LDS Week in Review – March 10th-15th

We’ve had another great week here in LDS. If you weren’t able to join us each day, here’s a summary so you can catch up on what you missed. We started the week with “Teaching Our Children to Sustain the Prophet.” The best way for us to go about this is by setting them a positive example and making sure that the words we speak about our leaders are supportive. In “Is Your Calling Stretching You Too Thin?” we discuss how we can sometimes be pulled in so many different directions between our family responsibilities and our church callings, we … Continue reading

LDS Week in Review – March 3rd-8th

Welcome to our Week in Review, where we summarize the week’s blogs and help keep you on top of all the latest doings here in LDS. We started the week with a look at “Preach My Gospel,” a learning aid that is given to missionaries entering the field, and that we as members also have access to. We can be missionaries wherever we are, and this piece of curriculum can help prepare us for that. Miriam spoke of the power the Gospel has to help us make and keep friendships throughout our lives, and also of the March 2008 Sharing … Continue reading

LDS Week in Review – February 25th – March 1st

February sure went by fast for me, and now here we are in a new month. If things are zipping by for you as quickly as they are for me, you may have missed some blogs here in LDS. This summary will help catch you up to speed. “Dinner Discussions Week 7” is a valuable tool to help keep us on track with our lessons and to know what our children are learning in their classes. Use these blogs to provide meaningful dinner conversations and to help keep the atmosphere at your table peaceful and loving. “A Broken Heart and … Continue reading

LDS Week in Review – February 18th – 23rd

We had a wonderful week here in LDS. If you weren’t able to join us, here’s a quick summary so you can catch up. We started the week with lesson #3 in our Joseph Smith manual, entitled “Jesus Christ: the Divine Redeemer of the World.” We learn that Jesus Christ is the only way by which we are able to return to Heaven and partake of the blessings that await us there. “Choosing the Best for Your Family” reminds us that the choices we make as parents will have an impact on our children’s lives, and that as we move … Continue reading

LDS Week in Review – February 11th – 16th

Every time I think things are going to slow down, they just get busier! If you’ve had that kind of week too and were unable to join us here in LDS, that’s okay. Here’s a quick summary to get you back to speed. In “Free Agency in Children,” we recognize that our children will become old enough to start making their own choices and either receiving the reward or the consequence, and we need to allow them to learn from their mistakes. “Dinner Discussions Week 6” outlines the lessons taught in our various church classes, and “A Personal Relationship with … Continue reading

LDS Week in Review: February 4th-9th

We’ve had a lot going on in LDS this week. If you weren’t able to join us, you can catch up by reading this summary and following the links. We began the week, as was fitting, by talking about President Hinckley. Tristi blogged about a website where you can go and sign up to participate in a Book of Mormon reading tribute to President Hinckley. At last count, over 28,000 people have chosen to commemorate the passing of that dear man by studying the scriptures as he asked us to do. Miriam then told us of the selection of Thomas … Continue reading

LDS Week in Review – January 28th – February 2nd

We’ve had a great week here in LDS. In case life got busy and you weren’t able to check in as often as you would have liked, here is a summary that will get you caught up. Tristi kicked off a new series about senior missionaries in “We’re Having a Senior Moment.” Tristi’s mother is serving a mission in England and just left, and Tristi will walk us through the process of becoming a senior missionary and tell us about the joys and the pitfalls. Miriam paid a beautiful tribute to Gordon B. Hinckley, our beloved prophet who passed away … Continue reading

LDS Week in Review: January 21st-January 26th

In case you missed any of the blogs here in LDS, here is a recap so you can stay on top of things. In “The Importance of Families,” Tristi shares an amusing story about her three-year-old and relates it to the knowledge each of us has, deep down, that our family is important. She also begins the new year’s course of study for Gospel Doctrine with “The Keystone of Our Religion,” which is the Book of Mormon. Miriam shares with us her ideas for how to have “Effective Family Home Evenings,” and talks with us about the blessings that will … Continue reading

LDS Week in Review: January 14th – January 19th

We had a great week in LDS. If you weren’t able to join us, here is a recap so you can see what you missed and get caught up. Tristi continued the Latter-day Hymns series with “The Spirit of God,” one of the most well-known and beloved of all LDS hymns. Written by William W. Phelps and first sung at the dedication of the Kirtland temple, this song is so sacred it is now reserved for the most special of occasions in the Church. In “Dinner Discussions,” Miriam kept us abreast of our weekly lessons for each age group. The … Continue reading

LDS Week in Review: January 7th – January 12th

Life sure has gotten hectic with the start of a new year! Were you too busy to join us here in LDS? If so, here’s a quick recap so you don’t miss anything. Tristi started a new series about the hymns. In “Introduction to the Latter-day Hymns Series,” she discussed the value of hymns in our lives and how they can help us to feel the spirit and to worship more effectively. She then followed up with a review of the hymn “The Morning Breaks, the Shadows Flee,” a standard for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and frequently sung in General … Continue reading