RS/EQ: The Everlasting Priesthood

The eighth lesson in the Joseph Smith manual for our course of study this year is entitled, “The Everlasting Priesthood.” Of course, as we’ve had the restored gospel since the time of Joseph Smith, the Priesthood is familiar to us, but Joseph was revealing things to the early Saints that were beyond their normal parameters, and I can only imagine how they felt when the concept of the Priesthood was introduced to them. We are taught in this lesson that the Priesthood is everlasting and has been held by the prophet in charge of every dispensation in the world’s history. … Continue reading

RS/EQ: Gifts of the Spirit

The ninth lesson in the Joseph Smith manual is entitled, “Gifts of the Spirit.” The lessons begins by pointing out that Joseph was an unlearned man and was not gifted with languages, and yet he was able to translate the Book of Mormon. This was a gift of the Spirit he was given to help fulfill his mission on this earth, and similarly, we have all been given gifts to aid us, as well. The seventh Article of Faith states: “We believe in the gifts of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth.” The manual adds, … Continue reading

RS/EQ: Baptism and the Gift of the Holy Ghost

Our seventh lesson in the Joseph Smith manual for this year’s course of study is entitled, “Baptism and the Gift of the Holy Ghost.” In May of 1829, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery went to the banks of the Susquehanna River and were there met by John the Baptist, who conferred upon them the authority to baptize. They were the first two baptized in this dispensation, and soon others followed, including members of Joseph’s family, which brought him much joy. He taught that the ordinance of baptism is necessary for salvation, and it is a sign and a symbol ordained … Continue reading

RS/EQ: “The Mission of John the Baptist”

The sixth lesson in our Joseph Smith manual is entitled: “The Mission of John the Baptist.” We read that John the Baptist was “a legal administrator and the forerunner of Christ.” What all does that mean? As Joseph and Oliver Cowdery worked on the translation of the gold plates, they came to a passage about baptism that struck their souls. They went out into the woods to pray about it, and were given in answer a visit from John the Baptist, who ordained both of them to the Aaronic Priesthood. This event was significant, as it marked the return of … Continue reading

RS/EQ: Repentance

Our lesson for Relief Society and Priesthood this past Sunday was #5 in the Joseph Smith manual, entitled, “Repentance.” We begin with a reminder of the incident with the missing one hundred and sixteen pages. After asking the Lord three times and receiving two no’s, Martin Harris was allowed to take one hundred and sixteen pages of the translation home with him. Joseph didn’t feel good about sending the pages, and to compound his anxiety, the very next day Emma gave birth to a baby son, who died immediately. Emma herself was very sick and nearly died. Wracked with guilt … Continue reading

RS/EQ: The Book of Mormon – Keystone of Our Religion

Lesson #4 in the Joseph Smith manual for this year’s course of study is entitled, “The Book of Mormon: Keystone of Our Religion.” Three years after beholding the Father and the Son in the Sacred Grove, Joseph Smith was treated to another heavenly visitation, this time in his own bedroom from the Angel Moroni, who told him the location of the buried gold plates. When Joseph went to the place described on a nearby hill called Cumorah, he found the plates and was told by the angel that it was not time to take them. Every year for the next … Continue reading

RS/EQ: “Personal Revelation”

Our Relief Society and Priesthood lessons for this last week were taken from our modern day apostles and prophets, and the lesson we studied in our ward was the talk given by Robert D. Hales in the November 2007 issue of the Liahona, entitled “Personal Revelation.” In this talk, we learn how we can qualify to attain personal revelation, how we obtain it, how to recognize it, and then how to act once we have received it. We qualify to receive personal revelation as we seek in faith. We are entitled to revelation about our own lives and those in … Continue reading

RS/EQ: “Jesus Christ: The Divine Redeemer of the World”

Our Relief Society and Priesthood lesson this last week was found in the Joseph Smith manual, lesson three, and was entitled: “Jesus Christ, The Divine Redeemer of the World.” Just the title of the lesson brings me warmth and comfort as I know we’re going to learn something special from this inspired message. The prologue to this lesson points out that as the Prophet of the Restoration, one of Joseph’s primary responsibilities was to testify of Jesus Christ. In a world that had so much light and truth taken from it, his job was to enlighten the minds of the … Continue reading

RS/EQ: God, the Eternal Father

The second lesson in the Joseph Smith manual for this year’s course of study is entitled “God, the Eternal Father.” We begin by looking at Joseph’s upbringing. His parents were deeply spiritual and the Bible was read regularly by everyone within the household. Joseph had knowledge of the basic character of God from his earliest years. He was accustomed to family prayers and to calling upon the name of God in thanksgiving and for mercy. When it came time for him to pray and to receive the First Vision, prayer was not unfamiliar to him. Joseph Smith taught that God … Continue reading

RS/EQ: The First Vision – the Father and the Son Appear to Joseph Smith

I’m excited to study the teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith this year and next. He is the first prophet of this dispensation, the one who restored the Gospel to the earth, and one who gave his life to seal his testimony. He was a great man, a true prophet, and a man of God. I look forward to studying him more in-depth. Our first lesson from the manual is entitled: “The First Vision – the Father and the Son Appear to Joseph Smith.” We begin with a recounting of the religious confusion that ensued after the death of Christ … Continue reading