Little Einstein DVD

Trying to decide on the best DVD for your child can be challenging. With so many different options on the market, you obviously want something that adds educational value, not just color and fluff. After reviewing a number of DVD’s, I came across one called Little Einstein, which is perfect for preschool age children. This particular video runs for a little over an hour and being produced by Disney, you have the confidence knowing it is age appropriate. The Little Einstein – Our Huge Adventure is interactive, combining real footage along with music, art, and animation. The result is an … Continue reading

Nursery Tap, Hip to Toe – Volumes 1 and 2

Today, the market is flooded with various media options for children. One of the most exciting new collections to come along is called the Nursery Tap, Hip to Toe – Volumes 1 and 2. What makes these volumes so unique is that they were actually choreographed by a professional producer/director. Rather than just another video children watch, these videos are interactive, meaning to each of the 30 nursery rhymes, children have the opportunity to learn various forms of dance to include hip hop, tap, and ballet. Each actor on the video wears a colorful costume while using a number of … Continue reading

Education with BabyPro

Today with our society focuses to much on violence, sex, and bad language, which is why we see parents making major changes specific to what their children view at home. Instead of watching cable or satellite channels with graphic content, the number of sales for educational DVDs is on the rise. A number of companies have realized the need for quality, educational resources for children, which has resulted in a new and exciting trend. As a parent, you have a large selection of DVDs that focus on the developmental issues of your child but one I wanted to address specifically … Continue reading

Blockbuster vs. Netflix

Ever since Jaime Egan posted her blog about renting DVDs online, I’ve been curious to give it a try. I didn’t do it right away because we were in the midst of selling the home we were living in and I didn’t want the hassle of changing addresses and what have you, so I put it off and frankly forgot about it. But about two weeks ago, within days of each other, I received flyers in the mail from both Blockbuster and Netflix. “Ah!” I said to myself, in the same tone of voice one would use to say, “Eureka!,” … Continue reading

Blue’s First Holiday

I have the perfect suggestion for a holiday video for your child. “Blue’s First Holiday” allows your child to share the magic of the holidays with everyone’s favorite dog — Blue. This DVD has four episodes, including two from the VHS video “Blue’s Big Holiday.” I am sure that it will become a holiday favorite for your child as it has become with mine. Blue’s First Holiday Spend a wonderful holiday with Joe, Blue, and the rest of the gang as they watch home videos to find out when their story began. Follow the time when Steve first met Blue … Continue reading

Liken the Scriptures: Daniel and the Lions

“Liken the Scriptures” introduces a new series starring Devin, a six-year-old boy who is learning about the scriptures in this DVD entitled “Daniel and the Lions.” Devin and his sisters have been left in the care of their grandfather while their parents go on a week-long cruise, and he misses his parents too much to want to say his prayers. This concerns his grandfather, who tells him that prayer is the perfect way to stop feeling sad. He then tells Devin the story of Daniel, and Devin of course imagines everything he sees. Renowned singer George Dyer stars as King … Continue reading

Liken the Scriptures: Esther and the King

With this third installment in the Amelia series, “Liken the Scriptures” tells us the story of Esther, one of my all-time favorite stories from the Bible. Amelia wants to invite her butler to church, but can’t work up the courage to do it. Every time she walks up to talk to him, she chickens out. She turns to her mother, wondering what she can do to feel stronger. Her mother tells her the story of Esther, to show Amelia what the power of fasting can do. Esther, as told to us in the book by the same name, was a … Continue reading

Liken the Scriptures: The First Christmas

In this installment of the “Liken the Scriptures” series, we learn about Christmas. As a newly baptized Mormon, Amelia is new to Christianity and is still learning much about the religion. Christmas time is coming and she has her heart set on a new baby doll, one that is just like a real baby. As her parents prepare for the holiday, they tell her about a family in the neighborhood that is struggling financially, and they ask for her cooperation in giving this family a Christmas. Amelia doesn’t know if she really wants to give up some of her gifts … Continue reading

Liken the Scriptures: David and Goliath

On today, Veteran’s Day, we pay tribute to those men and women who have given of themselves to fight for our freedom. I’d like to also pay tribute to those who fight for our religious freedom. David of the Bible did both. In the first Bible-based movie in the Liken the Scriptures lineup, Spencer has finished reading the Book of Mormon from cover to cover, and he feels pretty good about it. But then he gets a phone call from the stake president, asking if he’ll give a talk in stake conference about his experiences reading the Book of Mormon. … Continue reading

Liken the Scriptures – Ammon and Lamoni

In this installment of the Liken the Scriptures Gold Series, we find Spencer struggling through the Book of Mormon, trying to understand it but not making much headway. His older brother McKay brings home a CD with music his mother objects to, but McKay doesn’t see why it’s so bad. He goes upstairs to find Spencer waiting for him with questions about the story of Ammon, and he takes the time to explain it to his little brother, who of course uses his imagination to bring it all to life. Ammon is on a mission in the land of the … Continue reading