Workplace Romances

Is it a good idea to get involved with someone that you work with? It depends on whom you ask. A survey by the Society for Human Resource Management shows that nearly 75% of people working in human resources who were surveyed, report no regulations against workplace romance. Okay, so it isn’t disallowed, but does that mean it’s a good idea? Some people believe it is. If you work in another office, on another floor, or in a different department than your love interest, it may be a great way to meet more people in your company and learn more … Continue reading

Single Women

The phrase ‘single women’ elicits a provocative image of slender, young women dressed in clingy little dresses and dancing the night away in a singles bar. There is no question that this is an image facilitated by pop culture with movies like Charlie’s Angels and Something’s Gotta Give. In the former, you have attractive single women who kick butt and solve cases while looking good at it. The latter involves a randy older man played by Jack Nicholson who dates young, single women because they are still all about embracing life and no long-term commitment. The image of the single … Continue reading

Tip for Flirting

Are you a shy guy? Maybe you’re a bashful lady. Perhaps you just don’t have a lot of experience with flirting. Don’t worry. It’s not as hard as you might think. Just forget all those preconceived notions, all the bad advice, and definitely forget about tacky pick up lines. There are better ways to get someone to notice you. This tip will also help you avoid to embarrassing rejection if the other person doesn’t feel the same way. It can be written off as nothing, where actually coming on to someone cannot. When I was young… or younger… I had … Continue reading

Dating Tips for Women

Every magazine for women will usually carry one or two articles a year offering dating tips for women. These tips are specific to the age demographic of the magazine they are printed in. The dating tips for women can be complicated or simple, but they all revolve around some common themes. A popular dating tip for women is to not be late. It’s usually ranked up very high on a list working on the assumption that all women spend too much time primping and are usually late for any pick up time or meeting they have scheduled. Since men and … Continue reading

Tips on Dating

Everyone has a different idea of what a date is or should be. But there are a few tips on dating that are tried and true, especially if you’re still in the get acquainted stage and especially during the all important first date. The first tip on dating should be to forget trying to surprise the date. Surprises are great, but they can also backfire big time if you happen to take the date to an all you can eat meat dinner and your date is a vegetarian. Make a joint decision on where to go if it’s for a … Continue reading

Dream Dates

Ask any person you know what their dream date is and you will get as many different answers as there are people you asked. To define a dream date, one must imagine exactly what it is that would be perfect for them. They also have to answer the question, what makes that date so perfect? What special quality does it possess? Since everyone is different, his or her idea of a dream date is also different. Some imagine spending an evening with their favorite performer, really talking to them and feeling important and noticed by their idol as the dream … Continue reading

Five Tips for the First Date

A first date is exciting, but it can also be a little nerve-wracking. This is especially true if you do not know much about the other person. These tips will help you feel more confident and secure. Double Date There is nothing wrong with going on a double date. Doing so serves a couple of purposes. Not only will you feel better having familiar faces along, but friends can also help keep the conversation going. More importantly, you’ll feel and be safer with other people along. Take a Number Instead of giving out your home number, take your prospective date’s … Continue reading

Dating Tips

The first rule of thumb when asking for dating tips is there are definite pros and cons to many of the choices that can be made on a first date. It is usually safer on a first date to meet at a neutral location rather than picking someone up. While it may lack a bit of romance, meeting in a neutral location offers conversational topics, something to do and a place to retreat to when and if either one wants to end the date. The idea is not that it will be needed, but that it is available if it … Continue reading

What is a Blind Date?

A blind date is a date between two people who have never met and typically know little or nothing about each other. Friends, family or co-workers usually try to arrange a blind date in order to hook up two people whom they do know and care about and want to see happy. Participating in blind dates is more popular than most people may think. On university campus settings, blind dates happen as often as 1 date in 10 though whether they are labeled blind dates or mixers or through fraternity/sorority events. Blind dates may not always lead to true love, … Continue reading

The First Date

If you want to spice up a first date, take a little time to think it through. A three-hour date with a movie that lasts two and half-hours is not a good way to get acquainted. Then again, you don’t want to be stuck staring at each other without a topic of conversation. A daytime meeting takes the heat off and if you throw in lunch or coffee, it can definitely help alleviate the pressure that a first date always seems accompanied by. Always thank your date, because manners are forever in style. Be positive throughout the date, nothing turns … Continue reading