Shady Husbands: Drew Peterson Reigns Supreme

Yesterday morning on Today they did yet another segment on Drew Peterson, the ex-police sergeant whose wife, Stacy Peterson, disappeared on October 28, 2007. This time it was about how he wants to start dating again. Say what? Not that this should be surprising. His actions ever since her disappearance have been anything except normal. But of them all, this one disgusted me the most. I guess he made some dumb comment about how he’ll never get a date again. In addition to wanting to say as sarcastically as possible, “Poor baby,” I also have the overwhelming desire to hop … Continue reading

Do Men with Sisters Make Better Husbands?

Wayne and I got to talking over the holidays about men and women and sometimes how hard it is for the one to read the other. He feels it’s easier for women to decipher men, but men are generally clueless about what makes women tick. And what ticks them off. And how to approach them when you’re in that dating phase. I was surprised to hear that from him. “You were nervous about talking to girls?” “Heck yeah! I didn’t know what to say to them. They were a complete mystery to me. You never knew what to expect or … Continue reading

Do You Baby Your Baby?

Once married or in a serious relationship, you will find a great difference in some of the actions and personalities of men and women. It will not take long to learn what inspired the idea for the book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. There is no hiding that men and women see some things differently. The same goes with how men and women treat their partners in a relationship. I think that there was once a country song about babying your baby. If I am correct the song referred to the man babying the woman. However, in … Continue reading

Wayne Mroch

As I wrote about in Am I a Ms. Or a Mrs.? I didn’t take Wayne’s last name when we got married, which is Pryor. Sometimes this causes confusion, but mostly on my end. For instance, people will address cards and invitations to Wayne and Courtney Pryor, or the Pryors, or some variation thereof. Which is perfectly fine. Sometimes they’re not aware my legal last name is Mroch. Even when they do and they still address me as Courtney Pryor I don’t take offense because I know they don’t mean any harm. They’re either just trying to be efficient, or, … Continue reading

My Husband’s Fascination with Cheaters

When I say “cheaters” I’m referring to the TV show Cheaters, which is all about just what its names implies: people being unfaithful to girlfriends/boyfriends, fiancés, and spouses. Suspicious lovers come to the producers with theories their significant other is being unfaithful, investigators are hired, and the suspected cheater is followed and their actions are documented on film. If the target is caught doing anything (which is almost guaranteed; I have yet to see a show where anyone was innocent), the evidence is then presented to the suspicious lover. Then it’s confrontation time, with cameras still rolling. Wayne loves this … Continue reading

National Men Make Dinner Day: Husbands, Hit the Kitchen!

Wayne’s not here to cook for me tonight, but if he was I’d make sure we honored this day. (Which, in case you didn’t know it, is National Men Make Dinner Day.) “Are you kidding me?” ‘Fraid not, sweetheart. We may be living in modern times, and some husbands do take on the task of cooking for their wives and families on a regular basis. But notice the use of the word “some.” Not “most.” That means there’s still a lot of men out there who enjoy the benefit of a wife-prepared meal and never raise a finger to help. … Continue reading

When He Compares You to His Mother…

The bond between a mother and a son is thought to be a very close one. The term “mama’s boy” is very popular and usually with good reason. I know my son is definitely one! I can imagine that it is very hard for a mother to see her son attached to another woman. Likewise, it can be hard for a man to grow accustomed to another woman. However, one of the hardest things that a woman can hear in a marriage is a comparison to her husband’s mother. Of course, meaning when the comparison is bad. When your husband … Continue reading

Husbands and Household Chores

We have all heard a very common complaint about husbands from their wives. Anytime a group of women get together for a social outing, the complaint can be heard. Women are overworked and under appreciated! Men, in general, do not do their fair share of housework. At one point in time, housework was though tot be the job of a woman. This I can agree with. Yes women I said it! However, at one point in time working outside of the house was thought to be a man’s job. So how come now women can work outside of the house … Continue reading

The Husband’s Having a Birthday (And It’s a Biggun’!)

This Friday Wayne hits a milestone: 40. Here’s what I had envisioned for his big birthday weekend: • Sabotaging the house the night before with balloons, streamers, banners and whatever other birthday decorations I could come up with so he’d wake up to birthday chaos. • Making a special breakfast of some sort. • Making his favorite dinner. • Making sure to have whatever desert he wants after. (He’s got a sweet tooth almost as bad as mine. However, where I’m predictable when it comes to cakes –give me chocolate!—he’s not so easy. He’s got a ton of favorite desserts, … Continue reading

Your Husband Needs …

Your husband needs you. That may sound simplified, but it’s what it is. Your husband needs respect from you. He needs caring from you. He needs love, compassion, and understanding and yes, sometimes he needs a kick in the pants. Your husband needs you and it’s not just about wanting and passion because they certainly have their place in a relationship. Your Husband Needs Respect We all need respect. Men and women alike look for it in their workplace. They look for it in their families. They look for it from their friends and from their children. We all need … Continue reading