Proxy Marriages

I had heard of the word proxy before. However, until some recent research I had no clue what a proxy marriage was. I really cannot even say that I knew they existed. Therefore, in case some of you are like me, I have decided to share what I have learned about proxy marriages with you. Definition A proxy marriage takes place between two people just as a regular marriage would. However, instead of having both the bride and the groom, one person is absent from the ceremony. During a proxy wedding, one of the partner’s has a stand in. For … Continue reading

More about Marriage Law

In my last article, I began discussing marriage license and law basics. In these basics, I described how each state has its own specific rules but most states follow the same basic outline of marriage license regulations. Teen Marriages There are not many states or countries that make it easy for teens to get married without the permission of their parents. In most states, under age persons need the signature of both their mother and father (even if they are divorced) to get a marriage license. Some states require a waiting period and an order from a judge if the … Continue reading

Marriage License Basics

Most people think of marriage as being all about love and honesty and caring and relationships. While these things are true about marriage, marriage is also about a legal union and legal binding terms. It takes more than just love to make a marriage legal. While all states can have their own specifics, most states have the same basic requirements. The most important thing to check on for your marriage license is the time frame. Do not wait until the last minute to get your license. However, most licenses have an expiration date. Therefore do not get too anxious and … Continue reading

Protecting Yourself During a Legal Separation

My last article focused on the aspects of a legal separation. Many couples think that they can just move apart and be legally separated. However without the proper papers filed, you are not protected. A legal separation is a must if you feel that the divorce or separation may get ugly or difficult. It can help give the two of you guidelines to live by so neither partner is taken advantage of during the separation. In the article, I also began noting some precautions that one should take when undergoing a legal separation. This article will offer more advice on … Continue reading

What is a Legal Separation?

When things are not going so well in a marriage, partners often begin to think about the option of a divorce. However, some couples are not so bold or yet ready to call it quits. These couples may opt for a separation or trial period before asking for a divorce. Some states honor a couple a legal separation. The states of Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, and Texas do not recognize a legal separation as of this time. Other states look at a legal separation as of a time period when you are not married nor are you divorced. When … Continue reading

Proxy Marriages in California

As we continued our research into marriage laws we talked about California Marriage Laws last month and I wanted to delve more into proxy marriages that are allowed in California as of September 10, 2004. SB 7 was passed as an urgency measure so when the Governor signed it on September 10, 2004 it took effect immediately. This law allowed proxy marriages under special circumstances – specifically for members of the armed forces who are stationed overseas or in war zones. The law allows a member of the armed forces to grant power of attorney to someone else to stand … Continue reading

Marriage Laws – Alaska & Hawaii

Yesterday, we completed looking at the marriage laws in the 48 contiguous states and today, we complete the set by journeying north to Alaska and across the Pacific to the islands of Hawaii. So let’s get started and thanks for joining me on our journey through 50 states worth of marriage laws and licenses. Alaska Obtaining a marriage license in Alaska is pretty straightforward. You will need a picture ID to present when you turn in your application. However, because some locales are pretty remote from a marriage license office, you can submit an application via postal mail or fax … Continue reading

Marriage Laws – Oregon & Washington

I can believe we’re nearly done with our marriage laws journey that began way back in May (yes, I can say way back in May with a straight face). We’re nearing July (wrapping up our last week in June here) and we’re taking a break in the Pacific Northwest to look at the marriage laws in Oregon and Washington. Oregon There is no residency requirement related to applying for a marriage license in Oregon. You will need to bring a photo ID with you and likely your social security number. As with most states, each county may have its own … Continue reading

Marriage Laws – California

We started our journey on the East Coast, a few weeks ago, exploring marriage laws. We’ve learned quite a few interesting things along the way and we only have four states left after our visit to the Golden State of California today. I saved California for close to the end because there were so many changes going on there. We’ll touch upon some of these changes and shifts in the law and more. So let’s get started at looking at the marriage laws in: California Each county may have its own requirements, so be sure to check ahead of time. … Continue reading

Marriage Laws – Nevada

Our series on marriage laws, angles northward to Nevada. The Silver State has been covered somewhat in the marriage blog as marriage laws were amended in Las Vegas (a favorite destination and impulse wedding location). So let’s take a look at Nevada marriage laws. Nevada Each county may have specific requirements, so you need to check with the county where you plan to apply for your marriage license. You don’t need to be a resident, but you do need to bring with you a valid for of identification as well as your social security number. (You don’t need the card … Continue reading