Young Men: Preparing Your Son for Future Responsibilities

It is important to teach to the young men of the church, the importance of accepting responsibility, as they grow older. This should include serving a mission, obtaining a higher education, and providing for a family. The role of a Priesthood holder in the home is that of leader and provider. It is important to teach the young men how to best fulfill these roles. The best way to do this is through example. In many homes the sons will simply be able to follow the examples of their fathers as they grow up. However, not every family in the … Continue reading

Young Men: Accommodations for Those With Special Needs

If you have a young men who has special needs you may be worried about how they will fit into the program. You may be concerned about him being able to go on campouts, completing merit badges or completing his Priesthood duties. The Young Men’s program is one that fosters including all young men, regardless of ability or interest into the ward program. If you have a son with special needs it is important that you have a clear and open communication with your son’s leaders. They may not know what they need to do to help your son feel … Continue reading

Young Men: Helping the Reluctant Scouter

What do you do when your young man isn’t interested in Scouting activities? Or they can’t stand playing basketball? Or they dislike the camping aspect of Scouting? How do you encourage them to continue to attend activities that do not hold an interest for them? Here are five things you can do to help your boys become more interested in weeknight activities. 1) Explain to your son that he will be learning skills that can help him later in life. It is important to know how to hike safely. It is important to know first aid and fire safety. These … Continue reading

Young Men: Quorum Service Projects

As each young man works towards receiving his “Duty to God” award he is required to complete service hours each year. Some of the service hours are quorum service projects. The fall is a great time of year to complete service projects. Here are some ideas that young men could do as a quorum. 1) The fall is a stressful time of year for the elderly as they struggle to get their yards and homes ready for the winter. One great service project would be to aid them in this process. You can rake leaves, paint the house, and do … Continue reading

Young Men: How Ward Members Can Help With an Eagle Project

Every young man who wants to receive his Eagle needs to complete an Eagle Project. The young man and his family have to complete a lot of work to achieve Eagle. Ward members can also support a young man in receiving his Eagle. The work and planning for an Eagle project is the young man’s responsibility, but he does need help along the way. 1) It is the young man’s responsibility to raise funds in order to complete an Eagle project. He might go about it several different ways. He may send out letters to business owners and others who … Continue reading

Young Men: Incorporating Duty to God Goals with Summer Activities

The summer break is a great time for young men to be working on the Duty to God award. While your sons may be busy working a summer job, attending camp, or just hanging out with friends, they will still have some extra time to accomplish a few of the goals in the Duty to God booklets. Each of the different levels has hiking and camping activities to be completed by the boys. You can most likely have your son pass these off when he goes camping with the Boy Scout troop. Your son might not be aware that he … Continue reading

Young Men: The Road to Eagle Scout

If you have a Boy Scout who is pursuing the course to achieving Eagle Scout, it can be a long road. Eagle Scout is a rank of distinction and it requires a lot of work by the boy who achieves it. There are several requirements that each scout must make before he can achieve Eagle Scout. 1) Your son will need to complete the merit badge requirements for Eagle Scout rank. There are twelve required badges that each boy will need to complete. In addition to those twelve he needs to complete enough badges to receive twenty-one total badges. Some … Continue reading

Young Men: Becoming Home Teachers

Once your son becomes a teacher he will be assigned to be a home teacher. This is a great responsibility and an opportunity for your son to grow and become accustomed to teaching the gospel to others. Often your son’s first companion will be his father. This is not always the case however. No matter who it is, it is a wonderful opportunity for your son. You can help him to begin to fulfill his duty in many ways. 1) It is encouraged that home teachers teach in Sunday dress. This is not always possible, and there may be homes … Continue reading

Young Men: Preparing Your Son for his Mission

One of the most important things that we can do for our young men is to help to prepare them for missionary service. A mission is a wonderful opportunity for anyone to serve, and it is a time when the missionaries grow spiritually themselves. There are certain things that you can do to help your future missionary prepare to serve his mission. 1) Teach your young men survival skills. By that I mean teach them to mend clothes, iron a shirt, clean the house and to cook a meal. These are skills that they will use on a daily basis. … Continue reading

Young Men: A Good Example

My little brother blessed the sacrament for the first time on Mother’s Day. This was a wonderful present for my mother. It was also a special event because my brother has disabilities. He may never be able to live on his own, and he barely learned to read a few years ago. This experience has been a very spiritual one for the whole family, as well as my family’s ward. The bishop in my brother’s ward has spoken about how seriously Matt takes his priesthood responsibilities. He always arrives on time, and he makes sure to be dressed in a … Continue reading