The Passionate Era of Early Marriage

I was talking to a young woman yesterday who is getting married in June. She is excited about the wedding and bubbled over with the details of the wedding ceremony, her fiancé and more. Despite my own exhaustion, I couldn’t help but smile at her enthusiasm and her passion. It reminded me of when my husband and I were in the early stages of planning our wedding – the enthusiasm, the excitement and even the titillation of planning a life together and I started thinking of everything they have to look forward to. It’s Good to Remember It’s good for … Continue reading

What Does Romance Mean to You?

What is your idea of romance? Does it mean passion or sensuousness or do you think of it more in terms of thoughtful expressions of love? Some people relate romance to sexual experiences, like the torrid, swept away relationships described in dime store romance novels. That isn’t my idea of romance. For me, romance means thoughtfulness. It is the way we show each other the depths of our love and passion by showing how well we know the other person and doing special things for one another that no one else would think to do. It is personal gestures, not … Continue reading

Memorable Moments: Romance in the Air

Do you like to reminisce with your spouse about those special moments the two of you have shared together? Heather shared some of her “Hidden Treasure” moments, and I’m going to share my favorite romantic moment. We hope you will tell us about some of your best moments and take some time to relive them with your spouses. One of the most romantic moments my husband and I shared was on the way home from a date. It really wasn’t much of a date, because I ended up working later than planned. He’d met me there so we could go … Continue reading