Desperate for Love and Mr. Right

It seems it is so easy for those who are desperate for love and to meet Mr. Right, to be targeted and exploited by those looking for ways to make a quick few thousand. Such was the case for a 56 year old Australian woman who found her Mr. Right was in fact Mr. Wrong. While the internet is great for lots of things even finding love, as I have heard of those who have met online and then fallen in love and later married. But this latest story only serves to highlight again the dangers of the internet and … Continue reading

Wrong Priorities?

What a sad ending to what should have been a happy day and night, I thought, as I read of the Spanish woman who spent her wedding night in jail after she hit a policeman trying to break up a brawl between her family and the groom’s family. Several things occurred to me. The first being, that this woman has got her priorities out of whack (excuse the pun) that she was prepared to endanger her wedding night to become involved in a family brawl at the wedding reception. It struck me that the wedding night with her new husband … Continue reading

A Violent End to a Marriage

When I read news stories like the one this morning it really makes me saddened about the state of our world and society. I was horrified to read the news story this morning of a husband who killed his 30 year old wife. Using his own gun Scott Hain killed his wife Melanie, while she was on a video call talking to a male friend. The husband later killed himself. The horrific incident raises lots of questions. What goes through the heads of some people and how far have selfish obsessions taken over that a man would kill his wife? … Continue reading

The Things That Matter

This wasn’t what I was planning to write. But after reading this article about Brogan Mackay I couldn’t help it. If you read through, you find this girl has Gucci handbags and designer clothes and expensive TV and computers etc but what about all that she doesn’t have? Yes, this 11 year old has all the things that money can buy, what I would question is whether she has any of the things that matter. Sadly, she appears to have parents who equate love only with buying things. Now, our children never had the material advantages this girl has, but … Continue reading

Giving in to Social Trends?

Has the church given into to the trends of society? The Church of England recently announced a plan for a double ceremony or as some dubbed it a ‘hatch and match’ ceremony, where the couple the can be married and then have their child baptized or themselves too if they like on the same day as part of the same ceremony. The situation that has brought this about is that while the church believes that the best place for sex is within marriage relationship, the reality shows that around 44 percent of women are not married when they give birth. … Continue reading

Could You Let Your Spouse Die?

Could you let your spouse die? I have a friend who had to watch his wife die of a terminal illness and I know how hard he found it and wished he could do anything to prevent it. But to knowingly and willfully let his spouse die as this man has been convicted of doing when he could have done something to prevent it, what sort of man would do this? This man pleaded guilty to manslaughter and was sentenced after letting his wife die on their honeymoon when, according to reports. Again you wonder, what sort of marriage was … Continue reading

What Sort of Marriage Is This?

This wasn’t the piece I had started for today but when I saw a news article, I couldn’t help but be astounded, outraged, sickened, horrified at what had happened in one marriage. How could any man do such a thing to his wife? What happened to love honor and cherish? Where are all the things we have been talking about in this blog site like mutual love, respect, acts of kindness, thoughtfulness, consideration, and encouragement? None of them are there. If you haven’t read the article, it is about a man who arranged through an on line list for someone … Continue reading

Selfishness and Dishonesty Taken to the Extreme

I was horrified when I read this article about a man who infected the woman he claimed to love, and who he later married, with HIV. According to reports , he did not tell her he had the virus when the couple first ‘began a sexual relationship in 1996.’ Instead he knowingly and willingly passed the disease on to the woman he supposedly loved without telling her. By the time she found out, it was too late. This has to be the height of selfishness on this man’s part. Obviously Judge Thomas Wodak thought so too, He said ‘the fact … Continue reading

The Woman with 23 Marriages

What would you do if you said “I do” 23 times? No, I’m not talking about some Big Love, polygamist compound here, but one woman who has been married 23 times, consecutively, that is. And watch out guys, she is ready for husband number 24. The Chicago Sun Times is reporting on Mrs. Linda Wolfe (born Linda Lou Taylor), who at the age of 68, is in the Guinness Book of World Records for having been married the most times. Over the years, she has held the title of Mrs. with many last names attached. She says that even when … Continue reading

Before Disaster Comes Show Your Love

Australia is reeling. A staggering number of lives have been lost as a result of the bushfires that have been rampaging for days. Whole towns have been wiped out. Many people have lost their homes and possessions in the worst disaster to hit Australia as bush fires rage through parts of Victoria. Fires have also hit New South Wales but to date no lives have been lost there. Other than the lives of loved ones, what would you try and save in case of a fire? It’s hard to imagine, isn’t it? As I started to think about what I’d … Continue reading