RS/EQ: Strengthening Our Families

Lesson #19 in the Spencer W. Kimball manual for the 2007 course of study was “Strengthening Our Families.” The Kimballs themselves were influential examples of the importance of family, teaching and guiding their children toward proper choices and showing affection. Their children remember their formative years with great fondness because of their parents. As we begin the lesson, we learn that the family is essential to Heavenly Father’s plan. It is a clear pattern for how things are run in the after life. There is a father, there is a mother, there are children, and they together form a family … Continue reading

RS/EQ: The Sabbath – A Delight

As we head into the 2008 course of study for Relief Society and Priesthood, I’m excited to think about studying the words of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Before we begin, however, I’d like to finish up our series on the lessons provided by Spencer W. Kimball. Lesson #16 in the book is entitled, “The Sabbath—A Delight.” How often do we think of the Sabbath as being a delight? I generally think of it with a mixture of fear and trembling, but I need to change that perception. President Kimball begins his lesson by sharing a story from a time when … Continue reading

RS/EQ: Obedience Born of Faith in God

As we continue to catch up on the Spencer W. Kimball lessons from the 2007 course of study, let’s take a look at #13, entitled, “Obedience Born of Faith in God.” When we have true faith, it acts as a motivating force for us as we seek to do the will of God. As we exercise that faith, it keeps us moving forward, even though we may not have concrete proof. We can tap into the world of miracles without knowing just how they came about much as we can enjoy light without understanding the principles of electricity. Just as … Continue reading

RS/EQ: Integrity

Lesson #12 in the Spencer W. Kimball manual for this year’s course of study is entitled “Integrity.” President Kimball was, himself, a wonderful example of this most necessary trait. Marion G. Romney is quoted as saying: “Throughout the years he has been a pattern of integrity. No one doubts that he would discharge the sacred trust the Lord has placed upon him at the peril of his life . . . How glorious, men of the priesthood, it would be if all of us possessed the integrity of a President Kimball.” As we head into the body of the lesson, … Continue reading

RS/EQ: Provident Living – Applying Principles of Self-Reliance and Preparedness

Lesson #11 in our Spencer W. Kimball manual this year was entitled, “Provident Living – Applying Principles of Self-Reliance and Preparedness.” President Kimball had the opportunity to work both at a bank and a store before his call to the apostleship, and he was awestruck at the amount of things people bought on credit. (In this lesson, he uses the phrase “on time,” meaning that the payments would be made over time, but I prefer to say “on credit,” so as to be perfectly clear.) He said it amazed him to see people walk down the street wearing clothes and … Continue reading

RS/EQ: We Should Be a Reverent People

As we continue catching up with the Spencer W. Kimball lessons from throughout the year, we now learn about lesson #55, “We Should Be a Reverent People.” This section begins with a lovely picture of the Celestial Room in the Mt. Timpanogos temple with the reminder that the temple is a sacred place and should be treated with reverence. On days when he was asked to dedicate a temple, President Kimball would fast, dress carefully in his nicest clothing, and would not speak until it was time to officiate. He wanted that day to be different from all others, and … Continue reading

RS/EQ: Shepherds of the Flock

This week’s Relief Society and Elder’s Quorum lesson is #23, entitled “Shepherds of the Flock,” which I find particularly suited to this time of year, as we picture Christ as the Good Shepherd and we prepare to celebrate His birth with images of shepherds welcoming the angelic hosts on that first Christmas night. The lesson, however, doesn’t speak of those shepherds, but instead of supporting and sustaining our Church leaders as they shepherd us back to the fold. We are taught, in the words of President Spencer W. Kimball, that the Lord Himself sits at the head of this church, … Continue reading

RS/EQ: Fortifying Ourselves against Evil Influences

Lesson #10 in the Spencer W. Kimball manual this year was “Fortifying Ourselves against Evil Influences.” What a timely message – I truly believe each of these lessons was inspired for our day. The lesson begins with a quote from President Kimball, in regard to our fight against Satan, which “is not a little skirmish with a half-willed antagonist, but a battle royal with an enemy so powerful, entrenched and organized that we are likely to be vanquished if we are not strong, well-trained, and watchful.” This military-type vocabulary really brought it home to me that, yes, this is a … Continue reading

RS/EQ: Forgiving Others with All Our Hearts

Lesson #9 in the Spencer W. Kimball manual this year is entitled, “Forgiving Others with All Our Hearts.” President Kimball emphasized that, as we seek forgiveness from the Lord for our sins and trespasses, we must also be willing to extend forgiveness to those who have wronged us. It doesn’t matter if they are truly eager to be forgiven – we have to forgive them and move on, or we will never find peace within ourselves. Directly quoted from the manual: “A common error is the idea that the offender must apologize and humble himself to the dust before forgiveness … Continue reading

RS/EQ: Revelation – A Continuous Melody and a Thunderous Appeal

This week’s lesson from the Spencer W. Kimball manual was entitled “Revelation – A Continuous Melody and a Thunderous Appeal” and is lesson twenty-two. In this portion of the book, we read about a press conference held at the Arizona temple visitors’ center. A reporter asked him if God truly did speak to him. President Kimball was quick to answer that yes, indeed, he did speak to God as His prophet. No hesitation on his part whatsoever – he bore his testimony of continuing revelation. He says, “The blessing of revelation is one that all should seek for.” There are … Continue reading