The Children Discussion

Last week I posted my recent rumination on whether or not I’m ready to have kids. Looking back, I realized that based on the tenor of my article it really belonged more in the parenting or pregnancy blogs. Why? Because it focused on me and my marriage is made up of two people. Today I’ll rectify that by going over what the discussions on the topic have been like for my husband and me. Jon and I didn’t talk about whether or not we wanted kids until we were engaged. Perhaps we should have done so sooner; what if we’d … Continue reading

Saving a Marriage

It seems like everywhere I turn lately, there are marriage problems…serious ones. Couples that you would never imagine considering divorce seem to be on that path. I recently met with a woman who had filed for divorce but then stopped it. She is willing, although very reluctantly, to give her husband a chance to work on his issues. They are serious, difficult issues. My heart feels for her. It is painful to see her pain. It would be easy for me to say, “Get out while you can.” But I tend to be of the mindset that you should first … Continue reading

Do You and Your Spouse Compete?

We’re human, so it’s only natural that we have a little bit of a competitive streak in us, right? I have to admit, I do enjoy beating Matt at a game of Words with Friends or Phase 10. He would definitely beat me in any kind of physical race or competition, so it’s only fair that I hold my own with board games, right? See, I knew you’d understand. But what about the need some husbands and wives have to constantly one-up each other? I’ve seen this happen, and it’s not pretty. Husband: I have a headache. Wife: Me too! … Continue reading

Written in the Stars?

Are you and your spouse compatible? I’m not talking about your personalities; I’m talking about your horoscopes. According to the Chinese Zodiac, your birth year will determine your compatibility with your spouse. Click here to find all the information you need to determine your sign and that of all your loved ones. I was born in 1976, which is the year of the dragon. Under the dragon heading, it says that I am compatible with a monkey or a rat, but not with an ox or a goat. Guess what year my husband was born? 1960. And that makes him … Continue reading

Home is Where the Heart is

This afternoon, I had the opportunity to do a book signing at our local Barnes and Noble bookstore. There were piles of authors there and I was having a great time visiting with them and with the customers, but then I saw my husband and kids walk in, and my heart just melted. What a good-looking family I have. How blessed I am to be so supported in the things I do and to come home to these incredible people. There are times when I’m not quite so grateful. I’ll confess to being utterly frustrated, downright perturbed, and through-the-roof stressed … Continue reading

If You Want Something Done Right …

We’ve all heard the adage, “If you want something done right, do it yourself.” It’s so true. No one can live up to our expectations. It’s not that our way is the most superior—it’s just that we want it done that way, and it’s hard not to get irked when you have an idea and you can’t get someone else to catch your vision. Nowhere is this more true than in a home situation. I’m a busy gal and I’m not always able to get the housework done that I would like, and so my husband, wonderful guy that he … Continue reading

Mediation While Married

Here’s an interesting concept….a divorce hotel. Apparently this is a venture created by a Dutch entrepreneur, where couples can stay in a luxury hotel and in just three days end their marriage without a lawyer. They come to terms through mediation. There is an interesting thing about mediation when you are divorcing. I can’t help but think if any couple is able to successfully pull this off, why can’t they do the same while married and then stay married? I can never understand those stories where couples get along great after they have split up. Or sometimes you even hear … Continue reading

Disagreements in Parenting

One area that is well-known to be a source of contention for many married couples is the raising of the children. Oftentimes couples come from different types of homes and take from that into their own parenting. If the couple has a completely different idea on how to raise the children, this can cause strife that lasts for years. It can also become part of the reason that a marriage falls apart. Surprisingly, this has not been a huge issue for my husband and me. Despite our vastly different upbringing, we have gone into our parenting with the same mindset. … Continue reading

The Superhero and the Damsel

Does your man feel like a superhero? Like he can do anything in your eyes? If you think about it, men like to believe they are conquerors. They like to be viewed as someone who can go above and beyond your expectations. They want to be seen as strong, the one who comes to the rescue. My husband does this in a number of ways. He can open any jar, fix just about anything in our house and can find solutions to virtually any problem. If he could don a cape, I think he might. While most men like to … Continue reading

Relationship Hero

How do you resolve conflicts with your in-laws? We have tried many different techniques to solve the relationship problems with my in-laws. The problems are not only with the mother in law or father in law but also with my husband’s siblings. The general consensus is that I am the whole problem, that his family has never done anything wrong. They say I am too sensitive and basically have mind control over my husband making him think and feel the way he does. It is both insulting and flattering that they think I am that powerful. I feel bad for … Continue reading