Attractions to Coworkers

Most American adults spend much of their time at work. Many adults work more than the traditional forty-hour week. Some adults are working overtime or two jobs just to make ends meet. Some of our best friends come from coworkers. I occasionally keep in touch with friends from high school. However, it is much easier to make friends at work. Coworkers are the people that I see most often. I have more in common with them now than friends outside of the workplace. In some weeks and some days, I spend more time with my coworkers than I do with … Continue reading

Should Your Husband Stay at Home and be the Caregiver?

Before a couple sets in and decides who is and who is not going to stay at home with the children. There are some things that they should consider. This is especially true before the wife puts it upon the husband to stay home and be the caregiver. In a previous article, I discussed the coming trend of men staying at home. However, before you call your husband’s boss and say that he quits, there are some issues to ponder. First, is it reasonable? Can either of you afford to quit your job? Pull out the calculator and do the … Continue reading

Stay At Home Husbands

Many women are now career women. A lot of women actually enjoy being out in the workforce. Let’s face it some women are not designed to be stuck in the house with chores and children. While some of us love it, it just is not for everyone. Thankfully now, it does not have to be that way. While it was once unheard of, now more and more men are becoming stay at home dads and husbands. Daddy Day Care gave light into the fact that indeed men can stay home and be the caregiver and chores man. A few years … Continue reading

When the Wife Earns More Money

It has always been the assumption that men are the breadwinners of the family. At one point in time, they were. Men made the money and the women took care of the children and the house. However, times have changed. The cost of living has forced women to work and women have worked their way right up the career ladder. Women are now doctors, lawyers, and business associates. More than thirty percent of wives earn more than their husbands earn. Of course some of these women are married to jobless men or stay at home dads. Although the wives are … Continue reading

Wives Who Work From Home – Your Career

When you work from home, there are people who may scoff at the idea that you have a ‘career.’ Your spouse may even be one of them. This is a difficult place to be in because you want and need the support of your spouse. Our spouses have a profound impact on our ability to do our job. You may not realize this at first, but try to get some work done the next time the two of you have a disagreement or you feel a certain lack of appreciation – it can make it very hard. When your husband … Continue reading

I’m a Workaholic

There are a number of challenges that are waiting to confront you when you get married – challenges that you weren’t likely expecting. When you marry a workaholic, you may find yourself becoming a widow or widower to your spouse’s job and responsibilities. In a society where laziness seems to be the catch phrase, a workaholic can’t be that bad can they? Speaking From Experience Let me speak from experience here and stand up and admit it, my name is Heather Long and I’m a workaholic. I get so caught up in my work sometimes that I get up early … Continue reading

A Year of Potential Dreams

Do you know what this year is? No, not the number 2007 – it’s the beginning of the year and the rest of the year is spread out in front of you and it’s packed full of potential. One of the problems that confronts the majority of us as we get older and more mired down in responsibilities and obligations that we forget that we can make our own opportunities and we can make our dreams come true. That’s what this year is for you and your spouse – this is a year the two of you can make your … Continue reading

Flexible Schedule the Key to a Happy Marriage?

One of the great parts about working at home is that I can be here for my daughter on a regular basis. I’m here when she wakes up in the morning and I’m here when she comes home from school. There are other benefits from this flexible schedule – that benefit is the ability to support my husband’s more rigid schedule. I will not say his is more demanding nor that he works harder than I do – but he has fewer options. Flexible Scheduling For my husband, the work day must begin no later than 9 a.m. and it’s … Continue reading

Should Both Spouses Work?

Many married couples today are dual income families. While more and more women opt to stay home with children while they are young, moms may head back to the wonderful world of full time employment once the youngest child starts school. Will doing so really improve your household income enough to make it worth your time? It may or may not. It depends on the hours, the salary, the benefits, tax penalties many married couples are subjected to, and work related expenses. It may also include childcare for the hours after school until you or your spouse gets home from … Continue reading

Don’t Expect Your Spouse to Make You Happy

That may not be the advice you expect to get here, but it’s important to not fall into the trap of expecting your spouse to make you happy all the time. When this happens, your spouse comes home stressed, you’re stressed from the day and the two of you end up taking those bad moods out on each other. Neither one of you is good company nor are you supporting each other. In fact, very quickly, you will end up resenting each other. This is hardly a positive because the two of you will quickly begin spending time apart and … Continue reading