What Would You Change about Him?

Just because you are married and in love with your spouse does not mean that you must love everything about him. No two people can be so completely compatible that there is not one thing that they wish were a little different about each other. So now that you are settled with the fact that it is okay to not like something about your husband and you can still love him, can you answer this question? If you could change one thing about your husband, what would it be? Give some serious though to this question. The answer could tell … Continue reading

More about Relating to Your Man

I left off a discussion in which we were discussing how women relate to their men. In that discussion I described how some women are completely accepting of their man because his positive aspects outweigh his negatives. I also talked about how some women are very rejectful toward their husbands and how this can lead to marriage dissolvement. Some women combine the two above together and simply tolerate their man. Half of the time they accept him and his faults. The other half they reject him. This juggling back and forth between the two can leave both of you in … Continue reading

Relating to Your Man

One of the greatest challenges in marriage is learning to live with, deal with, and in some cases even tolerate your partner of the opposite sex. Both men and women can be heard with struggles and complaints about their mate. The two genders think differently, act differently, and feel differently. It is impossible to completely understand the feelings, thoughts, and emotions of your mate due to the difference in chemical make-up. There is no wonder why we must be understanding and work at relating to our mate. In this article I will focus mainly on the various ways that you … Continue reading

Learning to Read His Feelings

My last couple of articles have been talking about men and women and how they deal with unhappiness. Women tend to be much more open and expressive about their feelings than men. Men are often more misinterpreted than women. This misinterpretation can lead to the dissolving of a marriage. While it should be on the man’s priority list to open up more and try to express himself, women can also play a part in better communication. Women tend to let negative and personal feelings get into the way when reading their spouse. Not all of his actions are personal attacks … Continue reading

More about His Unhappiness

Previously I began discussing how I have heard of many men commenting that they were unhappy in their marriage for a long time before they ever decided to take action and have an affair or get a divorce. In many cases their deep unhappiness is often not known by others. In that same article I talked about how most women cannot go unnoticeably unhappy for any long length of time. Women are much more expressive with their feelings than men. They typically are more verbal about their feelings and give fewer little hints about what they feel. Men on the … Continue reading

Are You Hard to Please?

A recent show I was watching displayed a group of men discussing their marriages and relationships. In this conversation, the men were complaining that their women were impossible to please. They commented that no matter what it was that they did, it was never good enough. So are they right? Are women impossible to please? Do we always long for more? I should never admit it but I began thinking that perhaps they are right. I could visual a woman who would give anything for her husband to do something romantic just one night. She would be some overwhelmed and … Continue reading

How Wayne Welcomed His Mother-in-Law

Michele left a comment on the article I wrote about bringing my mom home with me to the effect “but at least you can take consolation in the fact that you have a great partner in Wayne.” She might have said this because in my article I explained how he was the one who first proposed bringing my mom to live with us before I even had a chance to ask him about it. A truer statement has never been made. Wayne is an amazing partner. And I think that’s such a key word. We are truly a team. We … Continue reading

Does Your Guy Like Chick Flicks?

If so, is he open about it or a closet chick flick fan? Or maybe a little of both? Open Fans One couple we’re friends with the husband actually seems to like chick flicks more than the wife. He’s not embarrassed at all about admitting he likes them. In fact, he’ll turn the tables on any guy who tries to shame him for it. He’ll say things like, “You don’t know how many great movies you miss if you don’t give them a chance.” Or, “Don’t fault me for being in touch with my feminine side. You should try it. … Continue reading

Do Certain Movies Make Your Husband Cry?

I have been asking Wayne (begging really) to take me to see Atonement for weeks now, and this weekend he finally did. He did not want to see this movie. For one, he doesn’t like “period” movies. Meaning most things set in the past. He especially hates anything set in the 1800s. (“I’m not watching any of that 1800 crap” is a favorite saying of his.) Atonement was not of 1800 vintage. It was set during the twentieth century, specifically around World War II. (World War II era films are acceptable in Wayne’s book.) But the other reason he dragged … Continue reading

Signs Your Husband’s Having an Affair…

…with a DVR. Before I list the symptoms, let me explain how I got us into this mess. Because it was me who agreed to bring this third party into our marriage. Oh yes, make no mistake about it. I purposely introduced him to this vixen. Don’t get me wrong. I wanted it just as bad as he did and I’m smitten with it too, but Wayne is really head over heals. The surefire signs he’s gaga for the DVR: 1. He set it up the moment he came home. (To save us money, I went to pick it up … Continue reading