Stake Activities: Stake Sports

Stake sports are a long tradition within the church. There are a variety of different sports that the church plays and teams tend to be set up according to the ward you attend. Stake sports can be offered for adults and for the youth. These programs give the participants a chance to interact in a fun positive environment. The sports program can include softball, baseball, and basketball. Youth sports usually take place on Saturday mornings, although they may take place on a weekday depending on the area in which you live. The practices may be separate or they may be … Continue reading

Christmas Fireside Suggestions

A wonderful fireside to have during the Christmas season is one that focuses on Christmas music. This is an easy fireside to set up and it welcomes in the spirit so easily. These ideas can also be adapted to work as a sacrament meeting to celebrate Christmas. You can have a formal fireside with one or two speakers and musical numbers planned. You may have the choir sing, and then contact other groups to have them perform as well. This is a great fireside that can involve many people in your ward. It is also a great time to invite … Continue reading

Ward Activity: Field Day

One fun idea for a stake or ward activity is to have an old fashion field day. This activity will take a lot planning and logistics, but it will be worth it. You can have the day be as simple or as complicated as you like. Additionally this could easily be a youth only activity. First you need to plan the events that you want to include in your field day activity. You can have a stake softball tournament that takes place while the other activities are taking place as well. You can have the traditional races and events that … Continue reading

Ward Activity: Ward Talent Show

A great ward activity is the ward talent show. This can be a lot of fun for everyone involved. It is important to make this activity as appealing to as many people as possible. You should try to keep the program to no longer than an hour. You should also involve as many people as possible. Here are a few ideas to add varieties to your ward talent show. 1. Consider setting up a display area for talents that do not convey well on the stage. Artworks and crafts are nice to look at and it allows those people to … Continue reading

Ward Activity: Ward Camp Out

One fun ward activity is the ward camp out. I remember a lot more of these planned when I was a child, then I do now. However, it is a great activity. A ward camp out can create opportunities to bring the ward closer. There is something about sitting around the fire and telling stories that really promotes bonding. If you are planning a ward camp out you will need to schedule a campground several months in advance. You will want to find a campground that is fairly close to the ward. You do not want to put undue strain … Continue reading

Ideas for Halloween Ward Activities

Halloween is coming soon and your ward is likely having one of the usually activities. You may be having a fall carnival, a trunk or treat activity, a chili cook-off or a combination of the three. If these seem a little mundane or trite to you, you may consider changing up the activities a little bit. 1) You could have a costume dance for the youth. You could extend this activity into a service project by inviting the older members to the dance and playing oldies (or older) music to dance to. 2) You could offer a story time for … Continue reading

Stake Activities: Reaching Out to the Community

It is great to plan a ward activity that is also a community outreach event. These events invite people who are not members of the church to come and participate in programs or classes. It is important to note that visitors are always welcome at church. There are several different ideas that you can plan for an outreach event. 1) Cultural events are wonderful outreach events. This could be a night of choral music or a symphony made up of stake or ward members. It could be a play. Each year my stake puts on a Creche exhibit that is … Continue reading

Three Ward Activities for Adults

When it comes to planning ward activities, it is occasionally nice to have one that is adults only. This gives all the adults a chance to interact without little ones climbing all over the place. If you do this, it is important to provide a nursery for those who would like to attend. Often all the babysitters will be taken if the whole ward wants a sitter. You can also provide an activity for the teenagers. Here are three fun and easy ideas to complete. 1) One fun idea is a progressive dinner. The planning for this idea is mainly … Continue reading

More Ideas for Ward Activities

It can be difficult to come up with new ideas for ward activities. Activities need to appeal to the entire family. It is helpful if they are easy to set up and clean up, as well as involve little preparation. Here are a few activities that are fun and you may want to try. 1) You could have a treasure hunt with clues in a park or in the ward building. You could divide the group into three or four teams. The clues could be based on scriptures or hymns. At each clue, there can be some type of activity … Continue reading

Ward Activities: Pinewood Derby

Recently my ward had a great ward activity. Every year Cub Scouts holds the Pinewood Derby, and sadly more often than not dads will make the cars for their sons. The competition is very fierce, and often the activity does not end in a positive light. Well our ward had a Pinewood Derby Ben Hurr Style. This was a no holds barred Pinewood Derby. There were very few rules. The first was that your car had to finish to qualify. There was a five pound weight limit. You could have a motorized car. Anyone could enter, so there could be … Continue reading