Young Women: Temple Marriage

It is important to teach the young women the importance of temple marriage. Of course the ideal place to do this is in the home. As parents it is important to talk about the blessings that the girls will receive as they reach their goal of temple marriage. It is important to talk about how families have the opportunity to be together forever and the way for that to happen is to be sealed in the temple. In addition to stressing the blessings of temple marriage, you should talk to your daughter about the things that she needs to do … Continue reading

Young Women: 4 Ideas for Service Projects

So often when we think of service projects for young women to complete, the first thing that comes to mind is babysitting. In fact I have mentioned this service in quite a few blogs. However, I realize that babysitting is just not the right service for everyone to offer. I personally never cared for babysitting as a teenager, and I stopped by the time I was fourteen. Here are four service projects that a young woman could complete instead of the typical babysitting. 1) Often times the elderly could use help around the house or running errands. This is a … Continue reading

Young Women: Thanking Your Leaders

The summer is an extremely busy time for young women’s leaders. It can be quite stressful for the leaders to spend time away from their families for camp and then youth conference. This is in addition to the time spent each week on Sundays and Wednesday evenings. Now would be a great time to let your young women’s leaders know how much you appreciate all the time that they spend serving. Here are three ideas: 1) You could have your daughter write a note of appreciation and take a plate of cookies by the leaders home. This is a great … Continue reading

Young Women: 5 Tips for Leaders

As a Young Women’s leader it is important to remember the influence that you have on the girls. The girls look up to and admire their leaders. The leaders are someone else that they can turn to with questions when they do not feel comfortable going to their parents. The example that you set can make a big difference in how the girls act and feel about themselves. While it is important to develop friendships with the girls, it is important to remember that you are the leader. Here are five things that you should focus on when you are … Continue reading

Young Women: The Benefits of Girls’ Camp

As someone who is not overly fond of hiking and the outdoors in general, I always attended Girls’ Camp at the orders of my mother. She had made me a deal that if I went for the four years to pass of everything, that I would not have to go again. I went my four years, and I haven’t been since. I really have not been camping since either. But I plan on having my daughters attend Girls’ Camp when it is time. Girls’ Camp gives the young women a chance to develop closer friendships, which can help them as … Continue reading

Young Women: Integrity

The final value in the Personal Progress book is Integrity. The theme for this value is “I will have the moral courage to make my decisions based on my knowledge of what is right and wrong.” The scripture is Job 27:5: “Till I die I will not have my integrity removed from me.” This is a wonderful value that will help your daughter develop strong and good characters. The value experiences for integrity really focus on helping the girls to understand what integrity is. There are several spiritual accounts that the girls should read. They are also encouraged to interview … Continue reading

Young Women: Good Works

In continuing with the values in the Personal Progress book, our sixth value is Good Works. This is a wonderful value that focuses on service. The theme is “I will help others and build the kingdom through righteous service.” The scripture is 3 Nephi 12:16: “Therefore let your light so shine before this people that they might see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” This is a wonderful value for all people to learn, but I think it really helps the young women in their development. One of the experiences has the girls read scriptures … Continue reading

Young Women: Choice and Accountability

The next value in the Personal Progress book is Choice and Accountability. The theme for this value is “I will choose good over evil and accept responsibility for my decisions.” The scripture is Joshua 24:15: “Choose for whom ye will serve; . . . but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” This value is extremely important for each young woman to grasp. The value experiences focus on the ways to learn the commandments and to feel and recognize the promptings of the Holy Ghost. The girls are encouraged to make difficult decisions now, so that … Continue reading

Young Women: Knowledge

The next value in the Personal Progress book is knowledge. The theme is “I will continually seek opportunities for study and growth.” The scripture associated with this value is Doctrine and Covenants 88:118: “Seek learning, even by study also by faith.” I really like the scripture because it emphasizes that fact that you need to seek out and work to gain knowledge, but it is also important to acknowledge God and seek out things He would have you learn. The value experiences focus on the young women learning about themselves. They can list talents that they have and then work … Continue reading

Young Women: Individual Worth

The third value in the Personal Progress is Individual Worth. The scripture is “Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God” (Doctrine and Covenants 18:10). This theme focuses on self-esteem. The girls should learn that Heavenly Father loves each of them and that He is aware of them and their needs. The experiences focus on learning about how Heavenly Father loves them. They also have the opportunity to realize their talents and gifts. In addition to learning that they are each of worth, the girls learn the importance of helping everyone feel their worth. This is … Continue reading