Marriage Laws – Missouri & Iowa

Our series on marriage laws continues into the Midwest with stops in Missouri and Iowa. We’ve learned quite a bit during our study of the various marriage laws affecting the 50 states of the United States. So let’s take a look at Missouri and then we’ll pause in Iowa. Missouri There is no residency requirement to apply for a marriage license in the state of Missouri. You will need to apply at the Recorder of Deeds office and provide valid identification and your social security numbers. Applicants under the age of 18 will need to have consent from their custodial … Continue reading

Clandestine Marriage & Bigamy

When we talked about What Are Secret Marriages? yesterday, Beth McHugh asked a fantastic question, one that I found I really wasn’t prepared to answer. So I went back to work on my research and now I have some answers to her question Heather, did you notice in your research whether there is any record outside of a judge’s secret box? If you wanted to commit bigamy, this sounds like a foolproof way! Secret Marriages In 1972, Time Magazine published an article on secret love in California. Like Beth asked yesterday, they were concerned with the dangerous liaisons that could … Continue reading

Marriage Laws – Louisiana & Arkansas

Let’s head a little further west on our tour of marriage laws in the 50 states for a stop in Louisiana and Arkansas. Louisiana is a state with a rich history and the only one where the Napoleonic code still influences the law there. What effect does that have on their marriage laws? Let’s take a look. Louisiana When applying for a marriage license in Louisiana, you will need to provide certified copies of your birth certificates, a picture ID and your social security numbers. If you were married previously, you must provide proof of how that marriage was ended … Continue reading

What Are Secret Marriages?

As you may know, I’ve been working on a series covering marriage laws throughout the 50 United States. Interestingly enough, as I was looking up laws in Michigan, I found out they have had a law on the books since 1897 governing secret marriages. So what is a secret marriage? So glad you asked, because I was curious and went to do some digging. Secret Marriages Secret marriages are just that – a marriage that occurs in secret. They are civil ceremonies that allow a couple to get married without there being an open record of the marriage. Prince Albert … Continue reading

Marriage Laws – Michigan & Illinois

Let’s take a swing north as we examine the Marriage Laws of the 50 states. Today, we’re pausing in Michigan and Illinois in the gorgeous areas around the Great Lakes and more. So, without further ado, let’s check out the marriage laws in Michigan and Illinois. Michigan Non-residents who apply for a marriage license in Michigan will pay a fee that is $10 higher. The fee for residents is about $20, so for non-residents the fee is about $30. Be sure to bring cash as most counties do not accept any other form of tender. Residents should apply in the … Continue reading

Marriage Laws – Alabama & Mississippi

Our East coast tour of marriage laws has finished off the East Coast and turned west. Let’s take a swing around the gulf coast to pay a call on the beautiful states in the heart of the south: Alabama and Mississippi. Alabama There is no residency requirement to get married in Alabama, but you do need to provide a valid form of ID as well as your social security number. If you were divorced within the six months prior to your wedding date, bring a certified copy of the divorce decree. There is also a sixty-day waiting period after a … Continue reading

Marriage Laws: Ohio & Indiana

As we continue our journey through the United States, we head to Ohio and Indiana. I’ve not spent a lot of time in either state, but let’s take a look at their requirements for a marriage license. Ohio Ohio has no residency requirement. If you are a resident, you must apply in the county where you live. If you are not a resident, you must apply in the county where you want to get married. You need proof of ID and a certified copy of the death certificate or divorce decree if you were married previously. There is no waiting … Continue reading

Marriage Laws: Kentucky & Tennessee

We’ve completed our trip down the Eastern seaboard and now we’re going to make our way across the country. Our first stops on our cross-country tour will be Kentucky and Tennessee. My brother’s other grandmother lived in Kentucky and we used to visit there frequently over the years. It’s been a long time since my last trip there, but I do have fond memories of both states. Kentucky Want to get married in Kentucky? You’ll need a driver’s license and social security card. You’ll also need to provide a certified copy of a divorce decree or death certificate if you’ve … Continue reading

Marriage Laws – Georgia & Florida

Rounding off our journey down the East coast, we come to the states of Georgia and Florida. These are a pair of beautiful states (though I admit a soft spot for Florida because it’s where I was born and where I was married). So let’s take a good look at these beautiful southern states with their rich history and picturesque locations (Disney wedding anyone?)and their marriage laws. Georgia Residents of Georgia need to apply for their marriage license in the county where they reside. You will also need two forms of identification when you apply for your license. In Cobb … Continue reading

Marriage Laws – North & South Carolina

As we continue our journey across the United States and reviewing the marriage laws of each individual state, we haven’t quite finished with the Eastern seaboard. We’ll wrap those up today and tomorrow with a look at North Carolina, South Carolina as well as Georgia and Florida. So without further ado, let’s take a break in the Carolinas and look at their marriage laws. North Carolina As with many other states, you do not need to be a resident of North Carolina to get married there. There is also no waiting period associated with applying for and receiving your marriage … Continue reading