Physical Abuse Can Go Both Ways

We all know that it’s not right for a man to hit his wife. There are all kinds of protective agencies and laws in place, shelters for abused women, support groups that meet both online and in person. This is how it should be, but what about marriages in which the wife is abusive to the husband? It does happen. Most of the time, the husband is physically stronger than the wife, and if he’s the abuser, he can inflict a lot more damage. He can break her arms and ribs, give her concussions and bruises, and even cause wounds … Continue reading

The Day I Really Thought about It

I’m LDS (a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or Mormon) and I believe that marriage can and should last forever. My parents were divorced when I was a teenager, and this has reinforced my determination to keep my marriage alive and not to let anything happen to destroy it. One day, though, one very bad day, I contemplated divorce. Really, truly thought about it. We had been dealing with some issues in our marriage that didn’t originate with each other, but came along for the ride into our relationship. We had been on a rollercoaster, … Continue reading

Resolving Conflict in Marriage – Part 3

Following on from last week’s articles about resolving conflict in marriage, these are also good guidelines to follow. Once you have sat down and talked thought the situation, move on. Practice forgetfulness. Every time negative thoughts come back to you, practice putting them away by thinking about good qualities of your spouse and re-enforcing the idea that the problems are over and you have a clean slate. Don’t keep harping back to what has already gone on before and keeping score of wrongs and hurts. The ability to put aside hurts and get along with others is a sign of … Continue reading

Resolving Conflict in Marriage – part 2

One of the biggest problems, where there is conflict in a marriage, is one person feeling they are not actually being heard. So it is important that you listen and acknowledge your spouse’s feelings. Even if you disagree or think they are misinterpreting events or comments, for the moment keep that to yourself. Just let them know firstly that you love them and are actually hearing what they are saying about how they are feeling. If you are too quick to jump in with your own opinions or own version of events, it will effectively shut them down and they … Continue reading

Resolving Conflict in Marriage

If you and your spouse are having problems, what can you do? A lot will depend on how long the conflict has been going on, what it is about and how serious the issue is. But you need to sit down together and talk and work through the situation. Here are some suggestions you might like to consider adopting. If you are a believer then talk to God before you talk to your spouse. Ask God to change the heart of your spouse, so that he or she is receptive and prepared to listen to what you have to say. … Continue reading

Taking a Breather after Work

My husband has a stressful job. He’s good at handling difficult customers, and so that’s what he does all day—deals with customers no one else can placate. Most of the time, the disputes can be resolved quickly, and the customer is often laughing by the end of the conversation. But sometimes, the customer will not calm down. It’s against company policy for my husband to lose his temper, so he has to maintain an image of calm no matter what the situation. After a long day of complaint after complaint, he’s usually ready to crawl under a rock and never … Continue reading

Intimacy and Desire in Marriage

Today I have something a bit different for the marriage blog. I have a book review Intimacy and Desire Awaken the Passion in Your Relationship by Dr David Schnarch Paperback $35.00 This book raises several interesting and, I dare to suggest, controversial issues. One of them is that lack of sexual desire doesn’t necessarily mean there is a problem in the marriage. This is certainly different to a lot of the popular view of the day and the impression we get from current movies and TV shows, which suggest that if you’re not have sex like rabbits there’s something drastically … Continue reading

When Your Spouse Wants a Divorce

What do you do when your spouse wants to get a divorce but you do not? In many no fault states, you may not be able to prevent it. Furthermore, trying to live in a marriage when the other person believes that he or she is single cannot be the happiest of situations, so what can you do? While it may be difficult when your spouse comes to you and says, “I want a divorce,” try to remain calm. Sometimes the statement is made in the heat of the moment of an argument with no real intention behind it. Obviously … Continue reading

One Thing at a Time

Watch any advertisement and you will soon see, advertisers focus on one thing and promote that. It’s sound advice to keeping mind when dealing with marriage and especially with problem areas, disagreements or arguments. Too often when couples get embroiled in an argument, they forget this advice and start pulling in other incidents and troubles from the week before, the month before or the years before. This is not helpful. When you have problems in your marriage don’t try and work on them all at once. Otherwise it can seem an overwhelming task and all end up being put aside … Continue reading

Ten Tips about Arguments

Yesterday we looked at the fact that disagreements are not always bad in a marriage. Here are some further tips for how to deal with those argumentative times. 1. Stick to the topic at hand. Don’t bring up past issues and arguments. The past should be a closed book with a sign that says ‘Do not open.’ Once it is over, leave it over. Don’t hark back to it. 2. Don’t attack your spouse. And avoid expressions like ‘You always do……’ or ‘You never say……’ 3. Do not resort to naming calling and using belittling words. Such behavior achieves nothing … Continue reading