Turkey Day Drama This Year?

It is almost Thanksgiving and I am getting ready to for our annual guilt trip by my in laws. Every year around the holidays this happens when they know we like to do Thanksgiving at our house and his mother says that she understands. Even though she says she understands and is not upset we always seem to get the guilt trip. OK to be honest it is not me that gets the guilt trip because honestly it does not bother me enough anymore to feel guilty but my husband he still gets the guilt trip. I am sure that … Continue reading

Why Don’t They Get It?

My sister in law is trying to plan an outing to celebrate their Dad’s birthday and his completion of chemotherapy. Finishing chemotherapy is definitely something that should be celebrated but there are something’s that no one is considering. The first being that he will only be complete in his chemo for 2 weeks; having gone through chemo I know he is still going to be low on energy, appetite and may still be nauseas. When we tried to nicely explain this to my sister in law her reply was “Yeah I know”. Well considering between me and her there is … Continue reading

Kim Kardashian Makes a Mockery of Marriage

Not only has Kim Kardashian made a mockery of marriage but she has duped many. Just 72 days into her marriage with NBA star, Kris Humphries, she has filed for divorce. 72 days??? Many are accusing Kardashian of getting married for the sheer publicity. Of course, it didn’t hurt that she also received some freebies and deep discounts for promoting certain products. She even made a ton of money selling pictures of their wedding. According to some, she may have earned as much as $18 million from getting married. Isn’t it usually the other way around, that we spend money … Continue reading

My Husband’s 40th !

Every year my husband’s parents host a birthday dinner for my brother in law and sister in law but never for my husband. This bothers me. My husband says he does not let him be bothered by this but he is human so it is only natural that it does bother him. This year we chose not to attend his sister’s birthday dinner because of some issues we had going on at the time and my mother in law choose to call my husband at work and chew him out for not going. Now let me say my husband did … Continue reading

Why Dont We See Grand Ma and Grand Pa

I was driving home from the hospital with the kids after we visited with my husband and I mentioned that their grandmother came to the hospital to visit to see their Dad. The kids asked me why they did not visit with their Grand Parents. Now this is a hard question for me to answer. I know what the reason is but I do not want them to have any negative thoughts about them. Now contrary to everyone’s opinion we never speak ill of the grand parents or other in laws at all. I will not lie to the kids … Continue reading

Friends Who Are More Like Family

Well surgery is over and before my husband was even rolled to recovery my brother in law got up and was gone. So he got there after surgery started and left before he woke up from surgery so what was the purpose of him being there? He did not talk to me really so why exactly did he come? When my husband was in the hospital recovering his one remaining kidney started to go into shock and so they kept him in the hospital for 2 full weeks. My sister in law came by for a few visits and called … Continue reading

Coaching Each Other in Parenting

When my children were younger, my husband did a great job spending time with them and enjoying them. One thing I have noticed over the years is that as our children have gotten older, it has become more difficult for him in knowing how to interact. Now I don’t say this to put him down. From what I have heard, it’s a common problem for many fathers. When the kids are younger, it’s nothing to get on the floor and roughhouse. It’s even okay to sit down with your daughter and play tea party. But then along come the years … Continue reading

Who is Normal?

Well back to the family drama. My husband is in the hospital and soon they will be removing a kidney that died from his diabetes. Now he got the diabetes from his mom she is a diabetic and he developed as a teenager. When my husband got cancer I heard that he got it because I asked him to get a vasectomy. So hubby’s cancer is my fault? Would that kidney being removed at the ripe old age of 39 her fault? No don’t worry I am not going to tell them that because the vasectomy did not cause cancer … Continue reading

How Many Times Should I Turn My Cheek?

So I just had surgery on my foot and I am supposed to be staying off of it and now all of a sudden my sister in law wants to bring dinner over. I feel like I am in some sort of alternate universe or the pain meds are really doing something weird. I know they may make me nice but should they be making her nicer? I know that sounds mean but when we have had so many issues throughout the years and we have had little to no support from her. Even when I was going through chemo … Continue reading

What To Do?

I have a particular situation going on. If you have followed the last few entries you know that my in laws and I do not get along and that is putting it gently. I want to try to make an effort for the benefit of my husband but it is SO hard. When he was in the hospital his siblings called once, no one visited. Now that he is home from the hospital no calls and not even an email from his brother or sister. His parents called every day in the hospital and his mom came to visit. We … Continue reading