What’s Wrong with Young Marriages?

You often hear meaning people say that some couples are too young to get married. There is a theory and some evidence to suggest that young marriages don’t work. Yet years ago, many people were married much younger than they are today. Once 18 wasn’t considered young to get married. In fact you will find many of those who have been married fifty years or more would have been married around this age or certainly before 21. Do the math. You’d have to be married fairly young or live a long time to rack up that many years. In the … Continue reading

What Would You Change?

If you had the chance to do it all again with your wedding and your marriage, would you? Would you marry the same person? Would you change anything? I was thinking about blogs the other day in the car when I heard the song The Way We Were and of course on of the lines echoed these thought. If we had to do it all again, would we? If I had to do it all again, yes I would make changes. No, not my darling husband. That’s non negotiable. There is no way I’d ever want to swap him. Recently … Continue reading

Signs a Marriage is in Trouble?

After 28 years of marriage, Mel Gibson and his wife Robyn are getting divorced and it seems everyone has an opinion about it. That comes with the price of being famous, I guess. But the truth is despite rumors and gossip, columnists and opinions of his fans, none of us know what their marriage was really like, any more than you really know want your next door neighbor’s marriage or marriages of friends or family are like. Similarly no-one really knows what your marriage is really like. Or do they? The reality is that we only see the tip of … Continue reading

Your Mate or Your Pet: Should You Have to Choose?

In the past we have discussed moving in together and the struggle that may come with combining material items. The decision of which and whose items are to be kept and whose will be stored or sold can sometimes get complicated. However, what happens when the items being discussed are not material but are living? I know many people who live out on their own for some time and grow much attached to a dog or cat, especially if it is kept inside the house. So what happens when this person finds a mate that is not so attracted to … Continue reading

Secret Marriages

I once knew a couple who got married then had a wedding. I found this to be very odd and I felt that they must be doing something that others do not do. However recently I came across an article that discussed secret marriages. In the article, there was also a forum section where couples could ask questions. One question asked what the officiate should do at the wedding is the couple was already married. It also stated that no one knew the couple had previously already married. The question reminded of the couple that I knew. In this case … Continue reading

Why Do Men Put Their Wives Down When Male Friends are Present?

In many cases, the behavior of men and women remain a mystery to each other. There are things about the opposite sex that we will never truly understand. Until we somehow can experience what the other thinks and feels, we can never fully grasp why each other carries out certain behaviors. One action that is usually greatly different among men and women is the way that each other is perceived and commented upon by their spouse in front of friends. Women tend to like to make their husband appear to be better when she describes him to her friends. She … Continue reading

Will Gay Marriage Be on the Ballot in Massachusetts in 2008?

As the state of Massachusetts prepares to begin a state constitutional convention, it seems pretty clear that they will avoid voting whether or not to place gay marriage on the ballot in 2008. While many believe that there are plenty of votes to get the issue on the ballot, based on positions publicly declared by lawmakers, it seems that some lawmakers would rather not have to decide. Gay rights activists are encouraging Democratic lawmakers to pressure colleagues that they work closely with to change their votes if a vote should occur. At this point, legislators are saying they have too … Continue reading

The Marriage Counselor of Texas? Good Question

Heather’s article, Marriage in the News: Covenant Marriages & Texas Legislation, described five pending bills in Texas related to marriage. Interestingly enough, they were proposed by Republicans and are being questioned and condemned by Democrats, which is the complete opposite of how such things usually work. Clearly, there is no doubt that I am conservative, but that doesn’t mean I agree with the so-called conservative party’s bid to expand intrusive government. I agree with Democrats on this. That is a rare statement coming from me (despite the fact that I don’t swear by the Republican party line either). In a … Continue reading

In the News: Vetoed “Marriage” Bill in California Revisited

A bill was passed in 2005, which would legalize same sex marriage in California. Governor Schwarzenegger vetoed it, establishing that it is not the right of lawmakers or courts to decide what is best for the state, but that it is up to the people of California. A spokesperson for the governor has stated that he has not changed his mind on this matter, indicating that if the bill passes he will veto it again, but that won’t stop the bill from being considered by the Assembly Judiciary Committee. The bill, said to be identical to the previous one, will … Continue reading