Don’t Call Your Wife Fat & Other No Brainers

Do you need an article on the things you shouldn’t say or call your spouse? After all, when it comes to looking at your wife or your husband and declaring in all seriousness – wow, you’re fat! It’s a running joke in our family that my husband is terrible at being supportive (he’s not, but he likes to joke that he is.) Part of the way he motivates is to tweak you – or me in this case. For example, when I got curious about quilting and interested in doing it, my husband saw it as a sinkhole for money … Continue reading

Remote Control for Your Marriage?

There was a movie out a while back called “Click.” I didn’t see the movie, but I remember the previews. Adam Sandler had a universal remote control that looked like a typical remote, only it worked on everything and everybody in his life. I thought at the time how cool it would be to have such a device. You could hit rewind when you did or said something you regretted later, and get an instant “do over.” You could hit fast forward when life is going crazy and you need a break. Pausing or going to slow motion during good … Continue reading

My Husband & The Television

You know, our lives are comprised of the little moments – moments of transition, moments of revelation and moments of humor. My husband and I talk through instant messages when he’s working. It’s one way we can keep in constant contact and sometimes, it’s a series of leaving messages that the other responds to when they get back to their desk. February Sweeps Today launches what the television industry calls the February sweeps period. It’s when they pull out all the stops in order to entertain the audience and draw them in. Their numbers will help them determine what they … Continue reading

Love Lessons?

Should we take a few lessons on love from the younger (much younger) generations? Here’s what some kids think about love: Loving somebody means you have to kiss ‘em right on the mouth! If a boy loves a girl, he better do what she says. When a mommy and daddy want a baby, they pick out one that looks like them. If the mommy loves the daddy most, she gets one that looks like him. Never tell your friends you love a boy, or they might start liking him too. Poem I Roses are red ~ Violets are blue ~ … Continue reading

One Dozen Marriage Quotes

I don’t know why I picked one dozen for the number of quotes, maybe one for each month of the year, since it’s January. I find most of these to hold meaning, even some of the cute ones, although some are just for fun. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. 1. I love being married. It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life. ~Rita Rudner 2. Don’t marry the person you think you can live with; marry only the individual you think you can’t live … Continue reading

Are You Perfect?

Are you perfect? I’ll go out on a limb here and say that you’re not. I’m not perfect. You’re not perfect. Our spouses aren’t perfect. So why is it, if we’re all not perfect, we have such a problem with people when they are less than perfect? Why do we make such high demands of our spouses and even of ourselves. When We Aren’t Perfect When we are less than perfect, we can paralyze ourselves with feelings of guilt and inadequacy. We are our own worst enemies. We will beat ourselves up for things most other people wouldn’t perceive as … Continue reading

A Little Light Humor for the Gentlemen

Good morning and welcome to Thursday, I offered you a little light humor for the ladies earlier and to make good on my promise, here is a little light humor for the gentlemen. If you read the earlier post, you probably already know what I’m going to talk about – but it never hurts to enjoy a little laughter, no matter what day of the week it is. Typing Girlfriends and Wives Let’s talk about the different types of women out there and what men have to look forward to or deal with in regard to the types of women … Continue reading

A Little Light Humor for the Ladies

Good morning and welcome to Thursday, I have a little light humor for the ladies and in a little while I’ll have a little light humor for the gentlemen. With just one day to go before we can all thank ourselves for Friday’s arrival, I thought we could use a bit of a pick me up. I have always found laughter to be a pick me up. Typing Boyfriends and Husbands So for today’s bit of humor, we’re going to talk about the 9 types of men that make up the pool of potential boyfriends and husbands. While there may … Continue reading

Friday Marriage Funnies: Wisdom of the Ages

My daughter is always talking about the latest boy she is going to marry and the plans that they are making. They will marry after college, but not before they are 25. They also have to be married 3 years before they can have their first baby and they must have at least three children, but no more than five. I find her viewpoints entertaining and refreshing. She is so certain in her beliefs and her convictions. When I went up to the school the other day to help out in her library hour – I found myself vastly entertained … Continue reading

Keeping it Simple: What A Week It’s Been

Has it really only been five days since last Sunday – it feels like an eternity. I shared with you all some of the trials we’ve been coping with here and my husband’s emergency appendectomy. He came home late on Monday and he’s spent the last few days sleeping a great deal. It’s amazing how much energy a recovering body needs to repair itself. Taking it Slow We’re taking this health scare as a bit of a cautionary tale to take things slower and easier this holiday season. We’re big on the deck the halls here and we usually go … Continue reading