Five Ideas for Ward Activities

It is the time of year when the ward planning session takes place. If you are on the ward activities committee you may be scrambling to come up with some ideas for unique and fun ward activities. Here are five ideas that are fun. 1) One easy activity is to have a ward bake-off. Every family brings a dessert to enter into the contest. You judge to see who has the best dessert. This could be held in addition to or in conjunction with a chili cook-off. 2) Another fun activity is to have an Olympic games activity. This could … Continue reading

Five Themes for a Stake Youth Dance

You may be on the planning committee for the next stake youth dance. If so you may be struggling to come up with an idea for your next youth dance. You can help to enliven a dance by having a fun theme picked out for each dance that you plan. Here are five easy ideas. 1) You can have a tropical or Hawaiian theme night. This is easy to decorate for with large flowers, and leis hanging on the walls. You can have the youth come in summer attire or Hawaiian shirts. Of course you need to request knee length … Continue reading

Five Ideas for Ward Christmas Parties

Every December your ward will most likely have a Christmas party. It can be difficult to come up with a unique idea every year. If you want to try something new here are five ideas that you can do to have a memorable Christmas party. 1) You may consider having a sing-a-long Christmas activity. This is simple. You plan a musical night with members performing Christmas songs. You also plan on having the audience sing as well. This can be a very enjoyable and spiritual night. Many members love the Christmas carols, but rarely get a chance to sing them. … Continue reading

Stake Activity: Creche Exhibit

The holiday season is fully upon us. It is important to remember to focus on the Savior and his birth during this time of year. My stake has a wonderful activity that you may want to consider doing in your ward or stake. Every year during the first weekend of December the stake puts on a Crèche (Nativity) display. The event is open to the public and takes quite a bit of work. It is a wonderful outreach tool, and you can really feel the spirit as you are there. The stake has a committee in charge of the Crèche … Continue reading