The One who Sulks

Mary’s article about loving an angry man made for interesting reading. But I guess it depends largely on how that anger is expressed or not expressed as the case may be. For example years ago, back in the dawn of time, before I met Mick (in other words when I was a young teenager) I went out with a young guy who had anger issues. He’d come from a dysfunctional family and as a result he had never learned within that family how to deal with anger in a constructive way.. The trouble was when he was angry, he didn’t … Continue reading

Make Time to be Intentional

Sometimes people can become those caught up in the busyness of life and work situations and doing things that they forget to be intentional about their marriage. What do I mean? All their intentional energy goes into other stuff like career, family or social activities and pleasure. They never take the time to stop long enough to make that time together to talk about their marriage and work though what is happening. They never stop long enough to ask, ’How is our marriage going? Is there anything that needs to be changed? Is there anything that is not working for … Continue reading

The Things that Last

We all need reminders about what’s most important in life. Recently someone forwarded me a cute little email with the Charlie Brown philosophy. As you scroll down through the email it asks you to name various people, like the five wealthiest people in the world. Hands up anyone who has a clue. For sure I didn’t and what is more didn’t care. Then it asked you to name the last Heisman trophy winners. For starters I didn’t even know what the Heisman trophy was. So if you do you’re ahead of me. And I knew I wouldn’t have a clue … Continue reading

The Many Definitions of Loyalty

We all know we’re supposed to be loyal to our spouses. Most people think of “loyalty” as another way of saying “fidelity,” and in a way, that’s true. When we’re loyal to our spouses, we are most certainly faithful to them. But loyalty takes on many more facets. When we are loyal to our spouse, that doesn’t mean we have to agree with everything they say. We may have opinions that vary widely, and we may want to discuss them often. But loyalty to our spouse means that we will disagree respectfully, careful not to belittle or criticize in the … Continue reading

Agreeing on the Things that Matter

He likes football. She can’t stand it. He likes motorcross racing. The noise gives her a headache. She likes watching romantic movies. He’d rather die. She likes going hiking. He feigns a bad back whenever she suggests it. In every marriage, you’ll find that you have differences. This is part of what keeps your relationship spicy. Imagine if you were married to someone exactly like you … I think you’d get pretty bored, pretty fast. After all, if you were the only person you needed, why get married? We marry, in part, to bring other thoughts and ideas into our … Continue reading

Staying for the Sake of the Kids

Should you stay in a physically abusive situation or even a verbally abusive situation for the same of the kids? That’s the question one of our families members posed recently. Now I have to say I have never been in this position and can’t imagine being so, but I known thing, like several of you who responded to this woman’s dilemma, I think staying is not the best option. Although it might initially seem less disruptive to the children’s lives and therefore seemed better to stay and shut up and ensure the children have a father, in the end it … Continue reading

Erectile Dysfunction- Not Just a Problem in the Bedroom

Erectile dysfunction is not just all about sex or the lack of it. According to recent report it erectile dysfunction may be symptomatic of even more serious problem It can often be an early warning signal for heart problems and diabetes, experts say. Sadly the link between erectile dysfunction and heart disease or diabetes is not well enough understood. The reason is too many men are reluctant to go and see a doctor and admit they need help. It is a seen by them as some sort of slur on their manhood rather than a health issue. A report issued … Continue reading

Making It Work

A friend recently in a conversation about marriage had something interesting to say. It was about arranged marriages. Strange as the idea may seem to many of us, arranged marriages still occur in some traditions. This man was talking about this arranged marriage and the difference between arranged marriages and those we might consider done the usual way of falling in love and choosing whom you will marry. According to him the difference is those who go into arranged marriages know they are going to have to work at the marriage to make it work. What’s more they are expected … Continue reading

A Worrying Trend

Lately there seems to have been an upsurge in the number of people in the forums raising the issue of a Muslim marrying or being involved in relationship with a Christian. In nearly each case it is the man that is the Muslim. I think it is a worrying trend. Marriage is hard enough to maintain through the tough times and the problems life throws at us, without added complications and being at odds with your spouse over what should be the most fundamental things. Firstly though, we need to define what people mean when a person declares themselves a … Continue reading

Odd One Out

More and more these days I’m feeling like the odd one out, as far as society is concerned. And you know what? I don’t care a bit. The reason for feeling so out of sync with much of the rest the world is because I have been happily married for a long time. In this day and age it seems to be the anomaly rather than the nor, Recently Janet, the editor of Footprints magazine, and her husband celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary. She was amazed at the response from people who carried on as thought it was a major … Continue reading