‘Friends’ Star Seeks Out a Marriage Therapist

I’ve mentioned before that I’m not big on celebrity gossip, but there was a little tidbit that caught my attention when it came down the newswire from United Kingdom. It seems that Courtney Cox (known as Monica Gellar in the series Friends as well as the reporter in the Scream trilogy) has engaged the services of a marriage therapist to help out with her marriage to David Arquette. Apparently, an argument between the couple was caught by the paparazzi during a recent vacation. According to the Yahoo News Report, Cox told Life weekend magazine: “I could see how relationships break … Continue reading

Long Distance Love

When you are in love, you and the person you are in love with is far away, it can be hard. Long distance love is actually becoming more prevalent with couples that travel, work or both abroad. These couples may have been traveling when they met or they may have been offered a dream opportunity later in the relationship. The truth is, long distance relationships, like all relationships come in many shapes and sizes. There are challenges to maintaining a long distance relationship to the satisfaction of both partners. The following are a few guidelines to help you cope when … Continue reading

Workaholics & Marriage

These are not two words that seem to go synonymously together and when you are married to a workaholic, you may find that you were right – those two words do not go together. A spouse who is a workaholic is more likely to be neglectful of their loved ones as they seem to spend all of their time at work or working at home. The spouse and children of these workaholics may be understanding at first, but when dinner is missed five nights out of seven and school plays along with other events are overlooked – understanding may not … Continue reading

4 Tips for Overcoming Financial Stress in Marriage

Arguments over money and how money is managed may seem inevitable in any relationship. After all, it’s hard enough to make the right financial choices without taking into account someone else’s feelings and ideas. It can be even more difficult when you are both coming from different financial angles and pasts. So if your styles of dealing with money are different, here are 4 tips for overcoming financial stress in marriage. Be frank in discussing how you and your families handled money and how it went when you were growing up. It’s important for both of you to understand where … Continue reading

Career or Life Oriented?

Are you life or career oriented? There is actually a point to this question. Let me define what I mean and then I’ll tell you what I am talking about. Everyone in life makes a lot of different decisions about a lot of different things, when it comes to deciding what kind of life you’re going to have – you do have choices. These choices will impact not only the kind of person you are, but the type of marriage that you have. The Career Oriented When your life is career oriented, you base the majority of your decisions around … Continue reading

Bringing Home the Bacon

So who brings home the bacon in your household? I don’t even remember what commercial that phrase comes from. The point behind bringing home the bacon is that this is the person upon whom the family relies for their food, their shelter and their survival. The stereotype says that daddy brings home the bacon and momma fries it up in a pan. But many married couples today come from families where at least one divorce occurred and may not have been raised by a single father, a single mother, grandparents or any combination thereof. So when it comes to getting … Continue reading

Career Interrupted

We talked about your spouse and your career last week. I wanted to revisit the subject at least briefly today and talk about the different types of behavior that might be considered inappropriate and when you need to talk to your spouse about it. The Party Girl/Guy The overindulgent partier is one who does the crazy things at all the company events. Whether they are the life of the party or not, they are definitely the one most likely to be talked about at the party and afterwards. If they are still partying like they were in a frat or … Continue reading

Your Spouse, Your Image & Your Career

When it comes to being married, your spouse can really impact how you do your job as well as your success in your career. We don’t always think about the impact our spouses have on our working lives, but my husband and I are in constant communication throughout the day. But we’re also highly aware of the commitments the other one has to their job. So when a spouse doesn’t acknowledge the importance of those commitments to a job or career, it can do more than just create conflict between the couple – it can cause problems with their work. … Continue reading

Military Homecomings

With so many in the military deployed around the world including Iraq and Afghanistan, many military spouses are left waiting for the day their deployed soldier makes it home. It can be great for both partners for the spouse to come home, but it can also generate problems in your marriage. So for those of you looking forward to going home or waiting expectantly for them to come home, here are some tips to help you make the homecoming a good event and not a troubling one. Accept that you have been apart for a long time and that things … Continue reading

Living With Frequent Business Travel

Careers that take you away from your spouse on frequent business travel cannot be avoided, and the result can be lonely for both of you. But there are some solutions that can make it less of a burden. Have frequent contact with each other. Phone calls at a specific time each night can give you both something to look forward to, and be sure to set enough time aside so that the conversation doesn’t feel rushed. Calling your spouse should be a joy, not an obligation. If you are the traveler, make sure that you are aware of any time … Continue reading