Signs You May Resent Your Spouse

I’ll never forget when it came to the end of a previous long term relationship. I found myself irritated all of the time and sometimes even downright mean. Although I didn’t realize it at the time, I has grown to resent other person and the relationship. In that case, I wasn’t married, but had I been, it would have been very important to recognize the signs early enough to take action. Many times we blow off the little things that are actually big things in disguise. You may resent your spouse.. If you start to dread coming home to your … Continue reading

Protecting your Husband’s Health

Stress can come to all of us at times. Stress can cause all sorts of health issues, like heart disease, stomach ulcers, migraines, and, some believe, cancer. As much as possible try and keep stress to a minimum by trying to make your home a peaceful place. Make sure you both have a time to relax, enjoy a hobby and have couple time when you can talk things through. Don’t let your expectations put too much stress on your spouse. In this day and age money issues are a point of concern, so watch the spending so it does not … Continue reading

Protecting Your Husband’s Heart and More

The other day we looked at protecting your marriage but have you ever thought about whether there is anything you need to do or change in your lifestyle to protect your husband’s health? After all, you want him around for a long time to come, don’t you? Statistics have shown that carrying too much weight around can be bad for the heart and can also lead to other problems such as diabetes. Do you make sure your husband eats a healthy diet with plenty of vegetables, and fruit? Now I’m not suggesting you go vegetarian, as many men are fond … Continue reading

How to Deal with Time Spent Apart

I remember reading somewhere that Paul and Linda McCartney never spent a night apart from each other during the entire length of their marriage. While I don’t know if this is true or not, I think it would be a wonderful goal for a couple. Still, there are inevitable times when you have to be physically separated from each other. Maybe one spouse is in the armed forces, or has to take an extended business trip or has to care for family far away. Whatever the reason, it isn’t usually easy to be apart. Here are some tips on dealing … Continue reading

A Favorite Recipe and More Tips for Stress Free Entertaining

Here are the final tips for stress free entertaining for you and your spouse, followed by the recipe of my husband’s favorite dessert. 9. If dinner feels like too much hassle, invite friends for afternoon tea at your home instead. Or invite them out for coffee at the local coffee shop 10. Check when making arrangements for a meal of afternoon tea that the person has no allergies. I once made a chicken dinner only to find out as it was being served that the person was allergic to chicken. Now I ask beforehand if they have any allergies. 11. … Continue reading

Tips for Stress Free Entertaining for You and Your Spouse- Part 2

Here are more tips for stress free entertaining for you and your spouse. 4. Know Your Spouse Growing up I don’t remember my parents entertaining a lot and Mick said the same about this parents. We got to wondering if it was because our fathers where both quiet men who didn’t like a lot of people? They just liked to come home and relax after a hard day at work and not have to make conversation, and the same applied on weekends. 5. Do they Get Along? Consider too, are the people you want to invite mutual friends? Do the … Continue reading

Tips For Stress Free Entertaining for You and Your Spouse

Do you consider your spouse when entertaining, when deciding what to do or who you will invite over for a meal? Do you consider their likes and dilikes. Here are some helpful tips to make entertaining an enjoyable experience for you and your spouse. 1. Don’t overextend yourself or your spouse. Is your spouse one who likes big dinner parties with lots of guests and an elaborate meal? If he is not, I’d suggest you consider something simpler, like a barbecue or a casual meal or a sit down dinner with only a few guests. Mick knows for example that … Continue reading

Want to Know How to Decrease Stress?

Want to know how to ease stress in your life and that of your spouse? Scientists have come up with the answer – to kiss stress goodbye, literally. Displays of affection ease stress levels. That’s the conclusion that scientists have come to, after conducting a week long study with a number of mostly married couples. The act of kissing, ‘unleashes chemicals that ease stress hormones in both sexes.’ Scientists dicovered that the couples that engaged in more physical contact, ranging from holding hands to sexual intercourse, had lower levels of cortisol, in their saliva. Cortisol is often referred to as … Continue reading

Overcoming a Crisis in Marriage

The statistics for a divorce after a crisis in your life are overwhelming. A crisis, whether it is an internal conflict such as infidelity or something outside of your control, such as a death in the family, this is the time when your marriage may be most vulnerable. Here is some advice on how you can survive the crisis and make your marriage even stronger. Someone once told me that a crisis in life is just like a hurricane. It is large, loud, very scary and can result in injury or death. I think this is a good comparison. Hurricanes … Continue reading

How the Economy Can Affect Your Marriage

An economy in recession can put a lot of stress on a marriage, and not just from increased worry about paying the bills, although of course money worries can always create some tension. In tough times, personality differences, even differences in gender may make the situation ripe for conflict. Let’s talk about this issue and how we can recognize when the economy is affecting our marriages. In a tough economy there may be stress over where the money is spent. If you have one spouse who is a saver and the other who likes to spend, the difference between the … Continue reading