Terrific Teens

Last Saturday, was the Young Women General Broadcast. I am not currently serving in the young women’s program, and I don’t have any daughters that are the age of the young women. But, I do have a daughter. She is 5 years old, going on 6 in a couple of months, and I worry about so many challenges she will face as she grows older. I worry about my boys too, but I guess since I’ve been a girl, and a teenager, and a young woman, I know how difficult life’s challenges can be. And, I know they are even … Continue reading

Young Women: Virtue as a Value

Virtue was recently added as a value to the Young Women’s theme, as well as to the Personal Progress award. This value focuses on personal worthiness and purity. When it was introduced the Young Women’s president encouraged all women of the church both in Young Women’s and Relief Society to work towards completing the requirements to pass of the value. This would be especially helpful if you work with Young Women or if you have a young woman in your home. The scripture associated with this value is Proverbs 31:10: “Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is … Continue reading

Young Women: Reaching Out to Everyone

There may be a young woman or two that have a hard time fitting in with the other young women. There are many reasons that this could happen. She could be extremely shy and have a difficult time making friends. She may not feel comfortable around the other girls because her interests are very different from the other girls. She may just have a hard time relating to people in general. When this happens it is important to continue to reach out to the girl and welcome her into the group. First it is important to open the line of … Continue reading

Teaching Self Value to Young Women

One of the most important things we can teach our young women is to realize their infinite worth and divine nature. Society as a whole degrades the value of women in caring for others and valuing women for their kind natures. It is important for all women to feel their importance both as individuals and as members of the church. Whether you are a parent or a church leader there are ways that you can help your young women to feel their worth. One is to treat them with love and respect at all times. Let your daughter know that … Continue reading

Young Women: Virtue Being Added to the Seven Young Women Values

The church leaders have announced that they are changing the young women’s theme by adding a new value to it. The new value will be virtue. This will help the young women to focus more on being pure and having the psirt with them at all times. The Young Women’s presidency will announce changes to the Personal Progress materials as soon as they are available. This is a welcome addition to the young women’s theme. Virtue is a value that is being overlooked and forgotten in much of today’s society. This will allow the young women and the leaders to … Continue reading

The Daughters of Helaman

We read in the Book of Mormon about the two thousand stripling warriors, the young men who did not fear death because of the deep faith they had in the Lord and His sovereign power. These are the boys called the Sons of Helaman, who told their leader that they knew the love of the Lord because their mothers had taught them. They were willing to serve and to be obedient, even unto death, because of the faith their mothers demonstrated to them. My daughter attended Girls’ Camp for the first time this year, and her leaders chose a theme … Continue reading

Young Women: Dating

If you have a daughter in Young Women’s then she will soon be old enough to date, if she is not already. This can be a scary time for parents. It is important to set up good ground rules for your daughter long before she goes on her first date. This can be done through a series of discussions on the points that you feel are most important. You may find some middle ground on some points, while others you hold firm to. Here are five areas that you may want to discuss. One good point to discuss is dating … Continue reading

Young Women: Leading a Small Group

Leading young women can be a challenge. A particular challenge comes when you have an extremely small young women’s group. This could be in a particular age group or in the entire young women’s program. It is important that you look at ways that you can make this a positive experience for the young women in your program. You may consider combining age groups in order to have more interaction and friendships form. You may just need to combine the Beehives with the Miamaids or the Miamaids with the Laurels. You may also want to combine the entire program. It … Continue reading

Young Women: Divine Nature Activities

The value Divine Nature is an important one for the young women to fully grasp. It is important to help the young women truly understand that they are children of God. It is also important for them to understand their purpose here on Earth. As young women’s leaders you may want to plan activities that are based on helping your young women realize their divine nature and what it truly means. Several of the experiences talk about the role of mother. You can review the Family Proclamation with your young women one night and speak about the blessings of being … Continue reading

Top Ten Signs Your Daughter is Going to Girls’ Camp

Yes, my daughter turned twelve last week, and she’s heading up to Girls’ Camp as a yearling tomorrow. I believe I’ve been exhibiting some signs that may be typical of other mothers in my position. 1. Following her around the house, clutching her in my arms, and wailing, “My baby! My baby!” 2. Lying awake at night three days before the fact wondering if I shouldn’t throw an extra three or four pairs of underwear in her suitcase. 3. On every visiting teaching visit to the Young Women President’s house for four months previous, peppering her with so many questions … Continue reading