Where is My Wedding Ring?

How many of you have ever lost your wedding rings? If I could ask for a show of hands after that question I’m quite sure that there would be a few brave souls that would step up and be honest, admitting that they had, at one time or another, misplaced their wedding rings. The rest of youthat HAVE lost your wedding rings but don’t want to admit to it (and you know who you are!) should be ashamed. For those of you who admitted to losing your ring, I salute you! I’m also not even going to chastise you because … Continue reading

My Husband Makes Me a Better Person

Good evening and happy Saturday. I was talking earlier about my husband’s capacity to forgive. Now I want to honor him with the fact that not only do I admire his capacity to do so and not only do I find it fascinating how loving and caring he is of other people. He isn’t afraid to put himself out there and yes, he does get disappointed and sometimes he is hurt – but that doesn’t prevent him from doing it again and again. He Makes Me Better Trust is a difficult enough issue for me. Saying I’m sorry or admitting … Continue reading

I Hate It When My Spouse ….

You can insert your own personal quibble here, but today I want to share with you a personal story about something my spouse does that I can’t stand. I hope you’ll bear with me as this is not exactly a story that does me proud. I Hate It When My Spouse is So Forgiving Now you may think that I am an idiot to complain about the idea that my spouse is so forgiving. The ability to forgive is a wonderful thing. I actually admire it as much as I can’t stand it. That I have needed his forgiveness on … Continue reading

Does Your Husband: Do-It-Yourself?

My husband is a do-it-yourselfer – in fact, he’s such a do-it-yourselfer that we’ve clashed over household projects before to the point of building up resentment and irritation with each other. Because he’s a do-it-yourselfer and because we love each – we have come to the following agreements on the projects for both of us. Setting Boundaries Too often, do-it-yourselfers start a series of projects and fail to complete them all the way. So one of our standing rules is to finish each project before starting another, unless – as exampled last week – he took apart my recumbent bike … Continue reading

Things You Should Never Say to Your Wife

If your wife should ask you how she looks in a dress, never say: Chunky Monkey. If your wife should ask you how large a television you should buy, never say as big as it needs to be to see around your rear. If your wife should ask does this dress make me look fat, you should never say oh, it’s not the dress. If your wife should ask you about your anniversary, you should never say when is that? If your wife should ask you if you remember what today was, you should never say I didn’t know there … Continue reading

How To Get Your Husband to Clean Up

Getting your husband to clean up may seem like it would take an act of Congress with help from the National Guard, but there are ways to encourage better habits in your spouse. While this blog may talk about husbands, the following advice should be useful for both genders. It may seem like women are naturally neater, this is not always the case. He Constantly Leaves Things Lying Around the House The most common complaint a wife may have about her husband is feeling like she is looking after another child. It can be even tougher when the five year … Continue reading

My Spouse Hits Me – Can a Wife Abuse Her Husband?

Continue a rather downer of a theme from earlier today, I wanted to talk about spousal abuse. The most common form of spousal abuse involves a husband abusing a wife. However, a wife can abuse her husband and while this isn’t the most typical of cases, it can happen. How Can A Wife Abuse Her Husband? Abuse comes in many different forms. There’s emotional, mental and physical abuse. Women, who abuse, are more likely to use emotional and mental abuse tactics rather than physical, though they can also be physically abusive. Emotional abuse can begin as a form of emotional … Continue reading

House Husbands – Emasculated or Enlightened?

How many househusbands do you know? Consider it and don’t be surprised if you know a lot more housewives than you do house husbands. There’s a reason for it, our society doesn’t endorse the idea of husbands staying at home and being Mr. Mom. Just rent the Michael Keaton film to get an idea of the perceptions – weirdly enough – though that movie was made in the 1980s, the perception of househusbands has not changed all that much in 30 years. I know three couples that have househusbands where the wife goes to work and Dad brings up the … Continue reading

The Husband as Head of Household

In many marriages, even in today’s society, the husband is the head of the household. He spends his days working to support his family. He manages the home’s finances, takes care of the necessary repairs and provides a supportive and authoritative figure for the family to look up to. While many families have gotten to the point of splitting all responsibility between the spouses, some families still hold this dear to their way of life. There are benefits to it and there are many things that can happen because of it too. There are many things that are important to … Continue reading

Friday Funnies: Even More Bad Marriage Humor

The Bad Cupid A guy walks into a post office one day to see a middle-aged, balding man standing at the counter methodically placing “Love” stamps on bright pink envelopes with hearts all over them. He then takes out a perfume bottle and starts spraying scent all over them. His curiosity getting the better of him, he goes up to the balding man and asks him what he is doing. The man says “I’m sending out 1,000 Valentine cards signed, ‘Guess who?’” “But why?” asks the man. “I’m a divorce lawyer,” the man replies. Love Letters It seems there was … Continue reading