Is There a Right Way to Load the Dishwasher?

It seems it’s been eons ago now that Jade sent me a link to an article with the subject line “housework issues.” It directed me to an article entitled “Don’t let the dishwasher ruin your marriage.” It was about a woman who’s given up loading the dishwasher because, as she put it, “No matter how I load it, my husband comes after me and reloads it.” I didn’t have a chance to write about it then. (It was around the time my mom moved in with us.) Also, housework is one of those subjects that seemed to be covered pretty … Continue reading

Are Your Core Values the Same?

How did you go with three words to describe you and your spouse? Did you find it hard to choose just three? I did. For my husband I could have also added, loving, creative, clever (especially at fixing things and doing things with his hands which I am not) friendly, (people always enjoy talking to him and he can talk to anyone), down to earth and realistic. (I’m emotional and I’m a worrier. He’s neither.) Since we are so different how does that work out in our marriage? Fine. As Courtney said we compliment or balance each other. He keeps … Continue reading

How Well Do You Know Your Spouse? – A Quiz

I’m back with some more questions that’ll let you test how well you know your spouse. See how many of these you know right off the top of your head. And for those you don’t…“You’re welcome.” What’s that about? Because I just gave you something to talk to your spouse about this weekend. The Spouse Quiz 1. Do you know if they have a favorite color? If you answered yes, do you know what it is? 2. When was the last time your spouse ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? (Do they even like them? I always forget Wayne doesn’t…until … Continue reading

Is It Appropriate for an Ex to Attend Their Ex’s Funeral?

Yesterday I wrote about how my dad planned to attend my mom’s funeral. (Or, rather, I think the more appropriate term is memorial service since she wasn’t buried or otherwise interred anywhere after.) I had mentioned it to a neighbor and they expressed surprise. “Is that appropriate? I mean, they had divorced. Does he really have any right to go?” Same Reaction When Wayne’s mom showed up to his dad’s viewing I felt the same way. “Wow. She’s got some cojones.” I remember feeling both appalled and furious that she had the nerve to show her face. I mean, not … Continue reading

Funeral Arrangements: Loyalty to Dead Wife or New Wife?

In When Death Does You Part, Then What?, I wrote about the funeral arrangements disagreement Wayne and I’d had. Somehow I got to discussing this with one of my volleyball cohorts the other night. “But what if you die before Wayne and he remarries? What if his current wife wants to be buried next to him? Or what if it’s vice versa and your new husband wants to be cremated and mixed in with your remains and spread somewhere?” Now there’s an interesting question. It’s hard for me to imagine being remarried. It’s even more difficult to think of Wayne … Continue reading

Did You Make the Right Choice?

No one ever said that love and relationships were easy. In fact they are right the opposite. Romantic relationships and love can be very complicated. They can be full of questions and excitement and regret. One of the most common questions that goes through the mind of mate (but never spoken in words) is “Did I make the right choice?” While many ask the same question, they come up with very different answers. Some ask and answer “yes” without a doubt. Others go back and forth on whether or not their spouse was the right choice. Some question themselves before … Continue reading

Are You Really Best Friends?

How many times have you heard someone comment that their spouse is their best friend? I have heard it a lot. However in how many cases is it actually true? It seems that those words are just something that one says because they feel like they should. Many partners may say that they are best friends but in reality they do not treat one another like best friends at all. Many partners have much higher expectations, more jealousy, and greater demands of their mates than they ever would have for a friend. In addition they also typically give their mate … Continue reading

When Death Does You Part, Then What?

Have you and your spouse discussed your wishes for when death does you part? Wayne and I have. Sadly, extensively. I Coffin Shopped Till I Dropped (Literally) It all started when Wayne’s dad died. I went with him, his brother, and aunt to pick out a coffin. I freaked out. I had to leave the room full of caskets because I got so upset about the thought of being buried I nearly passed out. Cremation vs. Burial Later I told Wayne, “Whatever you do, don’t bury me. I don’t want to be put in a box.” “But I want you … Continue reading

To Replace an Engagement Ring or Not, That is the Question

Recently I wrote about how I broke my engagement ring. I dreaded telling Wayne what had happened, and if he hadn’t been home when I came home after making the discovery I might have held off on telling him. However, tears were streaming down my face as I brought the bags in from Target and Publix. I couldn’t contain them. It was pretty obvious something was wrong. I had no choice but to spill the beans then and there. Predictable Reaction As I knew he would be, he was pissed. “Can’t you ever take care of anything? Is it really … Continue reading

Could Wives in Arranged Marriages be Happier?

We seldom hear any mention of arranged marriages in our society. Were someone try to make these arrangements for their child, it is very likely that some type of authority would be contacted for a form of abuse. However one study did find that women who are in arranged marriages are actually happier than women in marriages with men that they selected for themselves. The study found that women in an arranged married are much more realistic when it comes to dealing with romance and love and thus they can more enjoy the person that they are with. These women … Continue reading