Fairness, Feminism, and Radical Feminism

A while back, I wrote about radical feminists (linked below). These women tend to be anti-tradition and extreme in their thinking. They feel that women are oppressed by being wives and mothers, yet they don’t mind oppressing women themselves to make sure women make the “right” choices. Right by whose standards? It is important to note the distinction between feminists and radical feminists. I don’t want anyone to think that I am wholly against feminism. While I do not consider myself a feminist –at least not by most definitions- I do agree that overall the women’s movement has been beneficial … Continue reading

Can Holding Hands with your Husband Reduce Anxiety?

Many women and men enjoy holding hands just as a form of affection, but most of us also realize that it can be a great source of comfort. However, a fairly new study indicates that when a woman holds her husband’s hand when confronted with a fearful or stressful situation, doing so can literally reduce her anxiety. It actually shows up on brain scans! It was a limited study, observing sixteen couples, conducted by Dr. James Coan this past December. Dr. Coan is a neuroscientist with the University of Virginia. His study is titled “Lending a Hand: Social Regulation of … Continue reading

New Wives Tales: Your Weight & Your Sex Life

Diminishing sexual appetites and a distinct lack of interest in sex can put a strain on even the happiest of marriages. There is an old saying that when a couple has sex, it’s only about 10% of their marriage, when they have no sex, it becomes 90% of their marriage. But for some women the underlying cause of their lack of interest is directly related to their own personal weight. Please, Hear Me Out Ladies, we all look in the mirror and if we don’t see that super-model body or at least the lean, gentle figure that we all possessed … Continue reading

Ladies, A Bad Relationship Can Cost You

We’ve talked about the benefits of being married. But did you know there is a toll on you when your relationship isn’t healthy and your marriage is bad? You are probably thinking that divorce is a pretty high cost. Yet there is a study that was done at the Ohio State University’s Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research that indicates that for women – a bad relationship can cost them in a variety of ways and can be extremely detrimental to their health. This Isn’t About Abuse Yes, we know that abusive relationships have very negative effects on your health. But … Continue reading

10 Things He Needs From His Wife

Yesterday, I talked about the 10 Things She Needs From Her Husband and I wanted to follow this up with the 10 Things He Needs From His Wife. Guides for husbands and wives are very generic in nature, but there is often a nugget of good information available for all of us in these lists. So even if not all of these apply to your husband, I would imagine that some of them do. Without further ado, here are the 10 things he needs from his wife: He needs her to believe in him and his capabilities, men believe that … Continue reading

Lonely Wives

Wives can be lonely for many reasons. Their marriage partner may be deployed or they may travel a great deal. It could also be that your partner has a very active social life with many friends and such. Some wives may not feel comfortable doing the same things as their husbands such as in rock climbing or other sports. If you are a lonely wife, there are ways to help you overcome the loneliness by enriching your own life – this can be good for you and your partner. Develop Your Own Social Life – Your husband cannot fulfill every … Continue reading

The Words and Wisdom of Gloria Steinem

Whether you agree with Gloria Steinem or not, her words are incredibly thought provoking. As a woman, a wife and a mother – I like the controversialist of her thoughts and statements. I like what they make me think about. In fact, I’m starting to think that I’m just an oddball because the more controversial and the more inflammatory the thoughts – the more I reaffirm my own beliefs and my own comfort level with my life and my choices in this life. Again, I’m probably just an oddball, but with this in mind. Here are some of my favorite … Continue reading

10 Things I Love About Being a Wife

I thought about this the other day, what makes being a wife so much better than being single and just living with someone? What’s better about being a wife than being a girlfriend? How do I weigh and measure my status as a wife? Is it a definition of who I am? Is it a role I play? Is it part of who I am? Well the answer to those questions is not a simple yes or no – at least not for me. But then I tend to be verbose in my verbiage, hence why I write blogs on … Continue reading

Cherish The One That You Love

Welcome to Friday, September the 15th. There are only 107 days left in the year. In most parts of the country, the days are cooling and the nights are cooler. We’re heading into the crisp days of autumn when the leaves begin to drift down from the trees to carpet the ground in the lovely colors of gold, red, orange and yellow. It’s a perfectly romantic time of year and as we head into snuggle weather and fireplace weather – let’s talk about cherishing our spouses. Back in April, I wrote a post about Celebrating Your Spouse. I wanted to … Continue reading

Marriage Mythology: The Perils of Pauline

Have you heard of the Perils of Pauline? Have you met this damsel in distress? While considered a stock character in fiction, I’ve seen her represented in real life as the woman who is constantly in need of rescue, not because she needs as dictated by the story, but because she wants to be. On the surface, she may seem smart, capable and strong, yet as she gets to know someone – she begins to actively generate the impression that she needs a big, strong man to rescue her. Basing Marriage and Marriage Expectations on the Myth This may sound … Continue reading