the home stretch. 1) If your teenager is having an especially difficult time getting up in the mornings, you can get up with him. If you fix a nice breakfast … Continue reading

Young Men: Winter Scout Activities

Depending on the winter weather in your area, scouts may seem to take a back burner in the winter months. It seems that during the winter that every Wednesday night is simply a time to play basketball. This is not necessary, as there are several badges that can be done entirely indoors. It is also a great time for leaders to focus on requirements for the Duty to God award. Here are five merit badges and Duty to God requirements to consider doing in the winter. 1) One merit badge that would be easy to complete during the winter months … Continue reading

Young Men: Priesthood Preview for Eleven Year Olds

If you have a boy who is eleven years old, it is time to begin thinking about him receiving the Priesthood. In November, each ward should hold a Priesthood Preview for all the boys who are eleven years old. This is a meeting, which is directed by the bishop. The Primary presidency may be asked to speak during this meeting as well. The meeting will explain the responsibilities that the boys take on as they move up into the Aaronic priesthood. The bishop may talk about the worthiness interviews, as well as what is expected of the boys as they … Continue reading