Your Church Halloween Party

With all the changes that have been going on lately in our ward, it is a little chaotic. In the shuffle, there have not been any callings made just yet. So, the new bishop asked me to help out with our church halloween party since I had worked most recently with the children in our ward. So I agreed. This year, we aren’t going to do a trunk or treat like many wards do. While I love that idea, and it is usually so fun and simple, we are going to try and throw together some activities that the kids … Continue reading

Pioneer Day Festivities

Living in Salt Lake City, we are lucky. Not only do we get to celebrate the 4th of July, but the 24th of July, too. Pioneer day! And, let me just say, that pioneer celebrations are huge in Utah. We like fireworks. Lots of them. I wonder what the pioneers think of our celebrations? My little family had a great day. We started out with our ward breakfast. This is a tradition in our ward. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, you name it. Then, at the end, there is a “parade” by all the kids in the ward. The kids bring their … Continue reading

A Christmas Party for $40

For those of you who were reading about my progress in planning our ward Christmas party, I must give an update! It was actually a huge success. So much so that I’m hoping they don’t think I should be in charge of this every year. I have to admit that it added a lot of stress to my life during the Christmas season, which is already stressful enough as it is. So, I think I might have to pass if they ask me next year. The decor was the best part, I think. My Bishop originally told me that I … Continue reading

The Ward Christmas Party- Crunch Time

I am stressed. I am not going to lie. The ward party is less than two weeks today and I have so much to do. I have sign-ups galore to deal with, and reminding people, making things, and doing the decorations. We have food to shop for, and caroling groups to coordinate, gifts to buy for the band that is playing. I wonder what the Bishop was thinking? I am such a high stress person. A worrier. I worry constantly about little details that the night of, no one will even notice, except me. Well, maybe there will be a … Continue reading

The Ward Christmas Party-Committees!

The ward christmas party is only 3 weeks away. I’m starting to feel the pressure a little bit, and feel stressed out. I have a lot to do. But, the key to having a successful party comes down to one word: Delegation. In the church, we all have so much on our plates with callings and our own personal lives, but people usually feel they can help out in some small way. That’s why, this year I divided everything up for our party into the following committees: *Food *Decoration *Table & Chair only set-up *Kitchen Clean-Up *Gym Clean-Up *Caroling Leader … Continue reading

The Ward Christmas Party-Evolution of an Idea

So, I met with our bishopric this week to discuss our ward Christmas party this year. It is starting to take a little shape. I’m still excited about the idea, but it is a lot of work too! This is what we have planned for sure. We will start with a sit down dinner first. We have lots of elderly people in our ward, so we thought it would be nice to have servers at the dinner. This will most likely be our youth. We will pre-assemble the plates and pass those out so that people can sit and listen … Continue reading

Halloween Craziness

I’m not a big Halloween person. As a kid, I’m sure I was. But, now, not so much. However, I do have kids, so I’m trying to get into the spirit of Halloween a little more. My four-year-old has definitely figured it out. She knows what it’s all about. Candy. Lots and lots of Candy. My sister and I were talking about how it has gotten a little out of hand though. Since when did Halloween turn into a celebration as big as Christmas? It seems to last a week long now giving our kids enough candy to last until … Continue reading

The Ward Christmas Party- An Idea

For some reason, the Bishop thinks I should be the one to head up the ward Christmas party this year. Why? I’m not sure, but I guess I should be happy that he has the confidence in me to do it. I’ve never planned anything like this before, and I’m a little nervous. But, alas, I have an idea and he approved it, so we are ready to start planning. I live in UT, so you would think I live in a bustling, large ward full of many cute little families, and lots of members. Not really. Our ward is … Continue reading

A Change in Ward Boundaries

There are times when your ward will split. This is a matter of growth in area. There are many reasons that they split or change the boundaries in the ward. While I was growing up it happened twice, and I was in three different wards without moving. As an adult I have watched the wards around me change boundaries as membership grew. It can be difficult to deal with a ward boundary change. Sometimes they simply move a few families over to create a more balanced ward. When you are one of ten or twelve new families in an established … Continue reading

Stake Conference and Young Kids

Stake conference is a great opportunity to hear from local church leaders in your area. The meetings usually consist of one adult only session on Saturday night and then a two-hour meeting on Sunday. The sacrament is not served at Stake Conference. Additionally there may be leadership meetings for people who serve in the bishopric or in the presidencies of the auxiliaries in the church. Stake conference is a great time to receive counsel and to feel the promptings of the spirit, but it can be difficult to do if you have young children. Young children find it hard to … Continue reading