Are You a Good PR Person for Marriage?

As I was writing the blog for Christian families the other week, I thought that the same thing can be applied to marriage. Whether we like it or not others are watching the way we relate to each other. We may think people don’t take any notice but if we think that, we’d be wrong. Others and particularly our own children are watching closely to see how marriage works or how it doesn’t. What do they see? Do they see a marriage that is harmonious where decisions are made together? Do they see a division of chores and labor, so … Continue reading

Help for Living with an Unbeliever

Stephanie raised an interesting point in her article about being careful what you share with others. This is especially important in the case of an unbelieving spouse. A lot of damage can be done when the unlebelivign spouse finds out their situation is being talked about and prayed about by others. You may see it I as concern, but it can tend to make them feel they are being judged by you and those others and found wanting. Sop keep confidentiality and don’t divulge too much of your personal situation and relationship with your spouse. On the other hand, you … Continue reading

Help for Those Married to an Unbelieving Spouse- Part 2

Yesterday we looked at some ideas for what to do if married to an unbelieving spouse. Some others to consider implementing are: Be careful in what you share with your partner and how. Be careful in what you share with your partner and how. Yes, I think you should share your prayers and praise points with your spouse but, and it is a big but, don’t overwhelm them so they feel that is all you ever talk about. Sometimes Christians desirous of seeing someone they love come to faith have a tendency to jump in and want to turn every … Continue reading

What Can You Do If You Are Married to a Non Believer?

I am conscious after last week when Mick was sick and had to stay home from church, how hard is for those whose marriage partners are not believers. If your spouse is not a believer and you are, what can you do? These ideas are based on an article I read last year in Footprints magazine contributed by someone who is married to a non believer and some of my own ideas. Pray The first and best thing you can do is pray. You may not be able to change your spouse and convince them to believe but God can. … Continue reading

What Would You Give Up for Your Spouse?

I read a statistic yesterday that astounded me. It made me wonder what society is coming to. According to The Sydney Morning Herald, 70 percent of Victorians surveyed, (for those overseas Victoria is a state of Australia) would rather give up their partner than the internet. Excuse me? It made me think, what are you prepared to give up for your spouse. Are you prepared to give up your time to help them or to do something they want to do so you can be together? Are you prepared to give up family if your spouse wants to take a … Continue reading

When Trust Is Broken

What about when trust is broken or betrayed? Can trust be re-ignited? These were questions that came out of one of the comments on one of my recent blogs. Now I can’t answer that question because, thankfully, I have never been in that position. I can think there might be things I would not forgive and would find hard to trust again, but I don’t really know. The reality is none of us can really answer that question. We often think or say what we would or wouldn’t do in a certain situation, but when we are placed in the … Continue reading

Separate Bank Accounts and Marriage

Do you and your spouse have separate bank accounts? Do you think having separate accounts is a good idea in a marriage? One of the issues newly married or engaged couples face is whether or not to pool their money into one bank account or to to keep separate accounts. This is a tough decision to make. On the one hand, separate accounts can reduce stress in a marriage and somewhat protect the individual spouses should a divorce occur. On the other hand, separate accounts can cause, not reduce stress in a marriage. Separate bank accounts can help maintain financial … Continue reading

Handle Stress in Your Marriage

With high mortgages, job losses and the economic situation putting further stress on people, marriages are being affected. How do we cope with the stresses of life and the changes that occur? Some people have seen their future savings for a home or retirement on their investments in the stock market eaten into. Others are struggling day to day just to keep food on the table and the family clothed. I know what that one is like. We spent many years in that situation where experts told you to save but there simply wasn’t anything to save because we’d chosen … Continue reading

Marriage Isn’t Fashionable

‘Marriage isn’t fashionable. People these days are not keen on commitment.’ This was the assessment of an eighty year acquaintance recently. Is he right? Given the state of marriage in USA and many other countries around the world, one could suggest there’s an element of truth in those remarks. In fact I’d dare to suggest that even when people do marry there is often an element of that lack of commitment. I see it often in the forums, and as I hear others talking about marriage and life in general. There is a sense that some men and women are … Continue reading

Love, Honor and Obey?

The traditional words of the marriage ceremony require the woman to promise to ‘obey.’ Did you promise to obey? I didn’t. Our minister suggested ‘cherish.’ That’s what both of us did – we promised to love, honor and cherish. Why the difference and does it makes a difference? Promises are something that Mick and I take seriously and I couldn’t in all conscience to promise to obey. No, it wasn’t that I am a rampant feminist and against submitting to my husband, because I’m not. Obedience speaks more of a sense of duty rather than any other emotion. Cherish has … Continue reading