What’s the Spookiest Thing That’s Happened to You on Halloween?

Happy Halloween! I don’t know if it’s the kid in me or what, but Halloween remains one of my favorite holidays. I love decorating and dressing up even though I don’t have any kids and some may think I’m too old for such nonsense. But I don’t care. I still think it’s a hoot. However, this Halloween, even though the decorations are up, I find myself facing something very scary indeed. A trip to the doctor. Dreading the Doctor After having to schlep my mom to and from doctors’ offices this past year, I’ve semi-sort of conquered one fear in … Continue reading

When Problems Come

When problems come, as they do to all of us at some time or another, it’s a comfort to have that special one to turn to. This week I was called back after a mammogram for further X-rays and ultrasound etc and I experienced first hand the support and love of my darling husband. As we waited for the days to pass before the tests, he sought always to encourage me. He also prayed for me and came with me when the day for the tests came. Among the women waiting only a couple had their guys with them. The … Continue reading

The Older Couples on the Path

I’ve learned a lot on my quest so far this year to understand what it takes to have a long and successful marriage. I’ve learned secrets from Families.com readers and non-Families.com sources of inspiration alike. But one thing I failed to consider was something else. Something that struck me the other day as I was walking Murph on his favorite park path: your marriage can’t last if you don’t. Yes, I’m talking about keeping yourself healthy. Seems so obvious, but it wasn’t until I saw the older couples on the path that it clicked. I’m talking 65 and up. They … Continue reading

Does an STD Make the Crime of an Affair Even Worse?

While I was researching information about affairs and STDs I ran across an interesting discussion on a medical help website forum. It’s one of those where you can post a question for a doctor to answer. One woman had had her pap test come back indicating she had HPV. She feared she contracted it from her husband, who had been unfaithful. The doctor explained that even though she’s had normal pap tests her entire life, it might not necessarily be her husband’s fault. She could have contracted the HPV 20 years ago, it remained latent, and just now reactivated. The … Continue reading

Affairs and STDs

You often hear people talk about the psychological issues they suffer after finding out a spouse has had an affair (namely lack of trust), and there’s the other kind of fallout that manifests (counseling and divorce), but what about the health issues? How many affairs result in the contraction of an STD? Perhaps it’s a weird thing to wonder about. (Then again, I’m prone to that. “How Do Monkeys Keep Their Nails Clipped?” is proof.) But there you have it, I’m wondering about it. I blame Wayne. Not because he cheated and gave me an STD, but because of his … Continue reading

Doctor Visit Raises Question of Fidelity

A few years back, before we moved to Nashville, Wayne and I used to see the same doctor. However, we never visited at the same time. Except for one time. Sort of. We weren’t in there at the same time, but we both found ourselves in the doctor’s office on the same day. I went for my annual exam. Wayne went in because his ear was bothering him and he feared it was infected. (As an avid swimmer, it was something that happened to him now and again.) I went in and everything went as it was supposed to. No … Continue reading

Sometimes Love’s the Best Medicine

I’ve been pretty quiet blogging in both Marriage and Pets lately because I’ve either been sick or on vacation. Or both. Last week, to finally enjoy some time together after spending four months apart, Wayne and I went to Washington D.C. It was great except for one thing: Wayne was sick. It was my fault. The week before we’d driven to Denver to be with family for Thanksgiving and right before we left I got sick. I tried my best to Lysol everything and not cough on Wayne, but when you’re stuck in a car for 17 hours it’s inevitable … Continue reading

What Kind of Patient is Your Husband?

This is the time of year when sickness is booming. Stomach viruses, flu, bronchitis, and colds are flaring in schools and throughout the entire community. Nothing is worse than having one of these illnesses cycle through your family. And if it is not bad enough to go through one of them, when the immune system is down, families can go through two or even three sicknesses within days or weeks. Having a sick family can run a mom wild. Moms often do have time to feel bad or get sick themselves. Within one week, every member of a family can … Continue reading

Healthy Relationships are Good for Your Health

We have many relationships in our lives. We have relationships with people at home and at work. How we deal with these relationships can greatly affect our moods, personalities, and health. All couples should desire having a healthy relationship. Healthy relationships make people happier and more confident. In addition to having a healthy relationship for purposes of happiness, healthy relationships can also improve a person’s overall health. Research shows that people in healthy relationships are healthier people in general. While most of these relationships are thought to be with a mate, good relationships are also desired with coworkers, family members, … Continue reading

The Day a Lump Entered My Marriage – Part II

In Part I I told about the day I found a lump in my breast. Here’s what happened after: All Alone Nothing looked brighter the next morning. Wayne was a mess, and at first this freaked me out more. I needed him to pull it together. I needed him to be strong to carry me through. Or so I thought. When I called the doctor that morning, she got me right in. Wayne could not get off work to come with me so I had to go alone. The doctor also freaked at the size of the lump and scheduled … Continue reading