Shopping the Catalogs: Romantic Rings

I’m not a big jewelry wearer, but I’d like to be. (My problem is I’m not the most graceful person. I usually break or lose it. It’s amazing that, other than one bent prong, in the 12 plus years I’ve had my diamond ring I haven’t managed to destroy it yet.) However, while I’ve been shopping the catalogs for gifts to give, I’ve also been admiring some things my alter ego (the one who knows how to wear jewelry without abusing it) would like. In particular, rings. Below is a list of the ones that caught my eye and stole … Continue reading

How Often Does Your Mate Give You Gifts?

My husband is not big on gift giving or many romantic acts. He is a country boy. However when he does come out with something thoughtful, it means the world to me because I know that it was not in his nature. I know that he had to put a lot of thought and work into the process. I see women who are always being pampered with new items and such from their partner. I have often wondered if they come to expect gifts from their mate. If so, the gifts must have a lot less meaning to the women … Continue reading

17 Ideas for Capturing Couple Time This Fall

Fall inspires romance doesn’t it? Seems like love is in the air everywhere you turn. The cooler weather makes it ideal for snuggling up closer to the one you love. The changing colors are a good excuse to go for a drive or a walk and enjoy some time together. Those are just a couple of the more popular ways to capture couple time this fall, but there are others. Here’s some ideas inspired from my own experiences as well as from articles I’ve read (and noted herein) written by fellow bloggers. Passing Time at Patches, Orchards, and Farms … Continue reading

The Romantic City of Rome

I have never traveled much. I have never been on an airplane and I have never left the country. However, places of the world intrigue me. I had always thought Paris would be a very romantic place to visit. To me Paris has always appeared to be the city of love. However after running across an article focusing on Rome, it seems that maybe Rome can be just as sensual. In researching Rome, I found a few romantic places and activities to share with you (hopefully at least one or two of my readers will get to Rome sometime in … Continue reading

The Most Romantic Things My Husband’s Ever Done for Me

Over in the Family Life / Marriage & Relationships / Marriage Enrichment forum a member posed this question “What’s the most romantic thing your spouse has even done for you?” The question was actually posted about a year ago, but it gets updated by other family members from time to time. Such was the case late last week when another family member wrote about a lovely Valentine’s gift her husband delivered to her one year as a surprise upon waking. Well, it got me to thinking about all the romantic things Wayne has done for me over the years. Two … Continue reading

Feel the Love Day: How I’m Celebrating

September 7th is Feel the Love Day. It also happens to be my husband’s birthday. Naturally Wayne’s important to me and a birthday is prime time for making him feel loved. But this year I’m actually under the gun to show the love. Last year I didn’t do very good when it came to his birthday. He definitely wasn’t feeling the love. I don’t exactly remember why I was less than stellar last year when it came to celebrating Wayne’s birthday, but I remember I was. And what made it worse was Wayne has the worst luck when it comes … Continue reading

Are You A Romantic?

I have to confess, that for all my cynicism and pessimism, I’m a hopeless romantic. I love films like Sleepless in Seattle and Casablanca. I love the idea of being swept off my feet. I think love should be passionate and enticing, beautiful, funny and so much more. I think love is powerful when it’s fresh and new and exciting and I think it’s incredibly sexy ten years into the relationship when you share not only passion, but also history and the promise of more. Being romantic can be hard. I used to fall for people all the time. I’d … Continue reading

What Are Romantic Ideas?

Romantic ideas sell more magazines, books and movies than sex. It should be telling that most people can figure out the latter, but the former should be offered at college level as a required course. The final wouldn’t even have to be a test, because life will offer enough pop quizzes on romance to fill an entire issue of just about any woman’s magazine. When men and women come together in relationships, they are often looking for partners that share common interests, common goals and with whom they wouldn’t mind seeing at 5 a.m. with no sleep and hair that … Continue reading

Mother’s Day Romance

You may not think Mother’s Day is a day for romance, but I actually think it’s a fantastic opportunity for Dad’s everywhere to appreciate their wives. Celebrating our mothers or being celebrated for our motherhood is wonderful, but being remembered as wives and women is a lot sexier. Mothers are Women Every mother is a woman. She was once a little girl, she became a teenager a young woman and she even became a blushing bride. When she became a mother and a wife, she never stopped being a woman. It may surprise some men to hear this, but even … Continue reading

Loving & Being Loved

Do you have trouble with intimacy? Is it hard for you to believe that someone can love you deeply? Don’t be hard on yourself; you are not alone. I know a lot of married couples and I know any number of wives and husbands who are not certain about how much they are loved. You may wonder how this is possible? I’ll tell you how. We Need Intimacy As a species, we need intimacy. We need it as much as we need air. We need sustenance, we need shelter and we need intimacy. The root behind any relationship, good, bad … Continue reading