Warning Signs a Marriage Is in Trouble

On the radio yesterday I heard this comment, ‘our senses warn us of danger, we hear it, we see it, we react.’ What about in your marriage? Are your senses warning you of the danger in your marriage? Or are you ignoring the warning signs? Here are some of the warning signs that all is not right with your marriage. Many of these have been brought up in the forums. 1. You no longer find your spouse attractive and want to make love with your spouse or even kiss and cuddle up. 2. You find habits your spouse has that … Continue reading

What Would You Not Forgive?

What would you not forgive? That was one of the topics we talked about yesterday with another younger married couple. Mick and I had already discussed it earlier. We both agreed the one area we would struggle to find hard to forgive – is our spouse having an affair. Yes, I know marriages have been put back together after an affair. But we decided we’d both find it extremely difficult to forgive what is a betrayal of the most intimate relationship. It’s far more than just the physical act of sex. It’s the whole betrayal of everything you’ve believed about … Continue reading

10 Things You Don’t Say To Your Wife

Occasionally men need reminders and husbands need them even more so. I’m lucky, I have a husband that listens when he’s told that saying something ‘like that’ is probably not a good idea. In an effort to maintain peace and harmony, we occasionally make lists for each other so we know what’s going on, what needs to be done and what would be a really bad idea to say. So I thought I’d share a list that we’ve compiled over the last few years. Things You Don’t Say To Your Wife 1. Honey, the dress is beautiful. You look like … Continue reading

Top Ten Male Stereotypes

What is a stereotype? It is generally an idea or a perception about a specific demographic that may have some truth to it but is not likely to be true of all persons in that demographic. Still, we all tend to hold common stereotypes of certain people in mind. What are some common stereotypes when it comes to men? Here are ten, in no particular order: 1. Men have a difficult time relinquishing the remote control. 2. Speaking of remote controls, many men would have one for everything if it were possible. 3. Men will watch a show they’ve already … Continue reading

Top Twelve Marriage Articles of 2006

Can you pick the best marriage article of 2006? I’ve been writing here since the end of December of 2005 and I can’t tell you how hard this list was to compile, I chose one article from every month of this year and I still don’t think I’ve done every article here justice. With over a 1,000 articles to choose from, culling the list to 12 was beyond difficult. But thanks to a great year and a great co-blogger here in marriage, I’ve done my best. So without further ado, here are my picks for the top twelve marriage articles … Continue reading

The Last Ten Years

Have you heard this recent release by Kenny Rogers? I caught it quite by accident on the radio a couple of days ago and I’ve listened to it several times since then. My husband and I have spent the last ten years together and so a song called The Last Ten Years gets my attention. The music is melodious and Kenny Rogers as always sings beautifully – but it’s the lyrics that haunt me when I listen to it. It’s the lyrics that speak to my heart and my memories of the last ten years. The Lyrics Oh, the last … Continue reading

10 Mistakes That Make a Bad Marriage

It’s hard to put a finger down on what makes a marriage go bad. It can be bad attitudes, it can be accenting the negative, and it can even be an inability to forgive. But more often than not, it’s an inability to find anything positive in your relationship that demonstrates how damaged a marriage has become. Before that time, however there are attitudes and behavior that we can bring into our marriages and if we don’t correct them we may be limiting our chances on finding that happily ever after. Here are 10 of the most common bad attitudes … Continue reading

The Top Five Reasons I Married A European Man

When it came time to get married, I didn’t mess around. I knew Europe was in my future, so, rather than being content with a visit here and there, I snagged myself a European man. That way, I could bring Europe home every single day. Okay, so that’s not really how it happened. Actually, I was 20 and came to California to visit my sister. Long story short, I met my future husband during the visit, and three months later, I was in California to stay. Impulsive? Of course. Stupid? You might say—but it all worked out for me. Ten … Continue reading