When My Husband’s Stressed…

The picture isn’t Wayne, I just thought it was funny… Life is H E Double Hockey Sticks! I’m a work-from-home/stay-at-home wife and pet parent. I have been for about eight years now. It was a big adjustment for both Wayne and I in the beginning. I had always been a working woman, was raised to be such, and had never planned on becoming “the woman of the house.” But when Wayne and I moved from Phoenix to Jacksonville –a move I didn’t want to make–Wayne enticed (a.k.a. bribed) me with the prospect of fulfilling my lifelong dream. The deal: I … Continue reading

Husbands: Do You Have a Can Do Attitude?

We talked about wives nurturing their husbands and today, we’re going to talk to husbands about their attitude. A husband’s attitude can go a long way towards maintaining peace and harmony in the home. It’s important to recognize that many husbands head out of the house to work and are likely gone from 10 to 12 hours a day. As a wife who works from home, the time that my husband is home is precious to me and it can be a source of frustration when those work hours are extended by heading out with co-workers (team building days that … Continue reading

Flaws: Sometimes It’s the Imperfections that are the Most Endearing

As far as husbands go, Wayne comes close to being nearly perfect. He’s kind, considerate, and generous, but most of all he’s patient. Because as far as wives go, I’m more Lucille Ball than Martha Stewart. However, Wayne has his moments when his flaws shine so bright they’re blinding. He doesn’t have many of them, but the ones he does have…wow! They’re doozies! Flaw One: Mr. Whatever Being flexible is a good thing. Being able to go with almost any flow and have fun no matter the occasion or surroundings is an awesome trait. But when I need help deciding … Continue reading

My Husband is Pretty Great

It’s nice to say that – when you consider how often you hear complaints from married couples. A few years ago, we got into the habit of complimenting each other regularly. We try not to complain too much, but of course, complaints are inevitable. But today, I have no real complaints – because my husband is pretty great and over the last week or two, he’s been pretty phenomenal. It’s going to be all right. My Surgery He was worried about the surgery that I needed to undergo as much as I was. But he did a great job of … Continue reading

The Craziness of Black Friday

So my husband has never known that the day after Thanksgiving is called Black Friday. He’s also, magically somehow, escaped the Black Friday experience. I can’t really say much, last year was the first time that I ever went out willingly on the biggest shopping day of the year. In fact, I was at Target at 5 in the morning, drinking my coffee and reading my book waiting patiently with about 2,000 other people for the store to open. I buzzed through and I was out by 7 with all of my Christmas shopping for the kids done. This year, … Continue reading

A Note of Thanks: To My Husband

I’ve spent the last few days preparing for Thanksgiving and working with my daughter so that she understands how to say thank you and be thankful in all aspects of her life and not just at the big spread tomorrow. In that light, I want to say thank you for my husband. Let me tell you a little story of a little girl that didn’t dream about white picket fences and the house in suburbia. When I was growing up, through my pre-teen and teenage years, I remember wishing on eyelashes, on birthday candles and even on falling stars that … Continue reading

The Strength of The Ego

Did you know there are studies out there that indicate a man’s ego is not as strong as a woman’s? What the studies indicate is that if your husband were to have lunch with an ex-girlfriend in the general course of activities, you would be less likely to feel threatened by it. If you had lunch with an ex-boyfriend, your husband is more likely to feel threatened and intimidated by it. What Does Our Ego Do? Our ego is what plays host to our self-worth and our self-confidence. The male ego is considerably more fragile than the female ego because … Continue reading

10 Things She Needs From Her Husband

As a wife, we’re all different and we all experience different needs, but if you could generalize wives and you can – to a point because we’re all people and people have needs, then we can make a list of things that wives want from their husbands. So without further ado, here are 10 things that wives want: She wants to hear daily that she is loved – we all need affirmation whether it’s the words or the actions that let us know that we’re loved and cared for She wants conversation – when we’re wives and mothers, we may … Continue reading

Make Love Not War

When we’re married, we sometimes forget the old adage of making love and not war. A couple I know uses this phrase to help defuse bad situations between them. In fact whenever they begin to have a disagreement, argument or debate – they say this to themselves either internally or out loud to each other. I sat down with them recently to ask them a few questions and they agreed to answer them. Question: What is the phrase that you both use whenever you are disagreeing? Answer:: Make love, not war. My grandparents used to say that whenever my dad … Continue reading

What Husbands Want When it Comes to Sex

We know that all men, all women, and all relationships are different. However, there are common elements that exist in the majority of human relationships. So, while this might not pertain to every man or in every situation, it is an accurate assessment of what many husbands want from their sex lives. One of the most important things is spontaneity. This covers a lot of ground. It can mean that your husband would like you to get impulsive and initiate intimacy sometimes, as this is a very important issue for some men. It makes him feel sexy and wanted to … Continue reading